Are you ready for the GCW: Fight Club 2? On February 4th GCW: Fight Club 2 is live on FITE straight from Houston Premier Arena, TX! Check the full lineup below: 4-way match Mascara Dorada vs Gringo Loco vs Blake Christian vs ASF Atticus Cogar vs Gino Medina All-Star Scramble Matthew Justice vs Allie Katch vs Grim Reefer vs Jimmy Lloyd vs Jordan Oliver vs Chris Carter GCW Extreme Championship AJ Gray vs Mysterious Q Bryan Keith vs Effy Ninja Mack vs Nick Wayne Loko Wrestling Championship Dante Leon vs Sam Stackhouse Matt Tremont vs Sadika *lineup subject to change

Experts set out to prove that female great white sharks rule the ocean.

When Domenico meets Filumena Marturano in Naples during World War II, he is instantly smitten. Flash forward to the postwar years, and the two meet again, sparking a passionate affair that spans two decades. But when Filumena — who has now become Domenico's kept woman and has secretly borne his children — learns that her lover plans to wed another, she will stop at nothing to hook him into marrying her instead.

Young man has his dreams come true when the sexy new maid seduces him. But she also has a secret that leads to trouble.

A charismatic lieutenant newly assigned to a remote fort is captured by a group of mountain bandits, thus setting in motion a madcap farce that is Lubitsch at his most unrestrained. A wonderfully anarchic and playfully subversive satire of military life from one of the great comedy filmmakers.

V dobe, keď slávnej Eiffelovej veži bolo iba dvanásť rokov, žila v Paríži istá pani, ktorá mala štyri mačky: Grófka a jej mačiatka Berlioze, Toulouse a Máriu. Neboli to len tak nejaké mačky – Grófka mala rodokmeň a Berlioz, Toulouse a Mária boli ohromne umelecky nadané – skrátka pravé aristokratky!Keď sa stará pani rozhodla, že napíše závet a celý svoj majetok odkáže práve im, zlý sluha Edgar nelenil a vymyslel diabolský plán, ako sa mačiek zbaviť. Na majetok si totiž brúsil zuby on sám. Ešteže sa v pravú chvíľu objavil kocúr O’Malley, ktorý přišel mačkám Aristokratkám na pomoc.

Ermus Daglek, retired Empathtek engineer, commandeers a defunct factory where he creates androids based on persons from his past and recreates a dinner party where he lost the love of his life - until they malfunction and escape.

Based on the life stories of the eccentric aunt and first cousin of Jackie Onassis raised as Park Avenue débutantes but who withdrew from New York society, taking shelter at their Long Island summer home, "Grey Gardens." As their wealth and contact with the outside world dwindled, so did their grasp on reality.

Wayne je vianočný elf, ktorý pracuje pre organizáciu Prep & Landing. Jeho úlohou je rozniesť darčeky miliónom detí po celom svete. Wayne sa teší, že ho povýšia, no namiesto toho vyznamenanie udelia jeho bývalému kolegovi Petersonovi. Malý elf Wayne dostane nového spolupracovníka, s ktorým má tieto Vianoce spolupracovať. V osudnú noc ale nastane obrovská snehová búrka a Santa zakáže elfom rozdávať darčeky, pretože je nebezpečné zosadať so saňami na strechu. Čo si ale pomyslia deti, keď si ráno pod stromčekom nenájdu darčeky, po ktorých túžia? Wayne a jeho parťák Lanny sa pokúsia napriek Santovmu zákazu rozdať darčeky a potešiť deti na celom svete.

Azda najočakávanejšia novinka jednej z najväčších súčasných režisérskych osobností – enfant terrible svetového filmu – prinesie poetický i odvážny príbeh jednej ženy, sledujúc ju od detstva až do stredného veku. Film už dlho pred ohlásenou svetovou premiérou vzbudzuje zvedavosť, ale aj kontroverzie pre svoj avizovaný otvorený prístup k sexualite. Lars von Trier opäť posúva umelecké filmové hranice. Ide o komplexné dielo, ktoré životný príbeh Joe i ľudskú sexualitu ako takú vyobrazuje z mnohých strán.

When twin girls are found dead in their family’s barn, reality star turned TV-reporter Meredith Phillips and her de-facto camera crew are dispatched to rural Wisconsin to investigate the gruesome deaths. In their relentless drive to break the story, the reporters become entangled in a deadly mystery and uncover the small town’s shocking secret. Edited together from the crew’s multiple cameras, the film documents their struggle to survive the most terrifying night of their lives and becomes the only evidence of a crime too horrific to imagine.

Unperturbed by the disastrous outcome of his previous meddling with the dead, Dr. West continues his research into the phenomenon of re-animation; only this time, he plans to create life – starting with the heart of his young protégé Dan's dearly deceased Meg Halsey.

Ďalšie dobrodružstvo astronautov na planéte ovládanej inteligentnými opicami. Štvrtá časť vedecko-fantastickej ságy o stretnutí ľudí s inteligentnými opicami priamo nadväzuje na udalosti predošlej časti, Úteku z Planéty opíc. Hlavnou postavou filmu je Caesar, syn Cornelia a Ziry, ktorí zahynuli v tragickom stretnutí s ľuďmi. Zo štvanca Caesara, jediného skutočne inteligentného opičiaka na Zemi sa vinou ľudskej nenávisti, brutality a nadradeného pohŕdania stáva vedúca postava rozsiahlej vzbury, ktorá otrasie základmi ľudskej civilizácie.

Willy the whale is back, this time threatened by illegal whalers making money off sushi. Jesse, now 16, has taken a job on an orca-researching ship, along with old friend Randolph and a sarcastic scientist, Drew. On the whaler's ship is captain John Wesley and his son, Max, who isn't really pleased about his father's job, but doesn't have the gut to say so. Along the way, Willy reunites with Jesse

Rusko terorizuje zlá stará čarodejnica Baba Jaga. Jediný, kto sa jej vôbec nebojí, je netopier Bartok, ktorý práve dorazil do Moskvy. Svojou prácou a výkonmi imponuje všetkým, vrátane princa Ivana Romanova. Keď Baba Jaga princa Ivana unesie, hľadá sa skutočný hrdina, ktorý by ho z jej rúk vyslobodil. A tým nie je nikto iný, ako Bartok. Spolu s kamarátom Zozim musia zozbierať všetku guráž a zabezpečiť princov trón späť.

Ruth Butler, a clerk in an emporium, marries Jimmy Rutledge and thereby greatly displeases his mother, the owner of the emporium, because of Ruth's lowly origins. Renaud Graham, one of Mrs. Rutledge's friends, becomes interested in Ruth, forces his way into her apartment, and attempts to make violent love to her. Jimmy walks in on their embrace and, suspecting the worst, leaves Ruth. In the family way, Ruth finds refuge in a boardinghouse where she meets Al Bryant, an aspiring writer. Ruth tells Al her life story, and he makes it into a bestselling novel and then into a play. Jimmy sees the play and comes to his senses, winning Ruth's forgiveness.

Once again tampering with mother nature to disastrous results, Dr. Herbert West continues his research while serving time in a maximum security prison for his previous exploits. West's limited prison-cell experiments are suddenly interrupted by the arrival of a new prison doctor and the brother of the girl who suffered from West's experiments 13 years earlier.

From a historic genocide trial to the overthrow of a president, the sweeping story of mounting resistance played out in Guatemala’s recent history is told through the actions and perspectives of the majority indigenous Mayan population, who now stand poised to reimagine their society.