A wandering peddler separates from his fellow salesman and becomes involved with criminals in the jungle.

Nastao prema romanu Stephena Kinga 'Zona smrti' priča je o mladiću, školskom učitelju, Johnnyju Smithu (C. Walken) koji gotovo smrtno strada u teškoj nesreći. Nakon pet godina provedenih u komi, Johnny se uspije probuditi, no više nije isti. Taj događaj ostavio je svoj trag, nevjerojatnu sposobnost da tjelesnim dodirom prorekne sudbinu drugih ljudi. Nakon prve spoznaje da može proreći budućnost, dolazi i do druge, a to je da se to ne može promijeniti. Njegova sposobnost da predvidi budućnost i da je pokuša promijeniti može stvoriti sasvim drukčiju budućnost. Naravno da mu njegov neobični dar donosi i probleme jer mora objasniti kako zna što će se dogoditi i kako to on može vidjeti stvari koje drugi ne vide.

Witness firsthand the struggle of the charismatic and controversial US attorney who, since 9/11, has been charged with the impossible task of assigning a dollar value to life when compensating victims of America’s most tragic events.

Damiel is now married to Marion, runs the pizzeria “Da Angelo” and the two have a child. The solitarily remaining angel Cassiel is more and more dissatisfied with his destiny as a mere observer of human life and finally decides to take the great leap. As Karl Engel he soon gets into a dubious milieu and finds himself as the assistant of the German American Baker, who makes his money with shady arms deals and sends films east in exchange for weapons. Cassiel’s adventure turns into a “thriller” when he decides to put a stop to Baker’s game.

A young female doctor discovers something sinister going on in her hospital. Relatively healthy patients are having 'complications' during simple operations and ending up in comas. The patients are then shipped off to an institute that looks after them. The young doctor suspects there is more to this than meets the eye.

James Earl Jones narrates this examination of the historical relationship between American Indians and African-Americans, who often merged their cultures to work and live together while mainstream white society shunned them. Through illuminating anecdotes and interviews, descendants of fused black and Indian families discuss the complications of their mixed heritage and how their culture was largely erased on official documents.

A television newswoman picks up the story of a 1960s rock band whose long-lost leader — Eddie Wilson — may still be alive, while searching for the missing tapes of the band's never-released album.

Bumbling professor Ned Brainard accidentally invents flying rubber, or "Flubber", an incredible material that gains energy every time it strikes a hard surface. It allows for the invention of shoes that can allow jumps of amazing heights and enables a modified Model-T to fly. Unfortunately, no one is interested in the material except for Alonzo Hawk, a corrupt businessman who wants to steal the material for himself.

Two girls from very different social backgrounds discover, at the age of 25, that they had been switched at birth.

SIRIUS 6B, Year 2078. On a distant mining planet ravaged by a decade of war, scientists have created the perfect weapon: a blade-wielding, self-replicating race of killing devices known as Screamers designed for one purpose only -- to hunt down and destroy all enemy life forms.

In order to diagnose the psychic traumas suffered by his patients, Dr. Paul Novotny gets young Alex Gardner to enter their dreams.

Lucas is a scientist who works near the European experimental project that focus on advanced ‘human neuron research’. The project is to transfer neuron information from one human mind to another. Lukas is chosen to connect his mind with a comatose woman he named Aurora.

Hit man Cleve approaches writer/cop Dennis about a story for his next book: How Cleve made a living, working for one of the most powerful politicians in the country. To get the story right, they travel around the country to gather statements and evidence, while strong forces use any means they can to keep the story untold.

A malevolent rock star kidnaps a female singer to force her to participate in the summoning of a demon and her band must help her stop him.

A Secret Service Agent is held captive in the trunk of a car and endures high-speed mental and physical torture as terrorists attempt to extract needed information for their sinister plot.

Djelatnik FBI-a skriva ukradenu kasetu o kriminalu u Las Vegasu u moderan automobil koji netko ukrade.

Eight people experience sleep paralysis, a condition which leaves them unable to move, speak or react.

As a painter in the court of King Carlos IV, Goya has attained wealth and reputation. He believes in King and Church, yet he is also a Spaniard who dearly loves his people. This contradiction presents him with a dilemma.

Policajac Jake Stone (Jack Palance) otkrio je mafijaša Osborna (Robert Davi). Odlučan da riješi slučaj, preseli se k obitelji Robberson. Otac Norman (Chevy Chase) ovisnik je o policijskim serijama i namjerava iskoristiti sve tehnike borbe protiv zločina koje je vidio na televiziji da pomogne Jakeu. Mama Helen (Dianne Wiest) ne dopušta Jakeu da puši i psuje.

For an initiation stunt, five college women are locked in a Kentucky hospital built in 1910 where 63,000 people died from a disease known as the "white plague". Deep under the hospital is the "Death Tunnel" which once were used to secretly remove the dead from the grounds.