Režiser epopej Pogumno srce, Kristusov pasijon in Apokalipto predstavlja navdihujočo resnično zgodbo o bolničarju Desmondu, ki želi v času druge svetovne vojne pomagati tovarišem v boju. Spomladi leta 1945 – ko se je vojna na Tihem oceanu bližala svojim poslednjim, a najsmrtonosnejšim dnevom in so ameriške sile v Okinavi naletele na morda najbolj zagrizen odpor Japoncev – se je en vojak izkazal za neverjetnega junaka. Desmond T. Doss, ki je zaradi ugovora vesti odklanjal uporabo orožja in je zaprisegel, da nikoli ne bo ubil nikogar, je služil kot neoborožen bolničar… in je sam samcat – ne da bi izstrelil en sam naboj – rešil življenja na ducate svojih soborcev, ki so se opotekli pod streli sovražnika.

Leto 1973. Petnajstletni William Miller (Patrick Fugit) je navdušen rokenrol fan, ki si prizadeva postati glasbeni novinar. Piše za majhne alternativne časopise, članke pa pošilja tudi legendarnemu glasbenemu novinarju Lesterju Bangsu (Philip Seymour Hoffman). Ko mu slovita revija Rolling Stone poveri intervju z vzhajajočimi zvezdami, hard rockerji Stillwater, mladi novinar na turneji in v zaodrjih, med tripi in ego tripi, doživi ognjeni krst in rokenrol. V marsičem avtobiografska pripoved Camerona Crowa, ki je v 70-ih pri rosnih šestnajstih intervjuval legendarne Led Zeppeline.

Neutrudno moštvo herojskih Maščevalcev vedno znova rešuje svet pred uničenjem, toda škoda, ki jo pri tem povzročijo, gre v nos številnim politikom. Vlada naposled sklene, da morajo Maščevalci odgovarjati za svoja dejanja, toda nadzor, ki ga želijo vzpostaviti, ogrozi življenje Stotnika Amerike. Ta se sklene upreti politikom, vendar pri tem naleti na nepričakovan odpor pri Iron Manu. Nepredstavljivi spor med Maščevalci ustvari dva tabora, ki se neusmiljeno spopadeta med seboj, nastali kaos pa izkoristi temačna sila, ki v zakulisju načrtuje prevzem sveta.

Režiser divjih komedij Road Trip in Modeli stare šole predstavlja zgodbo o skoraj poročenem Dougu, ki želi zadnja dva dneva samskega stanu preživeti s tremi najboljšimi prijatelji. Odpravijo se v mesto zabave Las Vegas, toda po prekrokani noči prijatelji ugotovijo, da je Doug izginil, v kopalnici tiči čisto pravi tiger, v omari pa joka neznan dojenček. Da bi našli pogrešanega prijatelja, se odpravijo po sledeh pretekle noči in ob tem odkrivajo, kakšne neumnosti in pregrehe so povzročili.

Nad Veliko Britanijo se razdivja nevaren virus, ki uide iz laboratorija za raziskavo primatov, v katerega so vdrli borci za pravice živali. Prenaša se s kapljo krvi, poguben pa je v nekaj sekundah, saj okužene za vedno pahne v stanje morilskega besa. V 28 dneh je država na kolenih in peščica preživeli začne reševati prihodnost, a se ne zaveda, da virus ni edina stvar, ki jih ogroža.

Oborožen z zgolj eno besedo – TENET – ter z borbo za preživetje celega sveta, se glavni junak zgodbe prebija skozi mračen svet mednarodnega vohunjenja na misiji, ki se dogaja v nečem izven realnega časa in prostora. To ni potovanje skozi čas. To je inverzija.

Manekenski par Carl in Yaya je povabljen na luksuzno križarjenje. Medtem ko ustrežljiva posadka skrbi za zbirko bajno bogatih potnikov, zapiti kapitan tiči v svoji kabini in posluša Internacionalo. A pripravlja se nevihta in med slavnostno večerjo s sedmimi hodi se potnikov loti huda morska bolezen … Švedski satirik Ruben Östlund (Višja sila, Kvadrat) svoje strupene bodice tokrat uperi v svet visoke mode in ekonomsko privilegiranih ter ustvari divje zabavno farso, v kateri se razredna hierarhija obrne na glavo in razkrije tržna vrednost lepote. Zlata palma na zadnjem festivalu v Cannesu.

The working class twin sister of a callous wealthy woman impulsively murders her out of revenge and assumes the identity of the dead woman. But impersonating her dead twin is more complicated and risky than she anticipated.

A new school year, his brother Rodrick teases him over and over and over and over again. Will Greg manage to get along with him? Or will a secret ruin everything?

Olivier Assayas, Gus Van Sant, Wes Craven and Alfonso Cuaron are among the 20 distinguished directors who contribute to this collection of 18 stories, each exploring a different aspect of Parisian life. The colourful characters in this drama include a pair of mimes, a husband trying to chose between his wife and his lover, and a married man who turns to a prostitute for advice.

Ben Campbell is a young, highly intelligent student at M.I.T. who strives to succeed. Wanting a scholarship to transfer to Harvard School of Medicine to become a doctor, Ben learns that he cannot afford the $300,000 tuition as he comes from a poor, working-class background. But one evening, Ben is introduced by his unorthodox math professor to a small but secretive club of five students, Jill, Choi, Kianna, and Fisher, who are being trained by Professor Rosa to count cards at blackjack.

Carl Allen, a guy whose life is going nowhere, signs up for a self-help program based on one simple covenant: say yes to everything…and anything.

Young Kid has been invited to a party at his friend Play's house. But after a fight at school, Kid's father grounds him. None the less, Kid sneaks out when his father falls asleep. But Kid doesn't know that three of the thugs at school have decided to give him a lesson in behavior.

A 16-year-old girl visits her gay half-brother and ends up seducing his boyfriend, thus wreaking havoc on all of their lives.

Duncan is a genius straight A student, Blade is juvenile delinquent. But because of a mix up with their school records, everyone thinks each is the other one. Now, Duncan kind of likes the attention from being thought of as a real bad dude, if only the school bully would stop trying to rough him up. And Blade definitely likes being thought of as important instead of as trouble.

Chelios faces a Chinese mobster who has stolen his nearly indestructible heart and replaced it with a battery-powered ticker that requires regular jolts of electricity to keep working.

An LA detective is murdered because she has microfilm with the recipe to make cocaine cookies. Two cops partner to find and stop the fiends before they can dope the nation by distributing their wares via the 'Wilderness Girls' cookie drive.

In the 19th century, an expert marine biologist is hired by the government to determine what's sinking ships all over the ocean. His daughter follows him. They are intercepted by a mysterious captain Nemo and his incredible submarine.

Four friends leave NYC for Catskill Park and hear something unearthly during their camping trip.

When the older brother (Tommy Nash) he idolizes is run off the road by a ruthless drug dealer (Darren Thomas) during a nighttime street race known as Sepulveda Suicide, Rick Merchant (Jaz Martin) channels his grief into getting revenge behind the wheel. But to win, he’ll need to modify his trusty 1978 Datsun 280Z — with help from a pretty mechanic (Hennely Jimenez) — to get the maximum speed out of its machinery.