Tri godine nakon bitke Geonosisa ratovi klonova se konačno privode kraju. Obi-Wan Kenobi sada ima zaduženje za uništenje ostalih separatista Count Dooku i Grievousa. Palpatine je postao korumpiran, proglašavajući se carem, a zajedno s Anakinom Skywalkerom započinje stvaranje svog novog galaktičkog kraljevstva. Budući da se Anakin naposljetku pretvara u zlog Dartha Vadera, Padme se odlučuje skriti sve do kraja rata kada će na vidjelo izaći novi sukob.

Šarmantni odmetnuti pirat kapetan Jack Sparrow se vratio. Sada Jack mora platiti dug u krvi: duguje svoju dušu legendarnom Davyju Jonesu, sablasnom vladaru oceanskih dubina, ali uvijek lukavi Jack neće se predati bez borbe.

For ages, Odin has protected his kingdom of Asgard. But every winter, the All-Father must rest and regain his strength for one week. During this time, all of Asgard's foes (including trolls, giants, dark elves, and demons) try to claim the realm for their own, but they are always stopped by Odin's son, the mighty Thor, albeit with the loss of many brave Asgardian warriors. Loki, god of mischief, has kidnapped Dr. Bruce Banner and brought him to Asgard with the help of Amora, once Thor's lover, now the supervillain known as the Enchantress. Loki makes Banner angry and he changes into the Hulk. The Enchantress then casts a spell over the Hulk which separates Banner from his monstrous alter-ego and grants Loki control over the Hulk's body.

The last 7 hours of former President of Chile Salvador Allende, and his closest collaborators inside the Palace of La Moneda, during the brutal military coup d'etat on Sept. 11, 1973, the day democracy in Chile ended. Based on true events.

Kapetan Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) nađe se na neplaniranom putovanju prema mitskom Izvoru mladosti kada ga žena iz njegove prošlosti (Penelope Cruz) dovuče na palubu "Osvete kraljice Ane", broda omraženoga kapetana Crnobradog.

Nepoznata sila donosi nemir i početak rata koje ni Jedi ne mogu zaustaviti. kako bi saznali pozadinu misterija Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala i Anakin Skywalker ponovno se nalaze zajedno te će pokušati razriješiti veliku tajnu.

Zla Trade Federacija, na čelu s Nute Gunray planira preuzeti miran svijet Nabooa. Jedi vitezovi Qui-Gon Jinn i Obi-Wan Kenobi idu se suočiti s vođama. No, ne ide sve po planu.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Godina je 1961. Arka, svemirski brod s planeta Cybertron, koji krije tajnu koja bi mogla okončati rat između Autobota i Decepticona, sruši se na tamnu stranu Mjeseca. NASA uoči nesreću nakon čega John F. Kennedy odobri misiju na Mjesec s tajnim zadatkom da se istraži svemirski brod. Godine 1969. posada Apolla 11 slijeće na Mjesec. Danas Autoboti - Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide, Mirage, Wheeljack i Sideswipe, na čelu s Optimusom Primeom, bore se protiv zlih Decepticona, koji traže osvetu za nedavni poraz. I jedna i druga strana uskoro postanu upetljane u utrku Rusa i Amerikanaca, koji se žele domoći skrivenog svemirskog broda s planeta Cybertron.

U drugom dijelu sukob između Autobota i Decepticonsa se nastavlja. Decepticoni se vraćaju na Zemlju oteti Sama Witwickyja nakon što mladić dozna istinu o porijeklu Transformera. Naravno, Optimus Prime i ekipa su tu da se suprotstave zlim snagama. Koliko će vam se svidjeti film ovisi o tome što od njega očekujete te o godištu.

After solving their last mystery at Spooky Island, the Mystery Inc. gang is back in Coolsville, where they are being honored with their very own exhibit at the Coolsonian Criminology Museum. However, when a masked villain steals costumes of classic monsters on display and brings them to life, the gang must come out of retirement to solve the case.

Theseus is a mortal man chosen by Zeus to lead the fight against the ruthless King Hyperion, who is on a rampage across Greece to obtain a weapon that can destroy humanity.

The royal couple Odette and Derek face yet another evil magician, this time a woman named Zelda. Lusting for the treasure of the Forbidden Arts, which will give her absolute power, Zelda kidnaps Odette as ransom. Derek and several animal friends head off to rescue Odette

Marljiva policajka koja sve radi po pravilima (Reese Whiterspoon) u 'Vrućoj potjeri' pokušat će zaštititi seksi udovicu (Sofia Vergara) od šefa bande. Bježeći Teksasom u stopu će ih pratiti korumpirani policajci i plaćeni ubojice.

Zadnji put kada smo ih vidjeli, mali Cortezovi su se upravo priključili obiteljskom poslu, špijuniranju, kako bi vratili otete roditelje. Pomoću raznoraznih elektroničkih smicalica u stilu Jamesa Bonda, malo sreće i lukavosti, djeca su pokazala kako mogu biti jednako dobri agenti kao i odrasli. Sada su Carmen i Jun punopravni članovi kontraobavještajne zajednice, pa dobivaju svoj prvi samostalni zadatak, koji će se pretvoriti u bjesomučnu utrku s ludim znanstvenikom s tajanstvenog vulkanskog otoka i njegovim čudnovatim stvorenjima.

A Hong Kong detective suffers a fatal accident involving a mysterious medallion and is transformed into an immortal warrior with superhuman powers.

The joke's on absent-minded scientist Wayne Szalinski when his troublesome invention shrinks him, his brother and their wives so effectively that their children think they've completely disappeared. Of course, this gives the kids free rein to do anything they want, unaware that their parents are watching every move.

A prequel to the first animated/live-action Casper feature, Casper: A Spirited Beginning introduces the friendliest ghost you'll ever know and explains how Casper met and befriended the other ghouls at Applegate Manor. After being stranded, Casper meets young Chris Carson, a lonely kid who decides to teach Casper how to be a proper ghost

The ongoing war between the canine and feline species is put on hold when they join forces to thwart a rogue cat spy with her own sinister plans for conquest.

Kako bi uništio sve stanovnike Gothama, zli Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger) planira zalediti cijeli grad, u čemu mu pomaže smrtonosna Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman), botaničarka kojoj biljke predstavljaju mnogo više od ljudi. Zavodljiva Ivy uspije posvađati legendarnog Batmana (George Clooney) i njegovoga vjernog pomoćnika Robina (Chris O'Donnell) pa se čini kako Gothamu zaista nema spasa. Međutim, dolazak neustrašive Batgirl (Alicia Silverstone) pomirit će zavađene prijatelje i dinamični duo pretvoriti u trio pred kojim zlikovci nemaju nikakve šanse.