شهرى در مرز امریکا و مکزیک. بازرس ویژه‏ ى مواد مخدر دولت مکزیک با «هنک کوینلین» ( ولز )، کارآگاه امریکایى خلافکار و در شرف بازنشستگى درگیر می‏شود...

وقتی جسد پیشخدمتی به نام «ترزا» (گیدلی) در ایالت واشینگتن پیدا می شود واف بی آی، مأمور ویژه اش، «چستر دزموند» (آیزاک) و همکار جوانش، «سام استنلی» (ساترلند) را برای تحقیق به آن جا می فرستد.

When virtually all of the residents of Piedmont, New Mexico, are found dead after the return to Earth of a space satellite, the head of the US Air Force's Project Scoop declares an emergency. A group of eminent scientists led by Dr. Jeremy Stone scramble to a secure laboratory and try to first isolate the life form while determining why two people from Piedmont - an old alcoholic and a six-month-old baby - survived. The scientists methodically study the alien life form unaware that it has already mutated and presents a far greater danger in the lab, which is equipped with a nuclear self-destruct device designed to prevent the escape of dangerous biological agents.

«فرانک وایت» (واکن)، سردسته ی یک باند قاچاقچی مواد مخدر به تازگی از زندان آزاد شده است. «فرانک» که به واسطه ی فساد و انحطاط جامعه، به مرد ثروتمندی تبدیل شده، تصمیم می گیرد دینش را به شهر ادا کند و تصمیم می گیرد یک بیمارستان عمومی چندین میلیون دلاری در یکی از فلاکت بارترین محله های بروکلین احداث کند اما با پیدا شدن سر و کله اراذل و اوباش «فرانک» دوباره آن خون خوار قبل می شود . . .

In the mid-1980s, the U.S. is poised on the brink of nuclear war. This shadow looms over the residents of a small town in Kansas as they continue their daily lives. Dr. Russell Oakes maintains his busy schedule at the hospital, Denise Dahlberg prepares for her upcoming wedding, and Stephen Klein is deep in his graduate studies. When the unthinkable happens and the bombs come down, the town's residents are thrust into the horrors of nuclear winter.

After a top-secret experiment misfires, a scientist may be the only man left alive in the world.

When the Sun begins to expand in such a way that it will inevitably engulf and destroy the Earth in a hundred years, united mankind finds a way to avoid extinction by propelling the planet out of the Solar System using gigantic engines, moving it to a new home located four light years away, an epic journey that will last thousands of years.

Video game expert Alex Rogan finds himself transported to another planet after conquering the video game The Last Starfighter, only to find out it was just a test. He was recruited to join the team of best Starfighters to defend their world from the attack.

Three days into his Miami honeymoon with needy and unsophisticated Lila, Lenny meets tall, blonde Kelly. This confirms his fear that he has made a serious mistake and he decides he wants to be with Kelly instead.

Dr. Bock, the chief of medicine at a Manhattan hospital, is suicidal after the collapse of his personal life. When an intern is found dead in a hospital bed, it appears to Bock to be a case of unforgivable malpractice. Hours later, another doctor, who happens to be responsible for another case of malpractice, is found dead. Despondent, Bock finds himself drawn to Barbara, the daughter of a comatose missionary.

A doctor uses special eye drops to give himself x-ray vision, but the new power has disastrous consequences.

A mysterious artifact unearthed below a London subway station proves to have powerful psychic effects on the people around.

A university professor, confident that everything which occurs in life has a rational explanation, finds his beliefs severely challenged when, during a vacation to a remote coastal village in Norfolk, he blows through an ancient whistle discovered on a beach, awakening horrors beyond human understanding.

Arizona ants mock the food chain on their way to a desert lab to get two scientists and a woman.

A brain surgeon marries a femme fatale, causing his life to turn upside down. Things go more awry when he falls in love with a talking brain.

Some college students manage to persuade the town's big businessman, A. J. Arno, to donate a computer to their college. When the problem- student, Dexter Riley, tries to fix the computer, he gets an electric shock and his brain turns to a computer; now he remembers everything he reads. Unfortunately, he also remembers information which was in the computer's memory, like Arno's illegal businesses..

A mad genius tries to bomb the world into peace.

A simple man is turned into a genius through the application of computer science.

When an unknown military force invades Bushwick, a Brooklyn neighborhood, young student Lucy and war veteran Stupe must rely on each other to escape and survive.

افرادی سعی می‌کنند که دولت آمریکا را نابود و رئیس جمهور را سرنگون کنند اما …