Fernando Fernán Gómez (1921-2007), actor, writer, playwright and film director, was for decades one of the most important figures in Spanish culture. His close friends and relatives reveal another facet in which he stood out above all: that of being an excellent conversationalist, capable of hypnotizing and seducing those who listened to him.

Monica is 13 years old and has already created her own world, on the street, where she fights courageously to defend what little she has: her friends, her boyfriend, who sells drugs, and her dignity and pride that makes no concessions to anyone. On Christmas night, like every night, she sells roses to make a living. But life brings her a new appointment with loneliness, poverty, drugs and death.

A collage-like, incisive look at the life of writer, painter and thinker David Wojnarowicz, whose powerful, unapologetic way of seeing the world gave voice to queer rights at a critical time in US history.

A man walking on the fields encounters an alien visitor from outer space.

When a meteor carrying a destructive plant strikes the world, a suicide squad is given hours to save their post-apocalyptic city from total collapse.

Three elite North Korean sleeper agents live under cover for so long that they believe their cover stories are their real identities. They are shocked when they are ordered to kill one another or face death at the hands of an elite hit team.

Uma década após a morte de um profissional famoso da televisão, um jovem ator recorda a correspondência que trocou com ele e o impacto que essas cartas tiveram nas vidas de ambos.

When a flyover in the city becomes the hotbed of accidents, a young reporter decides to investigate the issue. Her quest for an answer would lead her into a web of intrigue, murder and mystery.

Em Flicka, uma adaptação contemporânea de Minha Amiga Flicka, famoso livro de Mary O'Hara, Katy McLaughlin, uma garota de 16 anos, sonha em continuar a tradição de sua família trabalhando no rancho de seu pai, no Wyoming dos dias de hoje. Mas o pai de Katy deseja uma outra vida para ela: quer que ela vá para a faculdade. Um dia, Katy encontra uma linda égua selvagem, à qual ela dá o nome de Flicka ("linda garota" em sueco), e decide domá-la. Mas Flicka e Katy são mais parecidas do que ela poderia imaginar.

Durante o começo do movimento operário o idealista Johnny Kovak descarrega carga para a companhia de caminhões Consolidated. Após um quase início de greve, Kovak acreditou ter feito um acordo, mas no dia seguinte tanto ele quando seu grande amigo Abe Belkin foram demitidos.

A polícia de Chicago, ao investigar um acidente, descobre que as impressões digitais do ferido confere com as impressões digitais de um suspeito por duplo assassinato. Assim Mark Sheridan, o acidentado, preso no hospital e providenciada sua remoção para Nova York, onde aconteceu o crime. Mas durante o vôo (no qual há outros detentos) uma tentativa de fuga provoca a queda do avião e o implicado nas mortes em Nova York consegue fugir. Samuel Gerard, um experiente agente, encarregado de recapturá-lo, mas em pouco tempo fica claro que o fugitivo não um mero assassino e que uma intricada trama se esconde atrás da "versão oficial".

Filmmaker and art theorist Dr. Francisco J. Ricardo delves into the creative mind of the multi-faceted James Franco in this innovative documentary or film essay. As the two converse on Franco's thoughts and process in executing some of his early experimental art and film work, the viewer is privy to these art pieces, some of which were rarely seen outside of a film festival or art show.

A strange mortician tells four horrific tales to three drug dealers that he traps in their local funeral parlor.

A U.S. Army Captain uses her years of tactical training to save humanity from sixteen nuclear missiles launched at the U.S. as a violent attack threatens her remote missile interceptor station.

The climate change has released an ancient rabies virus trapped in the Antarctica ice. A female scientist tries to get to the laboratory to create a cure to save the world, protected by an eccentric and two members of the special forces.

A woman is taken to a mysterious clinic whose patients have a mental disorder in which their memories and identities are disintegrating as a result of a strange environmental accident.

Estudantes universitários decidem se inscrever nos testes farmacêuticos de uma nova droga contra alergia. Mas logo descobrirão que essa experiência não será tão fácil quanto pensavam.

In the future, Earth is overcrowded and the population relies on distant bases to be fed. In the Saturn 3 station, Major Adam and the scientist Alex, who is also his lover and has never been on Earth, have been researching hydroponics for three years in the base alone with their dog Sally. Captain Benson arrives Saturn 3 with Hector, incapable to controlling his emotions he transfers his homicidal tendency and insanity to Hector. Now Major Adam and Alex are trapped in the station with a dangerous psychopath robot.

Ex-cop Thomas Malone is serving a life sentence for a crime he didn’t commit. He is offered a chance at freedom if he can survive a deadly game of Apex, in which six hunters pay for the pleasure of hunting another human on a remote island. He accepts, and once he arrives, all hell breaks loose.

It is in a small popular district that the pot of the Eurogagnant, 124 million euros, is won - But who is the lucky winner?