Stāsts par leģendāro britu rokgrupu Queen un viņu līderi Frediju Merkūriju. Dibināta un savos pirmsākumos pastāvējusi tāpat kā daudzas citas muzikālās apvienības, grupa Queen drīz kļūst par īstām rokenrola ikonām, bet viņu dziesmās ieklausās miljoniem fanu visā pasaulē. Filmas darbība aptver 15 gadu periodu – no grupas dibināšanas līdz triumfālajam koncertam festivālā Life Aid.

Dienvidkorejā izplatās zombiju vīruss, un vienīgā pilsēta, kura spējusi atvairīt vīrusa uzbrukumu, ir Pusana. No Seulas uz Pusanu dodas vilciens, un tā pasažieriem jācīnās par izdzīvošanu.

Ārzemēs dzīvojošs amerikānis cenšas pārdot savu marihuānas impēriju, un te valda viss, kas vien var būt saistīts ar narkobiznesu: šantāža, kukuļdošana, izspiešana un dažnedažādas viltīgas shēmas.

Itāliešu zvejnieki no Vidusjūras izvelk tik tikko dzīvu cilvēku. Viņš cieš no atmiņas zuduma, un vienīgā norāde par viņa personību ir bankas konta numurs, kas iespiests uz kapsulas, kura implantēta viņa ķermenī. Lai gan viņam nav ne jausmas par savu pagātni, viņam piemīt vesela virkne neparastu dotību cīņas mākslās, valodniecībā un pašaizsardzībā, kas liek domāt, ka līdzšinējā dzīve bijusi saistīta ar briesmām un risku.

Woody has always been confident about his place in the world and that his priority is taking care of his kid, whether that's Andy or Bonnie. But when Bonnie adds a reluctant new toy called "Forky" to her room, a road trip adventure alongside old and new friends will show Woody how big the world can be for a toy.

Ray and Ken, two hit men, are in Bruges, Belgium, waiting for their next mission. While they are there they have time to think and discuss their previous assignment. When the mission is revealed to Ken, it is not what he expected.

Postapokaliptiska šausmu filma par ģimeni, kura dzīvo noslēgtu dzīvi pilnīgā klusumā - nāves bailēs no kāda nezināma ļaunuma, kas uzglūn tiem un uzbrūk pie mazākās skaņas.

A husband and wife have been married for 50 years. For her birthday, the husband asks the wife what she wants for her birthday present. She replies that she wants a divorce. The wife's divorce announcement sends the entire family into chaos.

Faced with an unplanned pregnancy, sixteen year old high-schooler, Juno MacGuff, makes an unusual decision regarding her unborn child.

Light Yagami finds the "Death Note," a notebook with the power to kill, and decides to create a Utopia by killing the world's criminals, and soon the world's greatest detective, "L," is hired to find the mysterious murderer. An all out battle between the two greatest minds on earth begins and the winner will control the world.

Dzīvot Bārbijlendā nozīmē dzīvot perfektā pasaulē, ja vien nepiedzīvojat eksistenciālu krīzi vai neesat cilvēks ar vārdu Kens.

Cilvēki noveco tikai līdz 25 gadu vecumam un turpina dzīvot saviedrībā, kur visi norēķinās ar laiku. Nopelnot dzīves stundas, dienas un gadus, ir iespējams ar laiku norēķināties par precēm vai izmantot laiku, lai dzīvotu. Vils - jauns, nabadzīgs vīrietis sastop svešinieku, kas no rīta tiek atrasts miris. Viņa kontā esošie gadsimti tagad pieder Vilam, kurš pat nenojauš kas noticis. Tomēr policija par ir uz pēdām tieši viņam.

Emak-Bakia (Basque for Leave me alone) is a 1926 film directed by Man Ray. Subtitled as a cinépoéme, it features many techniques Man Ray used in his still photography (for which he is better known), including Rayographs, double exposure, soft focus and ambiguous features. The film features sculptures by Pablo Picasso, and some of Man Ray's mathematical objects both still and animated using a stop motion technique.

The lifelong friendship between Rafe McCawley and Danny Walker is put to the ultimate test when the two ace fighter pilots become entangled in a love triangle with beautiful Naval nurse Evelyn Johnson. But the rivalry between the friends-turned-foes is immediately put on hold when they find themselves at the center of Japan's devastating attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.

Almost a decade has elapsed since glam-rock superstar Brian Slade escaped the spotlight of the London scene. Now, investigative journalist Arthur Stuart is on assignment to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic Slade. Stuart, himself forged by the music of the 1970s, explores the larger-than-life stars who were once his idols and what has become of them since the turn of the new decade.

Šis ir stāsts par to, kā bākas uzrauga Toma Karija un Atlantīdas karalienes Atlannas dēls Arturs Karijs kļuva par supervaroni vārdā Akvamens. Būdams pa pusei cilvēks, pa pusei atlantīdietis, Arturs jau pusaudža vecumā bija neticami ātrs un spēcīgs, spēja elpot zem ūdens un sarunāties ar zivīm. Kad viņa pusbrālis Atlantīdas karalis Orms piesaka karu virsūdens pasaulei, Arturam neatliek nekas cits, kā cīnīties pret ļauno radinieku.

Afro Samurai avenged his father and found a life of peace. But the legendary master is forced back into the game by a beautiful and deadly woman from his past. The sparks of violence dropped along Afro’s bloody path now burn out of control – and nowhere are the flames of hatred more intense than in the eyes of Sio.

A failure as a teacher and a familyman, Shinichi tries to escape everyday live by dressing up as the superhero "Zebraman". Although the TV series was canceled after only 6 episodes, this cannot stop him from acting out his escapist fantasy in a self made zebra-suit. He gets more then he could ever wish for when his black-and-white dressed alter-ego seems to be the only thing to stand between absolute (green) evil and a happy ending.

Kad kādas Manhetenas daudzdzīvokļu mājas divkājainie iedzīvotāji dodas savās gaitās, viņu mājas mīluļu diena var sākties. Viņi mēdz ciemoties viens pie otra, skatīties TV vai paklačoties par saviem saimniekiem un labākajiem paņēmieniem, kā tikt pie našķiem. Terjera Maksa ierastā ikdienas rutīna pajūk, kad viņa saimniece Keitija kādu vakaru atved mājās milzu suni vārdā Grāfs.

A nerdy teen, Ryan Woodman is smitten with the popular and gorgeous Ashley Grant, who apparently has no interest in him. Meanwhile, dim star athlete Chris Campbell has his eye on Ryan's brainy and beautiful friend, Maggie Carter. The two agree to help each other in their romantic quests, but, as they come closer to their goals, both Ryan and Chris suspect that they might be pursuing the wrong girls.