Mītiskajā elfu zemē Alterā norisinās episka cīņa starp skaisto princesi Liju un tumšās maģijas elfu Elenu. Elenas rokās ir nonācis spēcīgs dārgakmens, kas viņai varētu ļaut valdīt par Alteras zemi. Viņa ir jāaptur.

Kenshin has settled into his new life with Kaoru and his other friends when he is approached with a request from the Meiji government. Makoto Shishio, a former assassin like Kenshin, was betrayed, set on fire and left for dead. He survived, and is now in Kyoto, plotting with his gathered warriors to overthrow the new government. Against Kaoru's wishes, Kenshin reluctantly agrees to go to Kyoto and help keep his country from falling back into civil war.

The Dwarves, Bilbo and Gandalf have successfully escaped the Misty Mountains, and Bilbo has gained the One Ring. They all continue their journey to get their gold back from the Dragon, Smaug.

Covered in ice and snow, Elior Forest is the home to dangerous magical beasts and 50 elves frozen in ice. One day, the great spirit Puck helps a young girl break out of her ice prison. Her name is Emilia, a half-elf born with silver hair, long ears, and amethyst eyes—features that resemble the evil Witch who destroyed half the world long ago. Shunned by society because of her appearance, Emilia dwells in the forest with Puck as her sole companion and family. Burdened with a sin of destruction she does not remember committing, she spends her days trying to find a way to help her frozen kin. But when the great spirit Melakuera, the Arbitrator of the world, finds Emilia, her right to stay alive is brought into question. Will the bonds of ice she formed with Puck prove to be the warm thread that defies fate?

Vakanda nav tikai vienkārša teritorija, dziļi noslēpta Āfrikas mežonīgajos apvidos – tās unikālie derīgie izrakteņi vienmēr piesaistījuši alkatīgus cilvēkus, kuri gatavi iznīcināt visu savā ceļā, lai tiktu pie dārgumiem. Šeit dzīvojošos cilvēkus senāk aizsargāja savannas gars – Melnā Pantera. Pēc daudziem gadiem Vakandā atkal ierodas alkatīgais ienaidnieks – šoreiz apbruņojies ar modernām tehnoloģijām. Tam pretī var stāties tikai kāds, kurš būs gatavs ļaut atdzimt Melnās Panteras leģendai.

When a massive, gilled monster emerges from the deep and tears through the city, the government scrambles to save its citizens. A rag-tag team of volunteers cuts through a web of red tape to uncover the monster's weakness and its mysterious ties to a foreign superpower. But time is not on their side - the greatest catastrophe to ever befall the world is about to evolve right before their very eyes.

Humanity finally rids themselves of Godzilla, imprisoning him in an icy tomb in the South Pole. All is peaceful until various monsters emerge to lay waste to Earth's cities. Overwhelmed, humanity is seemingly saved by a race of benevolent aliens known as Xiliens. But not all is what it seems with these bizarre visitors. If humanity wishes to survive, they must reluctantly resurrect their most hated enemy, Godzilla.

On her 16th birthday, Gwendolyn Shepherd finds out that instead of her cousin, she has inherited a rare gene that allows her to travel through time.

During World War II, Steve Rogers is a sickly man from Brooklyn who's transformed into super-soldier Captain America to aid in the war effort. Rogers must stop the Red Skull – Adolf Hitler's ruthless head of weaponry, and the leader of an organization that intends to use a mysterious device of untold powers for world domination.

A former special forces operative struggling to contain the destructive impulses of his past goes on a rampage against a squad of ruthless assassins.

Atriebēji ir sakauti kaujā ar Ultronu. Seši no varoņiem ir krituši kaujā un pār pasauli tagad valda Ultrona armija. Taču karš nav zaudēts, varoņu bērni ir gatavi cīnīties!

Agent Coulson stops at a convenience store and deals with a coincidental robbery during his visit.

Ash, Pikachu, and their friends come to a desert city by the sea. Here they meet the Mythical Pokémon Hoopa, which has the ability to summon things—including people and Pokémon—through its magic rings. After a scary incident, they learn of a story about a brave hero who stopped the rampage of a terrifying Pokémon long ago. Now, the threat that has been bottled up for years is in danger of breaking loose again.

Peter Parker is an outcast high schooler abandoned by his parents as a boy, leaving him to be raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Like most teenagers, Peter is trying to figure out who he is and how he got to be the person he is today. As Peter discovers a mysterious briefcase that belonged to his father, he begins a quest to understand his parents' disappearance – leading him directly to Oscorp and the lab of Dr. Curt Connors, his father's former partner. As Spider-Man is set on a collision course with Connors' alter ego, The Lizard, Peter will make life-altering choices to use his powers and shape his destiny to become a hero.

Twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park, Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond.

Two teenage girls discover that mermaids really do exist after a violent storm washes one ashore. The mermaid, a sassy creature named Aquamarine, is determined to prove to her father that real love exists, and enlists the girls' help in winning the heart of a handsome lifeguard.

Trīs nenovērtētas un ar darbiem apkrāvušās mammas – Eimija, Kikija un Karla – pūlas vaiga sviedros, lai sagādātu savām ģimenēm jaukākos Ziemassvētkus. Bet it kā ar to vēl būtu par maz, viņām savās mājās jāuzņem un jāizklaidē jebkuru brīvdienu lielākais bieds – sava mamma. Soli pa solim mūsu mammas nonāk pie jaunām atziņām, kā sarīkot neaizmirstamus Ziemassvētkus, un galu galā satuvinās arī katra ar savu māti.

Pēc tam, kad planētu arvien biežāk bija sākušas piemeklēt postošas dabas katastrofas, pasaules līderi sanāca kopā un radīja visaptverošu satelītu tīklu globālai klimata kontrolei un cilvēku drošībai. Bet nu kaut kas ir nogājis greizi — sistēma, kas tika izveidota, lai pasargātu zemi, tagad to apdraud.

Eren Yeager leaves to restore a break in the wall destroyed by a Titan. He comes under attack by the Titans and is cornered. Shikishima comes to his aid. The titans never stops attacking. Eren is now injured and tries to protect Armin, but is swallowed by a titan. A Titan with black hair appears and begins to expel the other titans.

Tortured by the ghosts of the demonized insane asylum that killed the crew of GRAVE ENCOUNTERS, film students fight to escape death as their own paranormal investigation goes terribly wrong in this horrifying sequel.