2700. gads. Robots VALL-E (saīsināts no Visuma Atkritumu Laukā Lādētājs - Efektīvais) aizvada savas dienas veicot vienu un to pašu vienmuļo darbu, kuram viņš bija konstruēts un ieprogrammēts. Tas turpinās līdz tam brīdim, kad uz Zemes ierodas neparasts robots IEVA, kurai VALL-E seko līdzi aizraujošā kosmiskā ceļojumā pāri visai galaktikai, lai atrastu savas dzīves īsto aicinājumu.

Stāsts balstīts uz reāliem faktiem par Džordanu Belfortu – sākot ar kļūšanu par bagātu akciju brokeri līdz pat viņa norietam, kas saistīts ar noziedzību, korupciju un federālo valdību.

Based on the real life story of legendary cryptanalyst Alan Turing, the film portrays the nail-biting race against time by Turing and his brilliant team of code-breakers at Britain's top-secret Government Code and Cypher School at Bletchley Park, during the darkest days of World War II.

Pēc tam, kad ir likvidēti daži no bandas locekļiem, kuri mēģināja viņu nogalināt viņas kāzu dienā, "Mamba Negra" turpina atriebties un mēģina pabeigt visu pārējo bandu, it īpaši viņas bijušo priekšnieku Bilu, kurš viņu atstāja mirušu, atstājot viņu komā.

After narrowly escaping a bizarre accident, a troubled teenager is plagued by visions of a large bunny rabbit that manipulates him to commit a series of crimes.

Angel and the devil fight for the soul of a Belgrade playboy who made a young girl pregnant.

Filmas “Rītdienas robeža” darbība norisinās tuvā nākotnē, kurā citplanētieši ir uzsākuši iznīcinošu uzbrukumu Zemei. Cietuši sakāvi visās līdzšinējās kaujās, pasaules valstu armijas apvienojas izšķirošajam uzbrukumam. Virsnieks Viljams Keidžs ir armijas zinātnieks, kurš nav piedalījies nevienā kaujā līdz brīdim, kad tiek pazemināts rangā un nosūtīts doties uzbrukumā. Viņš tiek nogalināts dažu minūšu laikā pēc uzbrukuma sākuma, bet pēkšņi atmostas dienu pirms savas nāves. Keidžs nokļūst neizskaidrojamā laika atkārtošanās ciklā, piespiežot viņu atkal no jauna doties zaudētajā kaujā un mirt.

Convinced that his subtenant is a spy and an enemy of the state, Ilija Čvorović falls into deep paranoia which leads to absurd and destructive chain of events.

Shang-Chi must confront the past he thought he left behind when he is drawn into the web of the mysterious Ten Rings organization.

Clarence marries hooker Alabama, steals cocaine from her pimp, and tries to sell it in Hollywood, while the owners of the coke try to reclaim it.

In 1990s Los Angeles, a 13-year-old spends his summer navigating between a troubled home life and a crew of new friends he meets at a skate shop.

Famed swordsman and poet Cyrano de Bergerac is in love with his cousin Roxane. He has never expressed his love for her as he his large nose undermines his self-confidence. Then he finds a way to express his love to her, indirectly.

Comedy about teachers and students at a high school in a small provincial town. Mihailo tries to win the heart of a girl his brother is also chasing.

2009. gada 15. janvārī pasaules iedzīvotāji bija liecinieki „Brīnumam virs Hudzonas”, kad kapteinis Česlijs Sallenbergers ar iesauku Sallijs savu lidot nespējīgo lidmašīnu nosēdināja Hudzonas upes aukstajos ūdeņos, glābjot visus uz gaisa kuģa borta esošos cilvēkus, kuru kopējais skaits bija 155. Taču tad, kad Salliju sabiedrībā un plašsaziņas līdzekļos slavē kā varoni par viņa nepārspētajām lidošanas prasmēm, notiek izmeklēšana, kura draud iznīcināt viņa reputāciju un karjeru.

The story takes place in 1993 Serbia, torn by hyperinflation and economic disaster. Milan, an avid fan of FC Partizan, lives with his friend, a painter, and makes money by selling his paintings to the "new elite". He meets a nice girl who works a phone sex hot line and the two eventually fall in love. An another friend so his is a treasury guard in a bank governed by a shady lady known as "Serbian mother", notorious for cheating the thousands of creditors. The couple is planning to rob the bank and run away to a remote sunny island with palms.

Katniss Everdeen reluctantly becomes the symbol of a mass rebellion against the autocratic Capitol.

Twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park, Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond.

In a near-future Belgrade, a DJ stirs up trouble with his rocking anti-establishment broadcasts. After his station is shut down, he takes to the street and starts transmitting revolution with the police hot on his trail.

The true story of Richard Kuklinski, the notorious contract killer and family man.

The movie is based on the true story about a group of children, barely teenagers, who joined Yugoslav Partizans after losing their families in WW2. At first, Partizans want to get rid of them, but later they are joining combat ranks. Among them, Bosko Buha would become a legend because of his skill in destroying enemy bunkers.