Ristiisa“ on vägivalda täis jutustus Sitsiilia juurtega maffiaperekonna võitlusest võimu ning raha pärast möödunud sajandi korrumpeerunud Ameerikas. Kui kurikuulsa krimidünastia vananev juht "Don" Vito Corleone otsustab lõpuks impeeriumi oma pojale pärandada ja narkoärisse sukelduda, tabab tema perekonda pingeline vastasseis teiste mõjuvõimsate maffiaperekondadega.

Tony Lip, a bouncer in 1962, is hired to drive pianist Don Shirley on a tour through the Deep South in the days when African Americans, forced to find alternate accommodations and services due to segregation laws below the Mason-Dixon Line, relied on a guide called The Negro Motorist Green Book.

Aasta on 2700 ning maakera on pilgeni täidetud igasuguse rämpsu ja prahiga. Et emake Maa jälle elamiskõlblikuks muuta, lahkus inimkond planeedilt ning jättis koristama miljoneid väikeseid roboteid. Koristusprogramm aga luhtus ning alles jäi ainult üks pisike robot, WALL·E. WALL·E veedabki oma päevi tehes seda, milleks ta loodi. Kuid kui Maale saadetakse progressi uurimiseks sond veel ühe väikse robotiga, leiab WALL·E oma elu armastuse.

In 1970s Mexico City, two domestic workers help a mother of four while her husband is away for an extended period of time.

Madrigali pere elab Colombia mägedesse peidetud maagilises paigas nimega Encanto. Kõiki selle pere lapsi on õnnistatud ainulaadsete annetega üliiinimlikust jõust kuni tervendamisvõimeni. Ainus, kellele pole sellist kinki osaks saanud, on pere pesamuna Mirabel. Kuid kui ta avastab, et Encantot ümbritsev maagia on ohus, otsustab Mirabel, et tema, ainus tavaline Madrigal, võib olla oma erakordse perekonna ainsaks lootuseks.

Palavalt oodatud järg kultuslikule ulmefilmile "Blade Runner". Teise osa lugu toimub 30 aastat pärast esimese filmi sündmusi. Uus blade runner (androidide jahtija) on Los Angelese politseinik K, kes avastab kaua varjul olnud saladuse, mis võib ühiskonna riismed veelgi suuremasse kaosesse paisata. K avastus sunnib ta kunagise blade runneri Rick Deckardi otsinguile, kes on kolmkümmend aastat kadunud olnud.

Buck is a big-hearted dog whose blissful domestic life is turned upside down when he is suddenly uprooted from his California home and transplanted to the exotic wilds of the Yukon during the Gold Rush of the 1890s. As the newest rookie on a mail delivery dog sled team—and later its leader—Buck experiences the adventure of a lifetime, ultimately finding his true place in the world and becoming his own master.

Set in the changing world of the late 1960s, Susanna Kaysen's prescribed "short rest" from a psychiatrist she had met only once becomes a strange, unknown journey into Alice's Wonderland, where she struggles with the thin line between normal and crazy. Susanna soon realizes how hard it is to get out once she has been committed, and she ultimately has to choose between the world of people who belong inside or the difficult world of reality outside.

A bank teller discovers he is actually a background player in an open-world video game, and decides to become the hero of his own story. Now, in a world where there are no limits, he is determined to be the guy who saves his world his way before it's too late.

Walter Mitty salajane elu on lugu kontorilaua taga vaevlevast unistajast, kellele meeldib põgeneda oma hallist elust värvikirevasse fantaasiamaailma, mis on täis kangelaslikkust, romantikat ja seiklusi. Kui ohtu satub Walteri ja tema hea kolleegi Cheryli töökoht, asub Walter viimaks tegutsema reaalses maailmas. Sellest teekonnast saab erakordsem seiklus kui kõik see, mida ta seni oli suutnud oma kõige lennukamateski fantaasiates ette kujutada.

When Van Helsing's mysterious invention, the "Monsterfication Ray," goes haywire, Drac and his monster pals are all transformed into humans, and Johnny becomes a monster. In their new mismatched bodies, Drac and Johnny must team up and race across the globe to find a cure before it's too late, and before they drive each other crazy.

Everyone in Marco's life seems constantly restless, from his brilliant but unhappily married parents to his own wife Marina, or even Luisa, the real love of his life, a girl he met during a fateful summer in the '70s and always stayed in touch with. Tragedy and fate seem to haunt him, yet he somehow manages never to get ensnared in the chaos—like his namesake, “the hummingbird”, he focuses all his energy at standing still.

Barbiemaal elamine tähendab, et oled täiuslikus kohas täiuslik olevus. Kui sul just täielikku eksistentsi kriisi pole. Või kui oled Ken.

A woman with a mysterious illness is forced into action when a group of terrorists attempt to hijack a transatlantic overnight flight. In order to protect her son she will have to reveal a dark secret, and unleash the inner monster she has fought to hide.

Caught in a bizarre and terrifying time warp, college student Tree finds herself repeatedly reliving the day of her murder, ultimately realizing that she must identify the killer and the reason for her death before her chances of survival run out.

Two con artists have spent 26 years training their only daughter to swindle, scam and steal at every turn. During a desperate and hastily conceived heist, they charm a stranger into joining them, only to have their entire world turned upside down.

On a long-awaited trip to Europe, a New York City cop and his hairdresser wife scramble to solve a baffling murder aboard a billionaire's yacht.

A group of World War II American soldiers encounter a supernatural enemy as they occupy a French castle previously under Nazi control.

Majestic mountains, a still lake and venomous betrayals engulf a married couple attempting to celebrate their first anniversary.

A sea plane is destroyed in a freak accident, five people find themselves drifting on a raft. At the mercy of the tide and with no hope of rescue, the helpless situation takes a horrifying turn when they are terrorized by a ravenous great white.