Pragmatični američki marinac prati dehumanizirajuće učinke američko-vijetnamskog rata na njegove kolege regrute, od brutalne obuke u kampu do krvavih uličnih borbi u Hueu.

Nakon 17 godina, originalna glumačka postava serije "Prijatelji" ponovno se okuplja.

Kada se tinejdžerka Yi susreće s mladim Jetijem na krovu svoje zgrade u Šangaju, ona i njezini nestašni prijatelji, Jin i Peng upuštaju se u epsku potragu da ponovno ujedinite čarobno stvorenje sa svojom obitelji na najvišoj točki na Zemlji. Ali troje prijatelja morat će ostati jedan korak ispred Burnisha, bogatog čovjeka koji želi uhvatiti Jetija, i zoologa dr. Zare kako bi pomogli Everestu da se vrati kući.

When Christy discovers her 10-year-old daughter Anna has a rare, incurable disease, she becomes a ferocious advocate for her daughter’s healing as she searches for a solution. After Anna has a freak accident and falls three stories, a miracle unfolds in the wake of her dramatic rescue that leaves medical specialists mystified, her family restored and their community inspired.

Bivši CIA-in agent Bryan Mills preselio se Kaliforniju kako bi bio blizu svoje 17-godišnje kćeri Kim koja mu je sve na svijetu. Kim živi s majkom Lenore i bogatim očuhom Stuartom, no bilo je presudno da je Bryan, kao otac, pusti na putovanje u Pariz s prijateljicom Amandom. Djevojke u Parizu podijele taksi sa strancem i završe kao žrtve albanske bande koja krijumčari ljude.

In this loose adaptation of Shakespeare's "Henry IV," Mike Waters is a hustler afflicted with narcolepsy. Scott Favor is the rebellious son of a mayor. Together, the two travel from Portland, Oregon to Idaho and finally to the coast of Italy in a quest to find Mike's estranged mother. Along the way they turn tricks for money and drugs, eventually attracting the attention of a wealthy benefactor and sexual deviant.

Marlon Cruz, a young Colombian man who motivated by his girlfriend Reina, leaves his comfortable life in Medellin and flees with her through Guatemala and Mexico, across the borders, illegally into the United States.

A movie that starts out with the "Man in the Mirror" music video, it then changes to a montage of video clips of Michael's career. Next comes a parody of his Bad video by children, and then Michael is chased by fans in a fantasy sequence. 2 more videos are shown, and then a movie in which Michael plays a hero with magical powers. In it he is chased by drug dealer Mr. Big and saves three children. Videos included in the movie are "Smooth Criminal" and "Come Together".

Tri maturanata priređuju rođendanski tulum kako bi postali popularni. Kako noć napreduje, stvari izmiču kontroli, glas o dobrom tulumu brzo se širi…

Kad usred noći sazna da joj je otac upravo doživio težak srčani udar, Cindy Russell (E. Bromka) mora hitno napustiti kuću zajedno sa suprugom Bobom (G. M. Brown). Njihovo troje djece mora ostati kod kuće, no roditelji ih nerado ostave jer jedina osoba koja ih odmah može doći čuvati je Bobov brat Buck (J. Candy), neodgovorni zgubidan. Kad roditelji napuste dom, njihovo najstarije dijete, petnaestogodišnja Tia (J. L. Kelly), Bucku odmah da do znanja da joj nije drago što ih on čuva. Buck se, međutim, ne da ometati u svojoj očinskoj ulozi. Osim što pere i kuha, vozi djecu u školu i pazi da se ponašaju adekvatno svojoj dobi. U tom pogledu najviše mu problema stvara Tia koja je do ušiju zaljubljena u svojeg vršnjaka. Kad Buck uvidi da njezin odabranik nema čiste namjere, zabrani Tiji izlaske. Buntovna Tia brzo nađe način da se osveti mrskome stricu: poljuljat će njegovu ionako krhku ljubavnu vezu s Chanice (A. Madigan)...

Bianca's universe turns upside down when she learns that her high school refers to her as a ‘DUFF' (Designated Ugly Fat Friend). Hoping to erase that label, she enlists the help of a charming jock and her favorite teacher. Together they'll face the school's mean girl and remind everyone that we are all someone's DUFF… and that's totally fine.

Pet godina nakon bitke sa sljezovim kolačićem iz pakla, svijet se za istjerivače duhova pretvorio u neprivlačno mjesto. Nekolicina sudskih zabrana posve je ugušila njihovo djelovanje i učinila od njih zabavljače na dječjim rođendanima, ili voditelje emisija na kablovskoj televiziji.

Teenager Les Anderson thinks his life can't get any worse after he flunks his driver's exam, but he's wrong. Even though he didn't receive his license, Les refuses to break his date with the cool Mercedes Lane, and he decides to lift his family's prize luxury car for the occasion. Unfortunately, Mercedes sneaks some booze along and passes out drunk, and a confused Les makes the bad decision of enlisting his rebellious friend, Dean, to help.

A recorded live performance of ventriloquist Jeff Dunham portrays a comedian whose revival of an old-fashioned art has made ventriloquism more relevant to modern societal concerns. Starring his six main characters, from Bubba Jay, a Nascar-obsessed hick, to Peanut, a flamboyant gay monkey, Dunham’s puppets have dirty but inoffensive senses of humor that mock the American Dream.

Tijekom Hladnoga rata sovjetski agenti motre profesora Jonesa kad mu mladi čovjek donese kodiranu poruku od ostarjelog i poludjelog kolege Henryja Oxleyja. Vođeni sjajnom Irinom Spalko, Sovjeti prate Jonesa i mladića Mutta u Peru. Uz pomoć Oxleyjeve poruke pronalaze legendarnu lubanju napravljenu od jednoga komada kvarca. Ako Jones uspije donijeti lubanju na pravo mjesto, sve će biti dobro, ali ako je Irina vrati na izvorište, dobit će moći koje bi mogle ugroziti Zapad.

Nevjerojatni dvojac koji je vječito napušen, prodaje dovoljno svog 'posebnog' sladoleda da zaradi ozbiljan novac i ostvari svoje snove - nove gitare, otok na suncu i lijepe žene. Ali, naravno, ne ide sve po planu. Dok slave svoje bogatstvo u kineskom restoranu, Cheech sretne svoju davno izgubljenu ljubav Donnu i otprati je do njenog otmjenog apartmana. Međutim, ubrzo doznaje da dolazi Donnin dečko, bivši zatvorenik po imenu Animal. U međuvremenu, Chong je nesvjesno zamijenio sav njihov novac za bezvrijedni bankovni ček - a jedini način da ga vrati je da ode u obližnju ludnicu.

When flesh-eating piranhas are accidently released into a summer resort's rivers, the guests become their next meal.

To save himself from the biggest bully in school, Chris Calder has to dress himself up like a girl to avoid Curt. When the disguise works, he is forced to stay a girl - with disastrous results. Curt falls for the new girl in school while Chris falls for the bully's sister, a beautiful blonde cheerleader. High school is hard enough without worrying if your wig is on straight. Chris soon find out he can't hid in his sister's skirts. But is he man enough to reveal his secret and fight for the girl he loves?

In an uncharted future, two hardened souls meet and confront each other with the things they have done and what they have become.