Kolya is an ordinary guy: video games, rap and friends. The last thing he cares about is the future. Until one day, he gets into the future himself. And everything is not easy there. The Earth coalition won the intergalactic war and lives quite happily, only the leaders of the defeated pirate forces are secretly preparing a new offensive. To do so, they need to go back in time and change the course of history, and Kolya unwittingly becomes their tool. But most importantly, Kolya meets Alisa, a girl unlike anyone else.

In 17th-century France, Father Urbain Grandier seeks to protect the city of Loudun from the corrupt establishment of Cardinal Richelieu. Hysteria occurs within the city when he is accused of witchcraft by the sexually repressed Sister Jeanne.

The true story of one man's mission to give inner city kids of Washington DC something he never had - a future. After being incarcerated for eighteen years, Eugene Brown established the Big Chair Chess Club to get kids off the streets and working towards lives they never believed they were capable of. This is his inspirational story.

Diego, a Venezuelan urbanist, and Elena, a contemporary dancer from Barcelona, move to the United States with their approved visas to start a new life. Their intention is to boost their professional careers and start a family in 'the land of opportunities'. But upon entering New York airport's immigration area, they are taken to the secondary inspection room, where border officers will subject them to an unpleasant inspection process and a psychologically grueling interrogation.

Bobis Trenčas (aktorius Denzelis Washingtonas) yra specialusis Kovos su narkotikais skyriaus agentas, valdžios nurodymu bandantis infiltruotis į narkotikų kartelį. Markusas Stigmanas (akt. Markas Wahlbergas) yra buvęs jūrų pėstininkas, siekiantis to paties tikslo. CŽV sumanyta taip, kad nei vienas iš jų nežino apie tikrąją kolegos tapatybę. Vienos operacijos metu, bandant iš narkotikų prekeivių nusukti stambią pinigų sumą, aplinkybės susiklosto itin nepalankiai ir pareigūnams-apsimetėliams tenka sprukti. Blogiausia, kad juos medžioja ne tik mafija, bet ir jų pačių kolegos - mat Bobio ir Markuso vadovai pabūgsta, kad visa istorija iškils į viešumą ir nutaria neigti bet kokias sąsajas su į bėdą pakliuvusiais savo operatyvininkais. Valdžiai norint juos įkišti į kalėjimą, o mafijai - pakišti po žeme, Bobis ir Markusas neturi kitos išeities kaip tik pasitikėti vienas kitu. Suvieniję jėgas jie nusprendžia ne būti medžiojamaisiais, o tapti medžiotojais.

The premise of four young men out to celebrate the end of their school exams has great promise as comedy material, a promise that is far from realized in this banal, unevenly paced, run-of-the-mill attempt at a supposedly funny story.

Thomas was once renowned as a young tennis prodigy, but never had the career he hoped for. At 37, despite his declining physical fitness and shattered knee he decides to compete in the intense qualifying rounds of the French Open at Roland-Garros for one last attempt at glory. Although his wife Eve and mother Judith advise him to give up, Thomas obsessively pushes forward. He will have to fight his own demons and will ultimately face a determined young player who reminds him of his younger self.

When her idolized twin sister Audrey dies in a car accident, Laurel decides to take her place. But, as she eases into the life she has always wanted, she must decide between continuing the lie or revealing herself.

Carlos is a respectable man, the most prestigious tailor in Granada, Spain. His life is reduced to work and his main hobby is eating; but not just anything.

On one of his bratty son Eric's annual visits, the plutocrat U.S. Bates takes him to his department store and offers him anything in it as a gift. Eric chooses a black janitor who has made him laugh with his antics. At first the man suffers many indignities as Eric's "toy", but gradually teaches the lonely boy what it is like to have and to be a friend.

Dublin teenagers Matthew, nihilistic Rez, and the deranged Kearney, leave school to a social vacuum of drinking and drugs, falling into shocking acts of transgression.

Medical student Ted Grey graduates at the top of his class and quickly joins an elite pathology program, whose top students invite him into their circle. There he uncovers a gruesome secret: They play a game in which one tries to commit the perfect, undetectable murder, then the others compete to determine the victim's cause of death.

Krišas ir jo mokslininkas tėvas turi išgelbėti pasaulį nuo blogojo Kaalo ir jo žmogąžvėrių mutantų armijos, kuriai vdovauja negailėstingoji Kaja. Ar jiems pasiseks? Ir kaip?

With Christmas approaching, a struggling single mom finds herself working as a department store Santa Claus, as a real-life angel delivers good fortune and the possibility of holiday romance.

As single mom Grace juggles work, bills, and her affair with a married doctor, her daughter, Ansiedad, plots a shortcut to adulthood after finding inspiration in the coming-of-age stories she's reading for school.

Tam, kad būtų įvykdytas idealus apiplėšimas, reikia daug patirties ir kelių mėnesių pasirengimo. Beje, patirtį ir pasirengimą galima kompensuoti lyderio įgūdžiais ir komanda žmonių, kurie turi paranormalių gebėjimų.

Three middle aged brothers is living home in a Godforsaken skiing resort in the northernmost part of Sweden and sees their life change when their father dies, and the mother going off on a holiday to Spain.

Striptizo šokėja Betė Reimer Las Vegase susipažįsta su lošėju ir kortų sukčiumi Dinku. Dinkas pasiūlo merginai tapti jo asistente ir iš lošimo praturtėti. Betė sutinka ir netrukus porai pradeda beprotiškai sektis. Vis dėlto Betė padaro neatsargų statymą – ji įsimyli Dinką. Jei apie šiuos jausmus sužinotų Dinko žmona, buvusi šou žvaigždė Tulip, ji be gailesčio susidorotų su konkurente ir sėkmingasis Betės ir Dinko tandemas iširtų. Ar pasiseks Betei šiame pavojingame meilės trikampio žaidime?

Pitka – amerikietis berniukas, paliktas prie Indijos šventyklos vartų ir išaugintas šventų žmonių: sielos vadovų, kitaip vadinamų guru. Suaugęs Pitka sugrįžta į tėvynę – Jungtines Valstijas. Pasaulį žmonių, apsėstų paviršutiniško savęs tobulinimo ir sielos ramybės paieškų. Paklausa visokio plauko sielovadininkams didžiulė, tad Pitka netrunka susikurti „meilės guru“ reputaciją. Poros bando išsaugoti santuoką, vienišiai ieško antrosios pusės – ir visiems jiems Pitka padeda. Tikrasis išbandymas ateina, kuomet guru paprašomas „sulipdyti“ atšalusią žinomo ledo ritulininko ir jo žmonos santuoką. Žmona, kerštaudama vyrui, susitikinėja su jo varžovu – kitu ledo ritulininku, tuo tarpu nelaimingas vyras tėra blankus savo paties šešėlis ir kelia pavojų, kad jo komanda nepasieks iškeltų tikslų NHL lygoje. Užduotis Pitkai – sutaikyti porelę, kad mėgaudamasis šeimynine laime, ledo ritulininkas atvestų savo komandą į visų laukiamą pergalę.

When Englishman Jonathan Harker visits the exotic castle of Count Dracula, he is entranced by the mysterious aristocrat. But upon learning that the count has sinister designs on his wife, Mina, Harker seeks help from vampire slayer Van Helsing.