A young photographer's home is haunted by it's former residents.

Lazy, uneducated male students mostly coming from money, share a very close band. They live together in the dormitory of this private highschool, where they daily plan their latest pranks on teachers or the other classes. Because of the financial crisis, the headmaster agrees to enroll female students. As the new students try to fit in, a struggle between both parties start, trying to prank the other part away. The prank war continues until PE-Teacher decides to take the class out on a trip for a becoming scouts.

Bus driver Stan Butler agrees to marry Suzy, much to the anguish of Mum, her son-in-law, Arthur, and daughter Olive. How, they wonder, will they ever manage without Stan's money coming in? Then Arthur is sacked, and Stan agrees to delay the wedding. Meanwhile, he hits on an idea: Arthur should learn to drive a bus. Somehow he does just that, and even gets a job. Stan then blackmails the Depot Manager into giving him the job of driver on the new money-making Special Tours Bus. A great idea ...if only the inspector hadn't taken Stan on his trial run to the Windsor Safari Park

Set in late 19th century Canton, this martial arts film depicts the stance taken by the legendary martial arts hero Wong Fei-Hung against foreign forces' plundering of China.

Having conquered the Asian underworld, crime boss Don sets in motion a plan that will give him dominion over Europe.

Mikael Blomkvist, publisher of Millennium magazine, has made his living exposing the crooked and corrupt practices of establishment Swedish figures. So when a young journalist approaches him with a meticulously researched thesis about sex trafficking in Sweden and those in high office who abuse underage girls, Blomkvist immediately throws himself into the investigation.

A recently widowed, now single father struggles to raise his sixth-grade son with autism. The pressure of his job and coping with the loss of his wife proves to push him nearly to the breaking point.

A young man talks to his psychiatrist about strange visions he has been having in his dreams.

Opaki vlasnik kockarnice Willy Bank (Al Pacino) nije ni sanjao da sreća nije na njegovoj strani kad je prevario prijatelja i mentora Dannyja Oceana Reubena Tishkoffa (Elliott Gould), zbog čega je Reuben završio u bolničkome krevetu. No Bank se zeznuo. Možda je onesposobio jednog od Oceanovih 11, no ostatak bande ostao je na nogama i sada imaju zajednički cilj: uništiti Banka u noći njegova najvećeg trijumfa, velikog otvorenja nove kockarnice prikladnog naziva 'Banka'. Strategija ima dva dijela. Prvo će ga uništiti financijski i dokazati da nije istina da kuća uvijek dobiva. No to je samo novac. Glavna su meta Bankov ponos: jedini je vlasnik hotela čiji su svi hoteli nagrađeni nagradom Pet dijamanata. Plan je zamršen, opasan i gotovo nemoguć: no ova ekipa nema granica.

Pohlepa, osveta, svjetska dominacija i visokotehnološki terorizam - sve je to u dnevnom radu za Bonda, koji je u misiji da zaštiti lijepu nasljednicu nafte od zloglasnog terorista. U utrci s vremenom koja kulminira dramatičnim obračunom podmornica, Bond radi na smirivanju međunarodne borbe zbog koje je svjetska opskrba naftom u opasnosti.

Victor je desna ruka šefu mafije Alphonsu, koji se suočen s problemom prijetećih pisama i smaknuća članova njegove bande. Darcy, Viktorov prijatelj koji također radi za Alphonsa, postaje opsjednut pronalaskom ubojice kako bi se dodvorio Alphonsu i osigurao bolji položaj u organizaciji. Usred svih tih događaja, Victor upoznaje Beatrice, tajanstvenu Francuskinju koja živi sa svojom majkom Valentinom, u zgradi preko puta Victora. Kako Beatrice sve više privlači Viktora, on shvaća da ona uopće nije žena kakvom se čini, nego žrtva zločina koja traži osvetu i za to joj je potreban upravo Viktor. No i ona ubrzo otkrije da i Viktor traži osvetu za smrt svoje supruge i kćeri. Kad se ovo dvoje povrijeđenih ljudi opsjednuti osvetom spoji, njihova međusobna kemija i intenzivna veza navode ih na strašan plan za osvetu.

Četvrti nastavak iz serije „Terminator“ prati odraslog Johna Connora u njegovu pokušaju organiziranja ljudskog pokreta otpora, što bi mogla biti posljednja prava nada čovječanstva u borbi protiv strojeva.

8mm film by Swiss artist Roman Signer.

Snow White asks the seven dwarfs for help, because if they don't manage to find out the name of a little boy (Rumpelstiltskin) within two days, her newborn child will be taken away from her. The journey takes the dwarves to a depressive, rhyming Pinocchio and the omniscient wizard Helge, among others, and all the way to the world of humans.

Mrak filma vraća se s najsmješnijim nastavkom dosad! Mrak film 4 okupirat će vaše male ekrane parodijom hitova poput "Rata svjetova", "The Grudge," "The Village," "Saw" and "Saw II," "Million Dollar Baby" i mnogih drugih. Legendarni redatelj komedija David Zucker ("Airplane!," "Goli pištolj", "Mark film 3," i "Ruthless People") i producent Bob Weiss udružili su se ujedinjujući elemente posljednjih hitova, glazbe, nedavnih događaja, pop kulture i i poznatih zvijezda. Anna Faris i Regina Hall vraćaju se kao ljupka i tupava Cindy Campbell i njezina samoživa i pohotna prijateljica Brenda – udružene ovoga puta s Craigom Bierkom ("Cinderella Man") kao slatkim, ali bedastim Tomom Ryanom. Zajedno se bore da spase svijet od nemilosrdne najezde svemiraca.

Manay Po tells the story of Luz, a small time jeweler who dreams of making it big so as to provide a better life for her family. Her life revolves around her brood of three, namely, Oscar, Orson and Orwell and her live-in boyfriend Gerry. With the help of her good friend and maid Maritess, Luz was able to raise her children normally despite the absence of a husband. In spite of her children's questionable sexualities, their family paints a picture of a happy family - a home filled with laughter and unconditional love.

This follow-up to the George Romero/Stephen King-launched anthology series features five new tales of horror and a wraparound. The main stories deal with alternative realities ("Alice"), possessed communication devices ("The Radio"), vampires and serial killers in lust ("Call Girl"), mad inventors ("The Professor's Wife"), and hauntings from beyond the grave ("Haunted Dog").

8mm film by Swiss artist Roman Signer.

It’s difficult to pass down a language as complex as that of the Kiowa Tribe–but that doesn’t stop its members from trying to do just that. This experimental documentary short combines audio captured from language lessons with breathtaking shots of the Great Plains.

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.