Vincent, an artist with unresolved inner demons, meets a mysterious girl who helps him come to terms with his creative legacy… and eventual death.
In this hilarious arcade showdown, a humble novice goes head-to-head against the reigning Donkey Kong champ in a confrontation that rocks the gaming world to its processors! For over 20 years, Billy Mitchell has owned the throne of the Donkey Kong world. No one could beat his top score until now. Newcomer Steve Wiebe claims to have beaten the unbeatable, but Mitchell isn't ready to relinquish his crown without a fight. Go behind the barrels as the two battle it out in a vicious war to earn the title of the true King of Kong.
In the fourth movie, the classical Japan-Europe match becomes intercontinental. This time they arrange a world cup with 4 teams: Japan, USA, "All Europe", and "All South America". In the first match, Japan easily defeats the USA 3:0 and in the second match Europe loses 2:3 against South America. In the final round S.A. shows their "soccer cyborg" Carlos Santana, a more than supreme player who seems to be undefeatable. All their classical tricks like Hyugas "Tiger Shot" or Tsubasas "Top Spin" seem to be totally worthless, but in a hard and spectacular match the Japanese learn more and more to play in unison and finally they get the win.
Į kosmosą ištremto Halko erdvėlaivis sudužo Sakaro planetoje, kurią valdo nuožmusis Raudonasis karalius. Parduotas į vergiją, jis tapo galingiausiu gladiatoriumi, tačiau naujieji šeimininkai neilgai tuo pasidžiaugė. Milžinas sudarė sąjungą su naujaisiais savo likimo draugais: apsukriu vabzdžiu Myku, negailestingu uolažmogiu Korgu, buvusiu dvasininku Hiruamu ir kilminga maištininke Eloja. Viskuo nusivylę Sakaro gyventojai tiki, kad Halkas yra jiems siųstasis išgelbėtojas. Tačiau ar jis išgelbės jų planetą, ar sunaikins?
Paaugliai Džeimsas, Toruna, Azaris ir Pimas, kuriuos paslapčia užaugino Geležinis žmogus, bei prie jų prisidėjęs strėlėmis besisvaidantis Sakalo Akies sūnus vieni nepajėgūs sunaikinti jų tėvus pražudžiusios mašinos. Jiems teks surasti pradingusį Halką ir drauge stoti į mūšį.
Penkiolikmetis Ičigo Kurosakis atrodo kaip paprastas niekuo neišsiskiriantis vaikinas. Tik vienintelė smulkmenėlė – jis gali matyti dvasias. Ši smulkmena nepastebimai didėja, kai netikėtai į jo namus įsibrauna Tuščiasis. Tuštieji - tai padarai, mintantys žmonių dvasiomis; jie gimsta iš mirusių ir prie žemės pririštų, labai piktų ar liūdnų sielų. Jo šeimos vos neišžudo, bet pasirodo sielų medžiotoja, vardu Kučiki Rukia. Bandydama visus išgelbėti, ji netyčia perduoda visas savo sielos galias Ičigo. Nuo tos dienos jis pradeda vykdyti sielos medžiotojo pareigas.
As Po looks for his lost action figures, the story of how the panda inadvertently helped create the Furious Five is told.
When a nuclear missile was fired at Washington in 1945, Captain America managed to detonate it in the upper atmosphere. But then he fell miles into the icy depths of the North Atlantic, where he remained lost for over sixty years. But now, with the world facing the very same evil, Captain America must rise again as our last hope for survival.
Lex Luthor enacts his plan to rid the world of Superman, once and for all. Succeeding with solar radiation poisoning, the Man of Steel is slowly dying. With what little times remains, the Last Son of Krypton must confront the revealing of his secret identity to Lois Lane and face Luthor in a final battle.
Youngsters called Kildren, who are destined to live eternally in their adolescence. The Kildren are conscious that every day could be the last, because they fight a war as entertainment, organized and operated by adults. But as they embrace the reality they are faced with, they live their day-to-day lives to the full.
An up-and-coming stand-up comic moves to L.A. to pursue a film career after video clips of his act make him an online sensation.
When LexCorp accidentally unleashes a murderous creature, Superman meets his greatest challenge as a champion. Based on the "The Death of Superman" storyline that appeared in DC Comics' publications in the 1990s.
A film adaptation of the Holy Emperor story arc, which primarily depicted the conflict between Kenshiro and Souther. New characters Reina, one of Raoh's army officers who falls in love with him, and her brother Soga, Raoh's advisor, play an important part with much of the plot involving Raoh's relationship with Reina as he conquers the land; most of this portion is new content exclusive to this film. The other side of the story is the retelling of Ken's attempt to save and protect the villagers from Souther's army with the help of Shū. There is also a small subplot of Bart returning to his home.
It is 2046 when a mysterious alien force begins their annihilation of the human race. Leaving behind the one person she loves, Mikako joins the interstellar battle as a pilot. And so - while Mikako risks her life to save mankind - Noboru waits. The two lovers, worlds apart, desperately strive to remain connected as the gap between them widens at a frightening pace.
Hungry for adventure, Thor secretly embarks on the journey of a lifetime, joined by his loyal brother Loki, whose budding sorcery equips him with just enough magic to conjure up trouble, along with the Warriors Three - a band of boastful travelers reluctant to set sail on any adventure that might actually be dangerous. But what starts out as a harmless treasure hunt quickly turns deadly, and Thor must now prove himself worthy of the destiny he covets by saving Asgard itself.
Milijardierius meno tyrinėtojas Tonis Starkas, kurio specializacija – Rytų šalys, jau kelerius metus intensyviai vykdo svarbiausią savo gyvenimo projektą – siekia atkurti senovės kinų miestą, kurio imperatorius buvo didysis Mandarinas, istorijoje išlikęs kaip pats žiauriausias Kinijos valdovas.
Višbaunų šeima – toli gražu ne ideali. Mama Ema – skolose skendinčio knygyno savininkė, tėtis Frenkas – persidirbęs ir nuolatos pervargęs. Jų dukra Fei – tipiška viskuo nepatenkinta paauglė, tik ką išgyvenusi pirmąją nelaimingą meilę, o genialusis sūnus Maksas skriaudžiamas mokykloje. Vieną vakarą mamos Emos įkalbinti, jie nueina į “kostiumų” vakarėlį, kuriame su kostiumais… tik jie vieni! Ir lyg to būtų negana, ten juos prakeikia pikta sena burtininkė. Netikėtai jų “kostiumai” virsta realybe – Ema tampa vampyre, Frenkas virsta Frankenšteino monstru, Fei – nuo galvos iki kojų tvarsčiais apvyniota Egipto mumija, o Maksas – gauruotu vilkolakiu. Nežiūrint to, kad šeimai tai tikrų tikriausias košmaras, jie turi susivienyti ir nukeliauti į kitą pasaulio galą, kad surastų piktąją burtininkę ir priverstų ją atšaukti šį užkeikimą.
Mikey just needs a good stable home. He's bounced from foster home to foster home his whole life. He finally lands himself with a new loving family, but their perfect little child is not what he appears to be. His previous caretakers all died of mysterious "accidents" that weren't really accidents at all. Mikey is a cold blooded killer, and it doesn't take long for him to aim his sights on his new adoptive family and anyone else who stands in his way.
Three chimps are sent into space to explore the possibility of alien life when an unmanned space shuttle crash lands on an uncharted planet.