A closeted boy runs the risk of being outed by his own heart after it pops out of his chest to chase down the boy of his dreams.

Радња се одиграва у Њујорку 1952 и описује предивну љубавну причу између две жене, о младој фотографкињи и њеној љубавној вези са старијом женом која пролази кроз тежак развод.

After they meet at their parent's engagement party, Mia and Frida are intrigued by and attracted to one another, despite Mia's own upcoming engagement to Tim. Mia must decide whether to continue her life with Tim or to follow her heart with Frida.

A woman learns about the death of her Orthodox Jewish father, a rabbi. She returns home and has romantic feelings rekindled for her best childhood friend, who is now married to her cousin.

The wife of a pastor who preaches against homosexuality embarks on an affair with a female writer.

Matt Ryder is convinced to drive his estranged and dying father Benjamin Ryder cross country to deliver four old rolls of Kodachrome film to the last lab in the world that can develop them before it shuts down for good. Along with Ben's nurse Zooey, the three navigate a world changing from analogue to digital while trying to put the past behind them.

Based on the hit animated television series, this feature film adaptation tells the story of how Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup - three exuberant young girls - obtain their unique powers, become superheroes and join forces to foil evil mutant monkey Mojo Jojo's plan to take over the world.

19-year-old Ben Burns unexpectedly returns home to his family's suburban home on Christmas Eve morning. Ben's mother, Holly, is relieved and welcoming but wary of her son staying clean. Over a turbulent 24 hours, new truths are revealed, and a mother's undying love for her son is tested as she does everything in her power to keep him safe.

A former child actress attends college in search of independence and ends up becoming romantically involved with a female professor. Their relationship thrives until an opportunity to return to acting forces her to make life-altering decisions.

Astonished to find the Beast has a deep-seeded hatred for the Christmas season, Belle endeavors to change his mind on the matter.

Massachusetts, 1892. An unmarried woman of 32 and a social outcast, Lizzie lives a claustrophobic life under her father's cold and domineering control. When Bridget Sullivan, a young maid, comes to work for the family, Lizzie finds a sympathetic, kindred spirit, and a secret intimacy soon blossoms into a wicked plan.

Након што из дубине земље изађу змајеви, свет се суочава са суровом борбом за опстанак.

Након мајчине смрти и без друге познате родбине, Еви ради ДНК тест и открива давно изгубљеног рођака за којег никад није ни знала да га има. Позвана од стране новопронађене породице на раскошно венчање на сеоском подручју у Енглеској, одмах ју је завео привлачни аристократски домаћин. Но, убрзо је гурнута у ноћну мору преживљавања, јер открива изопачене тајне у историји своје породице и узнемирујуће намере иза њене грешне великодушности.

An unlikely heir to a Mexican fast-food franchise goes 'cuisine' hunting for the next culinary big thing, and finds himself in a small, dusty New Mexican town where foodies come from all over to salivate over the culinary treats of a local, authentic, and feisty female chef.

После везе на једну ноћ са згодним странцем, довитљива репортерка се буди у центру Лос Анђелеса, без телефона, кола, личне карте и новца – и схвата да је само 8 сати дели од најважнијег интервјуа каријере.

In 1968, Donald Crowhurst, an amateur sailor, endangers the fate of his family and business, and his own life, blinded by his ambition to compete in the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race, attempting to become the first person in history to single-handedly circumnavigate the world without making any stopover.

Frankie is head strong and passionate about her rock band and her Italian-American heritage. She is engaged to a good Italian man, and everything in her life is in order until she discovers a murder victim in the trunk of her rental car. Heather, her sister, convinces Frankie to attend the funeral where they meet Nicolette, the daughter of the new Brooklyn mafia don. When Nicolette shows up at a gig, it triggers a cascade of events that take Frankie towards an unexpected romance.

In the year of 2039, after World Wars destroy much of the civilization as we know it, territories are no longer run by governments, but by corporations; the mightiest of which is the Mishima Zaibatsu. In order to placate the seething masses of this dystopia, Mishima sponsors Tekken, a tournament in which fighters battle until only one is left standing.

A long-divorced couple are reunited on a blind date and agree to fix each other up with friends and colleagues. While fix-up after fix-up fails to work out for either of them, they begin to wonder if perhaps they aren't the right match for one another after all.

A film within a film that explores love in all its painful and messy glory. Six months ago Zoe and Mal fell for each other while filming a love scene, which led to an intense, whirlwind affair, followed by a devastating breakup. Soon after their split, things get complicated when the two have to meet on set once more to re-shoot that fateful sequence.