With no clue how he came to be imprisoned, drugged and tortured for 15 years, a desperate man seeks revenge on his captors.

Tonijs Lips, mazizglītots bāra apsargs itāļu apdzīvotā rajonā Ņujorkā, saņem piedāvājumu kļūt par melnādainā pasaules līmeņa pianista doktora Dona Šērlija šoferi koncertturnejā no Manhatanas līdz pat Dienvidu štatiem. Viņi dodas braucienā, ņemot līdzi ceļvedi, kurā atzīmēti tie retie iestādījumi, kas ir droši afroamerikāņiem. Ceļojuma laikā viņi saskarsies gan ar rasismu, gan ar negaidītu cilvēcību, un, par spīti abu atšķirīgumam, abu starpā uzplauks patiesa draudzība.

When disillusioned Swedish knight Antonius Block returns home from the Crusades to find his country in the grips of the Black Death, he challenges Death to a chess match for his life. Tormented by the belief that God does not exist, Block sets off on a journey, meeting up with traveling players Jof and his wife, Mia, and becoming determined to evade Death long enough to commit one redemptive act while he still lives.

Aizraujošs, episks trilleris, kas ved skatītājus pagātnē un ienirst cilvēka unikālajā prātā. Stāsts par zinātnieku un viņa pasauli satricinošo izgudrojumu, un ģenialitātes augli. Filmas pamatā Pulicera balvas ieguvēju Kaja Bērda un Mārtina Dž. Šērvina romāns “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer” par Dž. Roberta Openheimera, dēvēta arī par ‘atombumbas tēvu’, dzīvi.

Ītans Hants (Toms Krūzs) un viņa komanda uzsāk savu līdz šim visbīstamāko misiju: atrast un iznīcināt šausminošu jaunu ieroci, kas apdraud visu cilvēci, pirms tas nonācis nepareizajās rokās. Kad uz spēles ir likta visas pasaules nākotne, un Ītana pagātnes tumšie spēki tuvojas, sākas skrējiens uz dzīvību un nāvi apkārt pasaulei. Sastopoties ar tik noslēpumainu un visvarenu ienaidnieku, Ītans ir spiests uzskatīt, ka nekas nevar būt svarīgāks par viņa misiju – pat viņam tuvāko cilvēku dzīvības.

A husband and wife detective team takes on the search for a missing inventor and almost get killed for their efforts.

A wealthy New York investment banking executive hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he escalates deeper into his illogical, gratuitous fantasies.

Nick and Nora Charles investigate when Nora's cousin reports her disreputable husband is missing, and find themselves in a mystery involving the shady owners of a popular nightclub, a singer and her dark brother, the cousin's forsaken true love, and Nora's bombastic and controlling aunt.

In the French harbor city of Le Havre, fate throws young African refugee Idrissa into the path of Marcel Marx, a well-spoken bohemian who works as a shoe-shiner. With innate optimism and the tireless support of his community, Marcel stands up to officials pursuing the boy for deportation.

High society sleuths Nick and Nora Charles run into a variety of shady characters while investigating a race-track murder.

Told in flashback, Depression-era bum Dan McGinty is recruited by the city's political machine to help with vote fraud. His great aptitude for this brings rapid promotion from "the boss," who finally decides he'd be ideal as a new, nominally "reform" mayor; but this candidacy requires marriage. His in-name-only marriage to honest Catherine proves the beginning of the end for dishonest Dan...

Society sleuths Nick and Nora Charles investigate a murder in a jazz club.

A young man returns from Rome to his sister's satanic New York apartment house.

A criminal lawyer's wife is blackmailed when she is falsely accused of infidelity.

Young history buff Kevin can scarcely believe it when six dwarfs emerge from his closet one night. Former employees of the Supreme Being, they've purloined a map charting all of the holes in the fabric of time and are using it to steal treasures from different historical eras. Taking Kevin with them, they variously drop in on Napoleon, Robin Hood and King Agamemnon before the Supreme Being catches up with them.

Kamēr policijas psiholoģe cenšas viņu atrunāt no šī nodoma, tiek organizēta viena no vērienīgākajām dimantu zādzībām…

Kitschy musical remake of "Bachelor Mother". Debbie Reynolds plays an over-eager clerk in a large department store and Eddie Fisher plays the boss' son. After getting fired from her job, she finds an adorable baby on the steps of the foundling home and the folks inside mistake her for the mother. Fisher, well-meaning, but obtuse, tries to help her out with the baby, and the buds of romance begin to appear. Meanwhile old Merlin, the owner of the store, thinks he just might be a grandfather...

When a Hollywood star mysteriously disappears in the middle of filming, the studio sends their fixer to get him back.

Tina Shepard, a telekinetic teenage girl, accidentally unchains Jason from his watery grave, allowing him to go on another killing spree in the area.

The war against the Bugs continues! A Federation Starship crash-lands on the distant Alien planet OM-1, stranding beloved leader Sky Marshal Anoke and several others, including comely but tough pilot Lola Beck. It's up to Colonel/General Johnny Rico, reluctant hero of the original Bug Invasion on Planet P, to lead a team of Troopers on a daring rescue mission.