Senovės Kinijos kaime senas bambukų kirtėjas ir jo žmona bambuko stiebe atranda mažą mergaitę. Beaugindami ją jie taip pat netikėtai randa daugybę aukso. Manydami, kad tai kažkoks dieviškasis ženklas, pasinaudodami pinigais jie nuperka kūdikiui, vardu Kaguja, dvarą sostinėje, kur ji bus auginama kaip princesė. Daugybė mergintojų išgirdo apie jos grožį ir pradėjo varžytis dėl jos rankos santuokoje, bet Kaguja tenori grįžti į buvusį gyvenimą kaime. Tuo tarpu, besisukant likimo ratams, jos tikroji kilmė aiškėja.

Filmas paremtas to paties pavadinimo Aoi Hiiragi manga motyvais. Pastatytas studijoje „Studio Ghibli“. Pasakojama apie pagrindinės mokyklos mokinę Šidzuku Cukišima, gyvenančią Tokijuje. Mergina dievina skaityti knygas. Vieną vakarą ji pastebi, kad visas jos iš bibliotekos pasiskolintas knygas jau perskaitė asmuo vardu Seidži Amasava ir ją apninka noras sužinoti, kas jis toks. Po keleto dienų mokykloje ji susiduria su vienu vaikinu, kuris nesiliauja jos erzinęs...

In Italy in the 1930s, sky pirates in biplanes terrorize wealthy cruise ships as they sail the Adriatic Sea. The only pilot brave enough to stop the scourge is the mysterious Porco Rosso, a former World War I flying ace who was somehow turned into a pig during the war. As he prepares to battle the pirate crew's American ace, Porco Rosso enlists the help of spunky girl mechanic Fio Piccolo and his longtime friend Madame Gina.

A workman finds a singing frog in the cornerstone of an old building being demolished. But when he tries to cash in on his discovery, he finds the frog will sing only for him, and just croak for the talent agent and the audience in the theater he's spent his life savings on.

Filmas pasakoja apie Taeko, vienišą moterį gyvenančią ir dirbančią Tokijuje. Išvykus atostogų į kaimą Taeko užplūsta praeities prisiminimai, nunešę ją į 1966-uosius, jos mokyklos laikus. Filmo veiksmas keliauja tarp praeities ir dabarties, pilnas nostalgijos bei nuostabių gamtos peizažų. Susidėliojusi savo prisiminimus Taeko bando padaryti keletą svarbių sprendimų dėl savo ateities...

Vieną dieną judrioje gatvėje mergaitė Haru drąsiai išgelbėja nuo mirties po automobilio ratais žavingą katiną. Ji be galo nustemba, kai katinas atsistoja ant užpakalinių letenų ir padėkoja Haru žmonių kalba. Vėliau paaiškėja, kad šis katinas yra paslaptingos Kačių karalystės princas. Įtakingas Kačių karalius nori jį apvesdinti su narsiąja gelbėtoja. Netrukus karalius pagrobia Haru. Ši visiškai nenori tapti Kačių princese - tik ištikimi ūsuotieji ir uodeguotieji draugai - valkataujantis Storulis ir nuostabusis Baronas gali išgelbėti ją iš kačių nelaisvės. Jų laukia netikėti susitikimai ir svaiginantys nuotykiai paslaptingoje Kačių karalystėje.

Yoko Asagiri is in love, but is afraid to confess her feelings so she writes a song to express her feelings. Much to her dismay, the love song she wrote acted as a bridge connecting the world in which she lived in to that of Earth's alternate world called "Ashanti." There, the ruler of that world wants her song so that he could use it to open a doorway to Yoko's world and conquer it with his armies. Using the artifacts left behind by the legendary warrior Leda who prophesized her arrival, Yoko and her newfound friends must stop the tyrant's ambition and return both worlds to their proper place and balance.

Jamados - tradicinė šeima: tėtis, mama, senelė, sūnus Sigė ir dukrelė Nonoko. Kaip ir kiekvienoje šeimoje kasdien jiems nutinka kas nors įdomaus ir linksmo: tai Nonoko užmirštama parduotuvėje, tai mama ir tėtis susipeša dėl televizoriaus pultelio, tai senelė nustebina savo kulinariniais eksperimentais... Labai nuotaikingas studijos Ghibli ir režisieriaus Isao Takahata anime filmas apie šiuolaikinės japonų šeimos gyvenimą, buitį bei nuolat nutinkančias komiškas situacijas.

The Pictorians have arrived from deep in space. They also have dangly glow-balls on their heads, which is kinda cool, but still. The freaky aliens are using use their crazy rainbow-beam-thingy to paint everything on Earth the same color: white! See, now the title of the movie makes more sense, right? Anyway, if the Pictorians are to be stopped, the Allied guys and the Axis boys - plus some new characters, too - must set aside their differences, unite against their common foe, and hopefully get together for a sweaty workout to make sure they're super-ready to save the world!

Pandy and Retro awaken naked on Earth with no recollection of their past. They embark on a crime spree in search of food and clothing, but are captured by authorities and sent to the infamous lunar penitentiary named Dead Leaves.

An uncompromising, visionary architect struggles to maintain his integrity and individualism despite personal, professional and economic pressures to conform to popular standards.

Heidi leaves her beloved Alm and moves to Frankfurt, where she finds a new good friend in Clara. Aunt Dete wants Heidi to leave her grandfather on the mountain pasture and go with her to Frankfurt, where she is supposed to live with the Sesemann family and keep their paralyzed daughter Clara company. In this way, Heidi would enjoy an excellent upbringing and grow up with one of the richest families in Frankfurt. Aunt Dete sees a bright future for Heidi in the city. However, this idea is not met with enthusiasm by Heidi and her grandfather, Peter and his grandmother are also very reluctant to let Heidi go. After much persuasion and many promises from Aunt Dete, Heidi finally leaves her beloved mountain world with a heavy heart and travels to Frankfurt.

Kažkas keisto apniko žemę: karalystė pūna, žmonės ėmė keistai elgtis – jie mato drakonus, kurių neturėtų būti jų pasaulyje. Klajojantis burtininkas Gedas imasi darbo. Keliaudamas jis sutinka pamišusį paauglį princą Areną. Nors Arenas atrodo kaip drovus jaunuolis, jis slepia savo tamsiąją pusę, kuri suteikia jam jėgų, neapykantos, nuožmumo ir žiaurumo.

The target of hitgirl Mikura is a wealthy baseball team owner, but he turns out to be a powerful underworld boss. Mikura and her team are beset by countless heavily armed bodyguards and the boss' vicious daughter.

Young Horus lives in a mythical Scandinavia of the Iron Age. Recovering the stolen Sword of the Sun from a rock giant, he learns he must travel to the lands of his ancestors, encountering the beautiful but enigmatic Hilda as his journey leads to a series of adventures.

A shipment of a narcotic more dangerous than opium is about to be distributed across the country by a corrupt pharmaceutical company. In the face of foreign and domestic enemies, can Wong Fei-Hung stop the spread of this dangerous narcotic and save lives in time?

Beatriz, an immigrant from a poor town in Mexico, has drawn on her innate kindness to build a career as a health practitioner. Doug Strutt is a cutthroat, self-satisfied billionaire. When these two opposites meet at a dinner party, their worlds collide, and neither will ever be the same.

Viviane, a French Consul's wife, is in New Guinea to find exotic feathers for export to Paris. She encounters four European travelers who are en route to "La Vallée": The Valley, high in the Guinean mountains, is shown on maps as 'obscured by clouds' and is beyond their previous experiences. Viviane joins their trek to find rare feathers and soon becomes entwined in their journey. Their extended stay with the Mapuga tribe brings a denouement between western and indigenous values before their final quest toward the 'Valley of the Gods'.

Mr. Pricklepants tells Forky about the complexities of being an actor and the art of performance.

An ex-marine who struggles to provide for his family and a violent drug dealer with an undefeated fighting record are determined to compete in the Donnybrook, a legendary, bare-knuckle brawl with a cash prize of $100,000.