Composer Gustav von Aschenbach travels to Venice for health reasons. There, he becomes obsessed with the stunning beauty of an adolescent Polish boy named Tadzio who is staying with his family at the same Grand Hôtel des Bains on the Lido as Aschenbach.

Nikolas je odhodlaný nájsť svojho otca a ocitne sa v čarovnej krajine, kde stretne elfov a svoj osud. Domov sa vracia s darom nádeje.

Strawberry Shortcake has a dream of fresh new fields of berry bushes - enough for everyone. But when the greedy Peculiar Purple Pieman rolls into Strawberry Land, he decides to steal Strawberry's dream - and everyone else's dreams too. In order to stop the Purple Pieman and his evil plan, Strawberry and her friends must travel to the Land of Dreams. Along the way, these special friends learn the value of working together to make dreams come true.

Andy sa na naliehanie svojho bývalého mentora a majiteľa Magic Camp Roya Prestona vracia ako poradca do tábora svojej mladosti v nádeji, že znovu naštartuje svoju kariéru.

Addison travels with a picky billionaire as an assistant in her brother's place so he doesn't lose his job. She clashes with the billionaire until both start to see more in each other than they thought.

A mummified corpse has been found by workers who were knocking down a wall. Ariane Sallès and Gaspard Lesage are in charge of the investigation.

Thirty-something Elizabeth must decide whether to salvage her disappointing relationship with Drew. Meanwhile, Bea, a worrisome teenager, reconnects with her introverted childhood friend, Andy, at their high school prom. Past and present collide as two couples explore love over the course of one night at a hotel.

Jenny McLeanová je slobodná matka pracujúca na tiesňovej linke, ktorá sa snaží vyjsť s peniazmi a vychovať svoje dve deti, Elsie a Lukea. Aj keď sa stále ešte spamätáva z rozvodu, Jenny si nemôže pomôcť, a začne flirtovať, keď dostane tiesňový hovor od Jeffa, miestneho hasiča. Ale keď dostane hlásenie, že Jeff bol zranený pri požiari, je rozhodnutá konečne sa s ním stretnúť tvárou v tvár. So zlomenou nohou a prísnym zákazom chodiť potrebuje Jeff byt na prízemí, kde sa môže zotaviť. Jenny sa zhodou okolností práve snaží prenajať svoju izbu pre hostí, aby si privyrobila nejaké peniaze. Po tom, ako sa od Jeffovho kamaráta, bývalého požiarnika Buddyho dozvie, ako v hasičskej službe zomrel jeho otec, a po tom ako dostane tiesňový hovor od policajta z víru automobilovej naháňačky, ktorá končí smrťou, si Jenny naplno uvedomí, aká nebezpečná je Jeffova práca. Musí sa rozhodnúť, či jej rodina zvládne žiť s týmto rizikom, aby do nej opäť vstúpila láska...

Hoci ide len o letmé náhodné stretnutie vo výťahu v jednu nepochybne magickú noc, dôjde medzi dvoma príťažlivými cudzincami - nádejnou dizajnérkou Wendy a sympatickým Adamom - k rovnako prekvapivému, ako nádhernému bozku! Smoliarka Wendy by možno aj bola ochotná uveriť, že sa jej to všetko iba prisnilo, no na druhý deň na Adam natrafí v tom istom opäť. Jej srdce začne biť o čosi rýchlejšie - čo ak jej tým osud chce niečo povedať? No vzápätí ju čaká dosť tvrdé pristátie v realite. Zistí totiž, že Adam práve ide za svojou priateľkou - a tou nie je nik iný, ako Wendyina rázna šéfka Priscilla.

Romance novelist Liam Bradley (Dylan Bruce) has already found massive success with three books written under the pen name Gabriel August, but he's mysteriously unknown to his legions of readers. With his first book written as a way to heal after a broken relationship, Liam has slowly become disheartened with writing strictly for romantic fantasy, something evident to a sweet, but honest, journalist who reviews books, Sophie Atkinson (Amy Acker), whom he meets by chance on a plane. The two begin a tentative relationship in Sophie’s home town of Portland, Oregon, where Liam has come to find inspiration for his newest entry. Liam’s agent puts him on the spot with a long-planned reveal of Gabriel August’s true identity, but Sophie doesn’t know of his public persona. The longer Liam avoids telling her the truth, the deeper a hole he digs for himself. Will their romance survive once his true identity comes to light?

Shop owner Alice Chapman is nervous to meet her future in-laws at Christmas, especially because she is arriving ahead of her new fiance Will Mitchum. Alice's trip becomes more stressful when her luggage is lost and her phone is damaged, leaving her no way to find Will's family!

As their first year of high school looms ahead, best friends Julie, Hannah, Yancy and Farrah have one last summer sleepover. Little do they know they're about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Desperate to shed their nerdy status, they take part in a night-long scavenger hunt that pits them against their popular archrivals. Everything under the sun goes on -- from taking Yancy's father's car to sneaking into nightclubs!

Je štvrtého júla av malom prímorskom mestečku v Severnej Karolíne sa študenti lúčia s bezstarostnou mladosťou. Krásna Helen dnes večer získala titul kráľovnej krásy maturitného ročníka a to je dôvod na poriadnu oslavu s najbližšími priateľmi na opustenej morskej pláži. Keď sa potom Helen, Julie, Barry a Ray vracajú vypožičaným BMW do mestečka, zrazí na opustenej prímorskej ceste záhadného chodca v gumovom rybárskom plášti. Vďaka krvavým zraneniam nevidí do jeho tváre a zdá sa, že neopatrný nešťastník je mŕtvy. Čo snívam? Po krátkej hádke sa priatelia rozhodnú hodiť jeho telo do oceánu. Až na móle ale zistí, že tajomný muž ešte stále žije. Napriek tomu sa ho definitívne zbavia a prisahajú, že si svoje strašné tajomstvo odnesú do hrobu. No po roku sa im život obráti naruby.

Thirty-something Hillary Burns has spent her life trying to get the approval of her parents, in the shadow of her more successfully-attached siblings. So when Hillary's fiance, workaholic lawyer Jason King, dumps her because she isn't willing to relocate for his potential promotion, she panics because she had been promising to bring him home to meet her expectant family, whom she does not want to let down! As a last-minute idea, her best friend Sophie convinces her to actually hire someone to "play the role" of Jason for her return home on Thanksgiving.. leading to an interesting combination of sparks & revelations for all involved.

Hard-working bakery owner Kate Holiday, has more cookie orders than she has time to fill this holiday season, and when her boyfriend suddenly breaks up with her, any shred of Christmas joy she was hanging onto, immediately disappears. After Kate hangs the last ornament on the tree and goes to bed, she awakens the next morning to a little bit of Christmas magic. She gets the surprise of her life when Chip, a handsome soldier who may or may not be the Nutcracker Prince from Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker,” appears in her living room.

Four Londoners are inseparably linked by their wartime experiences. In a time when the barriers of sexuality and social convention have been broken down, they enjoy a freedom never experienced before.

From the producers of 'Bowling for Columbine', 'Fahrenheit 9/11' and 'Generation Iron' comes 'The Hurt Business' which examines the rise of mixed martial arts fighting through the eyes of today's top stars.

Gina and Seth have been pen pals for 13 years and now will have the chance to meet. Both used their best friends pictures to send to each other and now will let their friends meet. True love is found in the end for all.

Things couldn't be going better for Harry and Grace, a young New York City couple in love, until Grace's mother turns Harry's world upside down.

Everyone hates Ward’s wife and wants her dead, Ward most of all. But when his friends’ murderous fantasies turn into an (accidental) reality, they have to deal with a whole new set of problems — like how to dispose of the body and still make their 3 p.m. tee time.