The first rule is that there are no rules. For the bare-knuckle combatants competing in Musangwe fights, anything goes - you can even put a curse on him. The sport, which dates back centuries, has become a South African institution. Any male from the age of nine to ninety can compete. We follow a group of fighters as they slug it out in the ring. Who will be this year's champion?

A woman strangely breaks up with her boyfriend. But when her roommate comes home to spend a good time with her boyfriend, things can get insanely dangerous since she's on a breakdown of all sorts, leading to a descent of madness and tragedy.

О том, что Гриша и Полина любят друг друга, уже знает вся деревня. Скрывать свои чувства и поздно и глупо - так думает Полина, а Гриша пока еще не решил, кто для него важнее - старые дружки или эта девчонка, которая даже не может постоять за себя.

On the eve of Halloween, 1938, CBS radio reported UFO's in the skies over the United States. That same night, two notorious criminals escaped the maximum security prison at Macatawa... They were never seen again. Apple Jack is a high brow story about low brow people caught in a divine intervention

A journalist has to interview a blind photographer.

Fall Line isa 1981 short documentary directed by Bob Carmichael. It is about a recent development of extreme skiing, climbing to the top of one the peaks in the Grand Tetons and skiing down the extreme slopes. It follows one skier, Steve Shea, who had a exciting dangerous trip down. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.

A man and his female helper lather a blindfolded woman's naked body with various foodstuffs.

Today is the day Hélène emancipates herself from her ungrateful family… Hélène is a rich housewife who has dedicated her life to her perfect house, children and husband. Today is her birthday, but at her party she’ll make a gift to herself… Revenge!

Главный герой фильма - врач "Скорой помощи" Анджей Сенницкий, которого после бурной супружеской ссоры покидает жена. Анджей скрывает от коллег причину, по которой он остался в городе во время отпуска. Во время визита к больному он знакомится с молодой девушкой по имени Гражина, с которой завязываются близкие отношения. Между тем жена, бунт которой оказался кратковременным, неожиданно возвращается к Анджею. Он вовремя понял, что любит жену, а увлечение Гражиной мимолетно, и он, порвав с ней, примиряется с женой.

Два друга, Аникет и Адарш росли в одной семье как братья. После окончания колледжа Аникет уезжает на учебу за границу. Вернувшись домой, Аникет узнает о смерти отца, погибшего от рук наемных убийц. Долг братьев найти заказчиков убийства и покарать их.

Based on a horrific case occurred in Mardin, a Southeastern Anatolian city in Turkey.

Luxor Spawndroth uses "Hypno-Hack by Micro-Harsh" (the first name in villainous software) to send Cypher and young student Riley Watson back to their old lifestyles of unkindness.

Two best friends confront the possible end of their relationship as they walk home from a party.