This impressionistic portrait of the 1964 Tokyo Summer Olympics pays as much attention to the crowds and workers as it does to the actual competitive events. Highlights include an epic pole-vaulting match between West Germany and America, and the final marathon race through Tokyo's streets. Two athletes are highlighted: Ethiopian marathon runner Abebe Bikila, who receives his second gold medal, and runner Ahamed Isa from Chad, representing a country younger than he is.

Filmas “Rītdienas robeža” darbība norisinās tuvā nākotnē, kurā citplanētieši ir uzsākuši iznīcinošu uzbrukumu Zemei. Cietuši sakāvi visās līdzšinējās kaujās, pasaules valstu armijas apvienojas izšķirošajam uzbrukumam. Virsnieks Viljams Keidžs ir armijas zinātnieks, kurš nav piedalījies nevienā kaujā līdz brīdim, kad tiek pazemināts rangā un nosūtīts doties uzbrukumā. Viņš tiek nogalināts dažu minūšu laikā pēc uzbrukuma sākuma, bet pēkšņi atmostas dienu pirms savas nāves. Keidžs nokļūst neizskaidrojamā laika atkārtošanās ciklā, piespiežot viņu atkal no jauna doties zaudētajā kaujā un mirt.

Good Witch Cassie Nightingale is back to her bewitching ways, but this time she’s also juggling a newborn daughter and her job as town Mayor. With such a busy schedule she and her husband, town sheriff Jake Russell, aren’t getting much sleep. Hoping for a break, Cassie plans a much needed vacation with her new family. But things go awry when a crime wave sweeps through town and an investigative reporter tries to ruin Cassie’s image after a video of her magically disappearing turns up on the internet. To make matters worse, Cassie’s estranged foster mother appears in town and Cassie’s stepdaughter is suddenly accused of the recent robberies. Supported by her loyal family and friends, Cassie must rely on her signature charm to put a stop to the rumors before they completely destroy the town, and a Good Witch’s reputation!

When Bond's latest assignment goes gravely wrong, agents around the world are exposed and MI6 headquarters is attacked. While M faces challenges to her authority and position from Gareth Mallory, the new Chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee, it's up to Bond, aided only by field agent Eve, to locate the mastermind behind the attack.

'J' tells the story of a man who lives an isolated life before encountering a woman that will open up, for a while, his controlled world. In 'J', time is at first an internal condition and, as the story unfolds, the effect of a mysterious mirror, where solitude is a condition of space itself and nearness and love are but a position of an impossible witness. Can space hold all the memories of a life without witnesses?

Worker's quarters on Vida Pregarc Street, Ljubljana: a house originally built to accommodate construction workers has storeys, three entrances, and as a result of the privatization process, nineteen owners. The fates of its residents vary...

An aggressive police officer tries to solve the mystery behind consecutive murders. While doing so, he must fight against his inner demons.

On their home planet of Cybertron, the Autobots and Decepticons are involved in an explosive battle over the coveted AllSpark. With the fate of the universe at stake, the Autobots send it far from the reaches of the ruthless Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. But there are even more surprises in store when it crash-lands on Earth.

Annikai apnikusi mammas mūžīgā bāršanās, savukārt Tomijam tas, ka tiklīdz ir jauka diena, mamma grib piespiest viņu strādāt un neļauj rotaļāties ar Pepiju. Tā nu bērni nolemj aizbēgt no mājām. Viņiem par prieku un mammai par mierinājumu, bēgļu gaitās pievienojas arī Pepija. Ceļā viņus pārsteidz vētra un viņi paliek bez transportlīdzekļa, toties iepazīstas ar īstu pauninieku un viņa neparasto izgudrojumu. Piedzīvojumi nošķir draugus no Pepijas, un tad, kad uz galvas līst lietus, vēders kurkst un kož skudras, un nav neviena, kas palīdz, viņi saprot, ka labprātāk tomēr būtu mājās. Vēlāk draugi atkal satiekas, Pepija izglābj kādu zemnieka dēlu no traka buļļa un cirkā uzvar Stipro Augustu. Kopā draugi uzbūvē lidmašīnu un atgriežas mājās, ko nu jau spēj novērtēt daudz vairāk.

A behind the scenes look at the making of 'Alien'

Jean-Claude is a loud-mouthed, know-it-all and full time boor who is best friends with Stef, a self-styled lady killer who would do better with the fairer sex if he could work up the ambition to wake up in the morning. Stef has decided that he may need some help in finding the woman of his dreams, and embracing loyalty rather than logic he turns to Jean-Claude for advice.

ASV Kongresa nama drošības darbinieks Džons Keils dodas uz darba interviju Baltajā namā, jo viņa sapnis ir strādāt Prezidenta apsardzes dienestā. Saņēmis atteikumu, viņš nespēj par to paziņot meitiņai, kura viņu gaida aiz durvīm. Tomēr abi iešmauc tūristu grupas barā, kas apmeklē Balto namu. Šī ekskursija drīz vien pārtop murgā, jo tieši todien teroristi sāk uzbrukumu prezidenta mītnei un pašam prezidentam. Keils ir nokļuvis īstajā vietā un īstajā laikā, lai pierādītu savu gatavību aizsargāt prezidentu, taču kaut kur šajā namā atrodas arī viņa meita.

Benny and Claire, a down-on-their-luck couple, find a discarded Chitauri weapon referred to as 'Item 47'.

Eyüp decides to cross mount Ararat looking for his aunt in Yerevan after following a madman's words. His aunt has also been expecting someone to come from behind this mount for many years. Eyüp cannot be sure about the woman he finds behind the blue door, whether it is his aunt or not because they can't understand each other.

This film finds Angélique in a North African Muslim kingdom where she is now part of the Sultan's harem. The first part of the film consist of her angrily refusing to be bedded as well as their trying to literally beat some sense into her. It all seems to go on too long and I was surprised that the Sultan simply didn't have her killed. Late in the film, she finally decides to escape with the help of two Christian prisoners.

Stāsts par trīs mīlasstāstiem un trīs pāriem, kas risinās trīs dažādās pilsētās-Romā, Parīzē un Ņujorkā.

A small West Virginia town is hosting the legendary Mountain Man Festival on Halloween, where throngs of costumed party goers gather for a wild night of music and mischief. But an inbred family of hillbilly cannibals kill the fun when they trick and treat themselves to a group of visiting college students.

When DEA agents are taken captive by a ruthless South American kingpin, the Delta Force is reunited to rescue them in this sequel to the 1986 film.

A current of thought unites the three episodes in a coherent way, embodied with few elements, and that makes of space, time, and movement, purely cinematographic modes of expression. Voice is not needed. Yes there are sounds, music, but not human voices, as in primitive cinema. There are faces, slow or fast movements, despair, fatality, a barely glimpsed horror, desire and fear of freedom. There is also love, perhaps as an illusion, rather than as a reality.