Cea de-a treia parte a faimoasei saga semnate Spielberg/Lucas urmărește doi Indiana Jones. Junior și Senior. Povestea e plasată în 1938 și îi duce pe cei doi prin America, Europa și Orientul Mijlociu în căutarea Sfântului Graal, un artefact amenințat să intre pe mâinile naziștilor.

The biggest problem of the 19-year-old high school student Jana is the relentless everyday-life and time. She don't want to think about the remaining time until the next event. For her own interests, she prefer to use the time as she would like. But she becomes the victim of her own strategies..

Șoferul de autobuz Stan Butler acceptă să se căsătorească cu Suzy, spre suferința mamei, a ginerelui ei, Arthur, și a fiicei Olive. Cum, se întreabă, se vor descurca vreodată fără să vină banii lui Stan? Apoi Arthur este concediat, iar Stan este de acord să amâne nunta. Între timp, el prinde o idee: Arthur ar trebui să învețe să conducă un autobuz. Cumva face exact asta, ba chiar primește un loc de muncă. Stan îl șantajează apoi pe managerul depozitului să-i dea slujba de șofer pe noul autobuz Special Tours, care face bani. O idee grozavă... dacă inspectorul nu l-ar fi dus pe Stan în cursa sa de probă la Windsor Safari Park

Singer, songwriter, business man, family man, civil rights activist: Sam Cooke transcends all barriers of race, faith and talent. This first-ever biography of the definitive soul singer looks at his extraordinary career and personal life - from his gospel-singing roots through his R&B and pop music career.

Following a nervous breakdown, ski athlete Jomar has isolated himself in a lonely existence as the guard of a ski park. When he learns that he might be the father of a child way up north, he sets on a strange and poetic journey through Norway on a snowmobile, with 5 liters of alcohol as sole provisions. On this trip through amazing arctic landscapes, Jomar seems to do everything in his power to avoid reaching his destination. He meets other tender and confused souls, who will all contribute to push Jomar further along his reluctant journey towards the brighter side of life.

A rare mutation has occurred within the vampire community - The Reaper. A vampire so consumed with an insatiable bloodlust that they prey on vampires as well as humans, transforming victims who are unlucky enough to survive into Reapers themselves. Blade is asked by the Vampire Nation for his help in preventing a nightmare plague that would wipe out both humans and vampires.

Following a mysterious car accident in the desert, Dafne suffers from post-traumatic amnesia. Jake, the first person she sees when she regains consciousness, tells her he's her husband.

After his son dies, an elderly man comes back to Spain from the US and hopes to find out which of his granddaughters is true, and which one is bastard.

Cursă mortală 2 își are acțiunea în viitorul apropiat, în momentul în care economia Statelor Unite ale Americii începe să cadă și un lanț violent de crime începe să iasă de sub control. Populația, atrasă într-un lanț de criminalitate, se grupează în asociații care creează o subcultură împotriva legii coordonată de găști, criminali cu sânge rece și sociopați. Cea mai periculoasă dintre acestea este Terminal Island. Criminalul Carl Lucas intră în Terminal Island pentru a-și ispăși pedeapsa pe viață, la fel ca și personalitatea din lumea media September Jones, prin lansarea reality-show-ului Death Race. Death Race le oferă câștigătorilor premiul suprem – libertatea – numai dacă pot supraviețui ca să se bucure de ea. Când Lucas se înscrie ca șofer, se creează premisele unui concurent legendar.

Documentary about the world of the African driver ant, a sinister army of 20 million sisters which thrives by ravaging the forest, killing every thing it can pin down.

The lives of Alma (Araceli Gonzalez) and Leo (Pablo Echarri) did not seem destined to cross. She, a baker in the mouth, with her ​​family and her boyfriend Mario since adolescence. The, an architect with secure wedding date with Valeria. One night, fate brought them together and this unexpected encounter will not go unnoticed. Both Alma and Leo not be fidgety to what happens between them.

When Derek moves to a new town and discovers a shortcut through the woods to his high school, he learns about a crazy old man who lives near its path: Legend has it that he abducted a group of teenagers years ago. Ignoring the warning, Derek and his friends set out to uncover the dark secret that's buried deep in the woods. But will they survive to tell it?

An animated archive of imaginary monsters written by a fictitious mosterologist in Medieval Europe.