Nedidelis miestelis prie JAV ir Meksikos sienos pažymėtas blogio antspaudu. Šiuo antspaudu pažymėti ir pagrindiniai šio niūraus trilerio herojai. Visų pirma Meksikos narkotikų skyriaus agentas Migelis Vargas, kuris iš įstatymų besilaikančio vyro ir policininko tampa kerštingu bepročiu, jo dora žmona Siuzan, nusikaltėlių apsvaiginta ir panardinta į narkotikų transo būseną ir amerikiečių policininkas Hankas Kuinlanas, kuris pardavė savo sielą velniui dėl naudos.

Marty, a butcher who lives in the Bronx with his mother is unmarried at 34. Good-natured but socially awkward he faces constant badgering from family and friends to get married but has reluctantly resigned himself to bachelorhood. Marty meets Clara, an unattractive school teacher, realising their emotional connection, he promises to call but family and friends try to convince him not to.

Remdamasis rašytojo Michael Crichton romanu „Vestsaido istorija“ („West Side Story“), kino režisierius Robert Wise pasitelkdamas specialiuosius efektus 1971 metais pastato filmą „Virusas Andromeda“. Amerikiečių palydovas nukrenta netoli mažo miestelio Naujajame Meksike ir paleidžia mirtiną virusą, nuo kurio miršta visi miestelėnai išskyrus du - vaiką bei senelį. Kol kareiviai bando izoliuoti katastrofos zoną, geriausių mokslininkų komanda požeminėje laboratorijoje bando atskleisti paslaptį nežinomo tarpplanetinio viruso, kurio koduotas vardas Andromeda. Kad išgelbėtų pasaulį jie turi vos kelias dienas, o skaičiuoklė jau paleista...

Middle-class housewife Kay Miniver deals with petty problems. She and her husband Clem watch her Oxford-educated son Vin court Carol Beldon, the charming granddaughter of the local nobility as represented by Lady Beldon. Then the war comes and Vin joins the RAF.

When Mr. Freeze kidnaps Barbara Gordon, as an involuntary organ donor to save his dying wife, Batman and Robin must find her before the operation can begin.

Boston is being terrorized by a series of seemingly random murders of women. Based on the true story, the film follows the investigators path through several leads before introducing the Strangler as a character. It is seen almost exclusively from the point of view of the investigators who have very few clues to build a case upon.

Turtingas buvęs narkotikų baronas Frenkas Vaitas paleistas iš kalėjimo grįžta pas senus savo draugužius. Pamatęs, kokioje tragiškoje būklėje jo gimtasis rajonas, Frenkas nusprendžia, kad atėjo metas atsilyginti visuomenei už savo negerus darbus ir sumąsto gete pastatyti daugybę milijonų kainuosiančią nemokamą ligoninę.

In the mid-1980s, the U.S. is poised on the brink of nuclear war. This shadow looms over the residents of a small town in Kansas as they continue their daily lives. Dr. Russell Oakes maintains his busy schedule at the hospital, Denise Dahlberg prepares for her upcoming wedding, and Stephen Klein is deep in his graduate studies. When the unthinkable happens and the bombs come down, the town's residents are thrust into the horrors of nuclear winter.

Video game expert Alex Rogan finds himself transported to another planet after conquering the video game The Last Starfighter, only to find out it was just a test. He was recruited to join the team of best Starfighters to defend their world from the attack.

Dr. Bock, the chief of medicine at a Manhattan hospital, is suicidal after the collapse of his personal life. When an intern is found dead in a hospital bed, it appears to Bock to be a case of unforgivable malpractice. Hours later, another doctor, who happens to be responsible for another case of malpractice, is found dead. Despondent, Bock finds himself drawn to Barbara, the daughter of a comatose missionary.

A doctor uses special eye drops to give himself x-ray vision, but the new power has disastrous consequences.

Džonas Noksas samdomu žudiku buvo visą sąmoningą savo gyvenimą. Deja, po nesėkmingos misijos sekęs gydytojo verdiktas negailestingas: Džonas serga itin agresyvia demencijos forma ir gyventi jam belikę vos kelios savaitės. Tačiau likimas ir vėl jį nustebina – šįkart netikėtai ant slenksčio išdygusio kruvino sūnaus Mailso pavidalu, kuris papasakoja apie kruviną nusikaltimą ir paprašo tėvo pagalbos bėgant nuo nusikaltėlių. Padedamas seno bičiulio Ksavjero, Džonas Noksas paskutinį kartą sukurpia apgaulingą, daugiasluoksnį ir preciziško tikslumo reikalaujantį planą galintį išgelbėti jo sūnų.

A university professor, confident that everything which occurs in life has a rational explanation, finds his beliefs severely challenged when, during a vacation to a remote coastal village in Norfolk, he blows through an ancient whistle discovered on a beach, awakening horrors beyond human understanding.

Arizona ants mock the food chain on their way to a desert lab to get two scientists and a woman.

Michele is thirteen year old, shy, unpopular at school, and in love with Stella. After wearing a costume for a Halloween party, he finds out that he's invisible.

A brain surgeon marries a femme fatale, causing his life to turn upside down. Things go more awry when he falls in love with a talking brain.

A simple man is turned into a genius through the application of computer science.

Scientists try to prevent a collision between Earth and a planet that is heading for it.

When an unknown military force invades Bushwick, a Brooklyn neighborhood, young student Lucy and war veteran Stupe must rely on each other to escape and survive.

A sexy nightclub owner, Barb Wire moonlights as a mercenary in Steel Harbor, one of the last free zones in the now fascist United States. When scientist Cora Devonshire wanders into Barb's establishment, she gets roped into a top-secret government plot involving biological weapons. Soon Barb is reunited with her old flame Axel Hood, who is now Cora's husband and a guerrilla fighter, resulting in plenty of tense action.