A circus' beautiful trapeze artist agrees to marry the leader of side-show performers, but his deformed friends discover she is only marrying him for his inheritance.

Peter Jacksonin ohjaama ensimmäistä maailmansotaa muisteleva dokumentti on saanut nimensä Laurence Binyonin vuonna 1914 kirjoittaman For the Fallen -runon lauseesta They Shall Not Grow Old. Jackson käytti elokuvaansa materiaalina brittiläisen Imperial War Museumin filmiarkistoa sekä BBC:n arkistoja ja näyttää nyt suuren sodan ennenäkemättömällä tavalla - kuten sotilaat itse näkivät sen. Dokumentti esittelee kuvamateriaalia, jollaista ei ole koskaan ennen suurelle yleisölle näytetty. Suttuiset arkistomateriaalit on väritetty, editoitu ja kyllästetty ääniraidalla mahdollisimman autenttisen tunnelman saavuttamiseksi.

Louis C.K. muses on religion, terrorism, small towns, Florida, disabilities, dogs, Auschwitz, marriage, sex, vegans, and his personal sexual controversy, in a live performance from Washington, D.C.

In the final act of a slasher film, Bruce attempts to reclaim his manliness and impress the final girl by finishing off the killer.

Grindhouse combines Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror, a horror comedy about a group of survivors who battle zombie-like creatures, and Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof, an action thriller about a murderous stuntman who kills young women with modified vehicles. It is presented as a double feature with fictitious exploitation trailers before each segment.

Chan, an articulate senior detective nearing the end of his career, is taking care of the daughter of a witness killed by ruthless crime lord Po. Martial arts expert Ma is set to take over as head of the crime unit, replacing Chan who wants an early retirement.

A director and his crew attempt to make the transition from the small to the big screen.

A Shrek parody of Michael Jackson's Thriller song and music video, with Donkey singing.

One man's journey to discover the bitter truth about sugar. Damon Gameau embarks on a unique experiment to document the effects of a high sugar diet on a healthy body, consuming only foods that are commonly perceived as 'healthy'. Through this entertaining and informative journey, Damon highlights some of the issues that plague the sugar industry, and where sugar lurks on supermarket shelves.

Tulevaisuudessa konsolipelien suunnittelijat ovat supertähtiä. Allegra Geller on yksi heistä. Ja hänen uusin pelinsä on eXistenZ, joka muuttaa lopullisesti käsityksen todellisuuden ja virtuaalimaailman rajoista. Kesken existenzin testitilaisuuden Allegra joutuu pakenemaan pelastaakseen pelinsä - ja henkensä. Pakomatka johtaa maailmaan, jossa sekä todellisuus että epätodellisuus ovat kumpikin kirpeän todellisia...

Dr. Janos Rukh discovers a certain type of radium that has almost magical healing properties. But the element has a dangerous side, too, and it has already started affecting Rukh. Consumed by paranoia, he begins to suspect that his wife is having an affair. Wild for revenge, Rukh hatches a deadly plot...using his own poisoned body as a weapon to kill.

Eletään läheisessä tulevaisuudessa. Apinat ovat vaihtaneet kotieläimikseen koirat ja kissat ja palvelijoista on tehty avustajia - kunnes heidän jatkuva huono kohtelunsa saa kehittyneemmän apinan, Ceasarin, palaamaan tulevaisuudesta johtamaan mahtavaa kapinaa. Jännittävä tieteisseikkailu, joka tarjoaa sekä vakavan opetuksen että loistavaa viihdettä.

Natsi-Saksa 1945. Ilsa on pelätyn vankileirin julma naiskomendantti, jota kutsutaan lempinimellä Naarassusi, sillä hän tekee kidutuskammiossaan sadistisia ihmiskokeita.

All the body-piercing, kinky sex, and car crashes that Shakespeare wanted but never had! Join Tromeo and Juliet as they travel through Manhattan's underground in search of climactic love, violence and the American Way.

A young French man and an older English woman spend one night together on a ship.

After a breakup, Wes ends up at a remote rest stop. He finds himself locked inside the bathroom with a mysterious figure speaking from an adjacent stall. Soon Wes realizes he is involved in a situation more terrible than he could imagine.

When the others leave for the night, the last mortician begins to fondle the corpses. He quickly moves to the corpse of a young woman who died in a car crash.

Reality and fantasy begin to blur when a teenager, alone in her attic bedroom, immerses herself in a role-playing horror game online.

While investigating his own blackmailing, a young politician uncovers his family's deep secrets.

While visiting his Bible-thumping yet lecherous father in the desert, randy college student James tries everything he can to hook up with the local curvaceous cuties, but his sex quest stalls when a bloodthirsty killer targets every buxom beauty in sight.