У Америци пре Грађанског рата, Соломон Нортап, слободни црнац из Њујорка, бива отет и продат као роб. Филм је базиран на невероватној, истинитој причи једног човека и његовој борби за слободу и опстанак. Суочавајући се са суровошћу, оличеном у озлоглашеном 'господару', Соломон мора не само да остане жив, већ и да врати своје достојанство. У незаборавној одисеји, која је трајала 12 година, оно ће променити ток живота; а то је био сусрет са канадским аболиционистом.

Њујоркшки полицајац Џон Маклејн (Брус Вилис) долази на Бадњи дан у Лос Анђелес како би празнике провео са својом породицом. Стиже у зграду корпорације Накатоми, на пријем приређен на радном месту његове жене. Сасвим неочекивано, група међународних терориста на челу са Хансом Грубером (Алан Рикман), преузима контролу над зградом, држећи као таоце све запослене који си се у њој затекли, како би се докопали 600 милиона долара обвезница из трезора који се налази у згради. Позван је ФБИ да реши ову ситуацију, али ни ФБИ, а ни терористи не знају да је Џон Маклејн у згради и да има сасвим другачије планове за терористе...

Ник Фјури је на челу међунарнодне организације ШИЛД чији је задатак одржавање мира на Земљи. Када се појави нови непријатељ, Торов брат Локи, Фјури окупља екипу суперхероја чији је задатак да се супротставе Локију и својим моћима спасу свет од катастрофе.

The epic story of the first contact, encounter, approach, betrayal and, eventually, life-transcending friendship, between Karamakate, an Amazonian shaman, last survivor of his people, and two scientists that, over the course of 40 years, travel through the Amazon in search of a sacred plant that can heal them. Inspired by the journals of the first explorers of the Colombian Amazon, Theodor Koch-Grunberg and Richard Evans Schultes.

Filmmakers expose the horrifying mass executions of accused communists in Indonesia and those who are celebrated in their country for perpetrating the crime.

A naive business graduate is installed as president of a manufacturing company as part of a stock scam.

У граду под окупацијом, путујућа дружина глумаца представља представу о легендарном барону Минхаузену, који је наводно, заједно са својом дружином, пропутовао свет и упадао из авантуре у авантуру. Тада са појави човек који се свима представи као прави барон Минхаузен и како би доказао да говори истину, одлази на последње путовања у ком ће покушати да спаси град и његове становнике.

A Vietnam veteran, Charles Rane, returns home after years in a POW camp and is treated as a hero. When thugs invade his home to steal the silver coins he received for his service, they mangle his hand and leave him and his family for dead. Rane survives and becomes obsessed with getting revenge. Aided by his loyal friend Johnny Vohden, Rane, now wielding a hook for a hand, sets out on his mission of vengeance.

Ten years have passed, and Sidney Prescott has put herself back together thanks to her writing. However, her return to Woodsboro sparks the return of the Ghostface Killer.

After Silvia Broome, an interpreter at United Nations headquarters, overhears plans of an assassination, an American Secret Service agent is sent to investigate.

Alex is going through a midlife crisis and it has become a very difficult time for him. His marriage is struggling, he's worried about his son, and his job of killing people for his family has become the most stressful part of his life. He seeks the help of a therapist and meets a woman in the waiting room that he connects with.

Већ 14 година за редом, пријатељи Итан, Исак и Крис правили су разуздане забаве за Божић. Али сада екипа је помало остарила – Исак и његова жена чекају бебу, Крис је постао превише познат и нема времена за старе пријатеље, па су одлучили да направе последњу луду божићну журку. Добили су карте за најпрестижнију забаву у Њујорку, тако да вече делује као да га никада неће заборавити. Ал с’обзиром на халуциногене супстанце које су конзумирали, тешко да ће се ико сећати забаве јутро после.

After witnessing the killing of his mate and offspring at the hands of a reckless Irish captain, a vengeful killer whale rampages through the fisherman's Newfoundland harbor. Under pressure from the villagers, the captain, a female marine biologist and an Indigenous tribalist venture after the great beast, who will meet them on its own turf.

Barry is a talented mechanic and family man whose life is torn apart on the eve of a zombie apocalypse. His sister, Brooke, is kidnapped by a sinister team of gas-mask wearing soldiers & experimented on by a psychotic doctor. While Brooke plans her escape Barry goes out on the road to find her & teams up with Benny, a fellow survivor - together they must arm themselves and prepare to battle their way through hordes of flesh-eating monsters in a harsh Australian bushland.

Intended as a publicity film for Chrysler, Rhythm uses rapid editing to speed up the assembly of a car, synchronizing it to African drum music. The sponsor was horrified by the music and suspicious of the way a worker was shown winking at the camera; although Rhythm won first prize at a New York advertising festival, it was disqualified because Chrysler had never given it a television screening. P. Adams Sitney wrote, “Although his reputation has been sustained by the invention of direct painting on film, Lye deserves equal credit as one of the great masters of montage.” And in Film Culture, Jonas Mekas said to Peter Kubelka, “Have you seen Len Lye’s 50-second automobile commercial? Nothing happens there…except that it’s filled with some kind of secret action of cinema.” - Harvard Film Archive

The brutal former heavyweight boxing champion Cleon "Slammin'" Salmon (Duncan), now owner of a Miami restaurant, institutes a competition to see which waiter can earn the most money in one night: the winner stands to gain $10,000, while the loser will endure a beating at the hands of the champ.

Bugs Bunny gushes with excitement over the end of school, but while stopping to wonder why he's excited about this at his age, he runs into a tree and has a flashback to his youth, when he was just as excited about the end of school. But his nemesis, a young Elmer Fudd, is also out, and he's out to get the budding wascally wabbit.

A rowdy, unorthodox Santa Claus is fighting to save his declining business. Meanwhile, Billy, a neglected and precocious 12 year old, hires a hit man to kill Santa after receiving a lump of coal in his stocking.

As a child, Ed was cleaning his father’s hunting rifles - a surprise birthday treat for the old man - when one of them went off, hitting and killing his mother. On seeing the bloodshed, his father flew into a murderous rage - Ed just barely escaped with his life. Now in his teens, he returns home; he doesn’t expect to find his father, still there, waiting for a chance to settle the score . . .

Flea was a basketball player, happy with his subtle hustle, until a Dominican connect introduced him to a new way to spread the work and make money.