In 1980s Italy, a relationship begins between seventeen-year-old teenage Elio and the older adult man hired as his father's research assistant.

Zgodba spremlja ameriškega znanstvenika J. Roberta Oppenheimerja in njegovo vlogo pri razvoju atomske bombe. Znanstvenika Oppenheimerja je upodobil Cillian Murphy, njegovo ženo Katherine »Kitty« Oppenheimer, ki je biologinja in botaničarka, pa igralka Emily Blunt. Oskarjevec Matt Damon je upodobil generala Leslieja Grovesa ml., direktorja projekta Manhattan, igralec Robert Downey Jr. pa je ustanovni komisar ameriške komisije za jedrsko energijo Lewis Strauss.

Experience these masterpieces of storytelling from the creative minds that brought you Toy Story, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo and many more. With revolutionary animation, unforgettable music and characters you love, these dazzling short films have changed the face of animation and entertainment and are sure to delight people of all ages for years to come.

Woody, Buzz, and the rest of Andy's toys haven't been played with in years. With Andy about to go to college, the gang find themselves accidentally left at a nefarious day care center. The toys must band together to escape and return home to Andy.

Zgodba spremlja Paula Atreidesa iz hiše Atreides, sijajnega in nadarjenega mladeniča, rojenega za velike stvari, ki mora odpotovati na najnevarnejši planet v vesolju, da bi zagotovil prihodnost svoji družini in narodu. Znajde se sredi boja za ekskluzivno oskrbo najbolj dragocenega vira, ki obstaja, najdražjim elementom galaksije, ki se nahaja samo na Arrakisu in ki lahko odklene največji potencial človeštva, v katerem bodo preživeli samo tisti, ki zmorejo premagati svoj strah.

Spopad največjih filmskih pošasti, neustrašnega Godzile in gigantskega Konga, se čaka že od leta 1962, ko sta se prvič srečala na velikih platnih. Kralj pošasti in kralj Otoka Lobanj se bosta spopadla v boju za premoč in pošastno superiornost. Dve najmočnejši sili narave bosta na velika platna zagotovo prinesli najbolj spektakularno bitko vseh časov.

Priklicano zlo temelji na resnični zgodbi o tem, kako so preiskovalca paranormalnega Eda in Lorraine Warren poklicali, da pomagata družini na osamljeni kmetiji, ki jo ustrahuje temačna sila. Soočena z mogočno demonsko silo se Warrenova znajdeta v najbolj grozljivem primeru svojega življenja.

Strela McQueen je vročekrvni mladi dirkalnik, ki si zelo želi uspeti. Ko pa se nepričakovano znajde v zaspanem Radarskem zavetju ob nekoč slavni Route 66, odkrije, da v življenju ni najpomembnejša ciljna črta, temveč pot do nje. McQueen na poti na veliki pokal Batov v Kaliforniji spozna kopico posebnežev iz tega mesteca - med drugim tudi Doca Hudsona, ki ima skrivnostno preteklost, Neli Carrera, in Dajza - ki mu pomagajo doumeti, da so nekatere stvari v življenju pomembnejše od pokalov, slave in sponzorstva.

College freshman Abby tries to distance herself from her dark past while resisting her attraction to bad boy Travis.

Režiser trilogije Prekrokana noč spremlja Roberta Downeyja in Zacha Galifianakisa na norem potovanju, polnem pomembnih življenjskih in smešnih preobratov.

Mater finds a small UFO called Mator and they have a night out. Later, when Mator is captured by military forces, Mater sneaks up and saves him with the help of Lightning McQueen and the UFO's mother.

Detective Mater is hot on the trail of a dastardly car-napping! When Tia's sister goes missing, Mater is the only car she can turn to. With this tow truck on the case, anything can happen.

As a professional monster truck wrestler, Mater must work his way up through the ranks from an amateur tow truck to World Champion Monster Truck Wrestler. But rival wrestlers I-Screamer, Captain Collision, and The Rasta Carian aren't about to give up without a fight.

Mater tells Lightning McQueen about his former job as a daredevil.

Mater and Lightning McQueen are ready to rock! When Mater's garage band, Mater and the Gas Caps, records a hit song, Mater becomes a rock legend. Then Lightning joins Mater's band for the rock concert of the century!

Lightning McQueen and Mater are driving in Radiator Springs and drive past Red, who is hosing some plants near Stanley. Mater tells Lightning that he used to be a firetruck, but Lightning doesn't believe Mater.

Once again, Bastian is transported to the world of Fantasia which he recently managed to save from destruction. However, the land is now being destroyed by an evil sorceress, Xayide, so he must join up with Atreyu and face the Emptiness once more.

An Israeli counterterrorism soldier with a secretly fabulous ambition to become a Manhattan hairstylist. Zohan's desire runs so deep that he'll do anything -- including faking his own death and going head-to-head with an Arab cab driver -- to make his dreams come true.

Determined to unseat Steve Finch's reign as the town's holiday season king, Buddy Hall plasters his house with so many decorative lights that it'll be visible from space! When their wives bond, and their kids follow suit, the two men only escalate their rivalry - and their decorating.

When a deadly airborne virus threatens to wipe out the northeastern United States, teacher Elliott Moore and his wife Alma flee from contaminated cities into the countryside in a fight to discover the truth. Is it terrorism, the accidental release of some toxic military bio weapon -- or something even more sinister?