Philip Glass’ opera “Akhnaten”, premiered in Stuttgart in 1984, forms the third part of the portrait opera trilogy about personalities who have influenced the course of human history. The conclusion of the trilogy deals with the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten, who attempted to establish a kind of monotheistic cult around the god Aton during his reign in the 14th century BC, but failed due to the resistance of the priesthood. The production presented here was undoubtedly one of the very great successes of the 2019/20 season at New York’s Metropolitan Opera, due not only to the outstanding cast of singers (led by countertenor Anthony Roth Costanzo) but also to Phelim McDermott’s imaginative staging, which captivates with sometimes breathtaking imagery.

A 3-way collaboration between Kamiusagi Rope, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, and TOHO Cinemas. The purpose is to promote a new TOHO theater opening up in Ueno on November 4, 2017. The collaboration video will also be available to view in TOHO Cinemas in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, and Saitama from Ocotober 21 - December 1.

Promotional video celebrating 20 years of the Naruto animation project.

After parting with Sasuke at the Final Valley, Uzumaki Naruto has been away from the village of Konohagakure to further his training. Two and a half years later, he finally returns to the village and takes his mission in Team Kakashi, then he finds the clue on Orochimaru. Naruto leads the team and heads to the place where Orochimaru is in order to save his friend Sasuke. However, little does he know that "Akatsuki" is seeking after his life to acquire the Nine-Tailed sealed in his body.

Petra von Kant is a successful fashion designer -- arrogant, caustic, and self-satisfied. She mistreats Marlene (her secretary, maid, and co-designer). Enter Karin, a 23-year-old beauty who wants to be a model. Petra falls in love with Karin and invites her to move in.

Populárny spevák Antonio Pisapia, zvaný Tony, objaví, že má o niečo mladšieho menovca, ktorý je vychádzajúcou hviezdou miestneho futbalového klubu. Píše sa rok 1980 a obaja muži sa zdajú byť na vrchole svojej kariéry. Cynickému a sebeckému Tonymu sa ale stane osudným dobrodružstvo s neplnoletým dievčaťom a následne žaloba za znásilnenie. Nesmelý a mierny Antonio si pri tréningu tak zraní nohu, že musí s futbalom skončiť. Dúfa , že sa stane trénerom, ale zdá sa, že ho majitelia klubu už odpísali. Roky plynú a zatiaľ, čo sa príbehy oboch mužov odvíjali nezávisle od seba, jedného dňa sa ich cesty pretnú. Porážka jedného otvára druhému nádej na nový štart.

Sundar, a waiter, is in love with Radha but does not have the courage to tell her. When he becomes a successful comedian, he confesses his feelings to her, only to find that she loves someone else.

Two Navy men are ordered to bring a young offender to prison, but decide to show him one last good time along the way.

Po poprave svojho milovaného manžela Peyraca žila Angelika istý čas medzi parížskou spodinou po boku svojho priateľa z detstva Nicolasa. Po jeho smrti a mnohých dobrodružstvách sa nakoniec rozhodla vydať za bratanca Filipa de Plessis-Bellieres. Jej nový manžel nečakane zomrie na bojovom poli a Angelika je vzápätí povolaná kráľom späť na dvor, aby splnila náročnú diplomatickú úlohu. Má presvedčiť perzského veľvyslanca Batchary-Beja k podpisu zmluvy o spolupráci s Francúzskom. Bej je však jej krásou okúzlený natoľko, že ju uväzní vo svojom paláci. Zo zajatia ju síce zachráni maďarský gróf Rákoczi, dohoda je však ohrozená a kráľ zúri. Angelika je zatknutá, ale ani kráľ neodolá jej kráse. Keď však vidí, že si jej náklonnosť nezíska, pretože medzi nimi stojí tieň Peyracovej smrti, prezradí Angelike, že to nebol on, kto zomrel na hranici. Život krásnej markízy dostáva nový zmysel a ona sa vydá hľadať svojho strateného manžela...

Angelika bola unesená z náručia milovaného Jeoffreyho de Peyraca zákerným pirátom Escrainvillom. I keď sa Peyrac okamžite vydá zločinca prenasledovať a po neľútostnom boji sa jeho lode zmocní, svoju Angeliku už na palube nenájde. Escrainville ju totiž medzitým predal priekupníkovi Mezzo Mortemu. Zatiaľ čo Peyrac pokračuje v pátraní po svojej manželke, Angelika sa dostane do rúk Osmana Ferradjiho, pána háremu marockého sultána Mulaja Rašida. Ten má v pláne urobiť z nej tretiu sultánovu milenku. Ona však stále miluje jediného muža - Peyraca. S pomocou otroka Colina Paturela sa Angelika pripravuje na útek. Na jej záchrane pracuje aj Jeoffrey, ktorý predstiera, že je jedným z galejníkov. Chce sa dostať do marockého Meknesa, spojiť sa s Angelikou a pokúsiť sa ju zachrániť...

Charlie and his troublesome cousin Paulie decide to steal $150000 in order to back a "sure thing" race horse that Paulie has inside information on. The aftermath of the robbery gets them into serious trouble with the local Mafia boss and the corrupt New York City police department.

A top-secret Soviet spy satellite -- using stolen Western technology -- malfunctions and then goes into a descent that lands it near an isolated Arctic research encampment called Ice Station Zebra, belonging to the British, which starts sending out distress signals before falling silent. The atomic submarine Tigerfish, commanded by Cmdr. James Ferraday (Rock Hudson), is dispatched to save them.

After Suman's father leaves her in the care of another family while he travels abroad, she falls in love with Prem. However, in order to for them to marry, Prem has to prove to Suman's father that he is not the same as his own dad.

Once known for his intellectual prowess, a retired professor (Anupam Kher) begins experiencing memory gaps and periods of forgetfulness. But while he tries to laugh it off, it soon becomes clear that the symptoms are a sign of a more serious illness, prompting his grown daughter (Urmila Matondkar) to move in as his caretaker. Meanwhile, as his mind regresses, he recalls a traumatic childhood memory involving the death of Mahatma Gandhi.

An old Finnish athlete travels alone through eastern Europe with his van.

After blowing his professional ballet career, John's only way to redeem himself is to concoct the demise of his former partner, Leah, who he blames for his downfall; he rehearses his salvation in his mind in the way that he rehearses a dance, but being able to break from the routine will be the key to his success.

12, is a comic parody about an office's obsession with the television show 24 as the their obsessions kick into high gear with the shows season finale approaching. Part The Office part 24, the short film mash-up introduces a novel send-up of these pop culture staples.