When a spoiled English girl living in 19th century India loses both parents in a cholera epidemic, she is sent back to England to live in a country mansion. The lord is a strange old man-- frail and deformed, immensely kind but so melancholy. She wishes to discover what has caused him so much sorrow and to bring joy back to the household. It all must have something to do with the screams and wails which echo through the house at night and no one wants to talk about.

Luiza - greito maisto restorano padavėja, jaučiasi vieniša ir išduota, nes jos vaikinas – gastroliuojantis pakelės restoranėliuose muzikantas nėra ištikimas draugas. Jos draugė energingoji Telma ištekėjusi taip pat netapo laimingesnė, nes patyrė, kad iš jos tikimasi tik virtuvinių paslaugų, tuo tarpu jos išrinktasis paskyrė sau vietą prie televizoriaus. Draugės nutaria pradėti naują gyvenimą: palikti savo vyrus ir pakyrėjusį miesteliūkštį. Nesėkmė viena, antra, trečia... merginos neteko savo santaupų, joms teko išgyventi ir aukos, ir žudiko vaidmenis..., po to sekė vagystės... kartą peržengus įstatymo ribą, nelengva grįžti atgal.

David Attenborough and scientist Johan Rockström examine Earth's biodiversity collapse and how this crisis can still be averted.

A portrait of the day-to-day operations of the National Gallery of London, that reveals the role of the employees and the experiences of the Gallery's visitors. The film portrays the role of the curators and conservators; the education, scientific, and conservation departments; and the audience of all kinds of people who come to experience it.

Vadovavusį daugeliui sėkmingų kovinių operacijų generolą Judžiną Irviną už nepaklusnumą ir įsakymo nevykdymą išsiunčia į griežtai saugomą karo nusikaltėlių kalėjimą. Jam vadovauja valdingas ir žiaurus pulkininkas Vinteris. Žygdarbiais pagarsėjęs generolas iškart užkariauja kalinių simpatijas. Net pulkininkas Vinteris pataikauja drąsiam generolui, nori paversti jį savo dešiniąja ranka. Tačiau supratęs, kad kalėjime vyrauja neteisybė ir prievarta, Irvinas meta iššūkį niekšingam Vinteriui. Generolas pradeda rengti tikrą maištą, kad galėtų perimti kalėjimo valdžią.

An unfiltered look in to the lives of 3 characters surviving amongst the most recent cycle of conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, otherwise known as the M23 rebellion.

Istorija apie du brolius, kurių gyvenimai ir likimai susiklostė taip skirtingai. Vyriausias, Džojus Robertsas, yra pastovaus ir ramaus būdo ir dirba miesto policijoje. Jauniausias, Frenkas Robertsas, yra visiška priešingybė savo broliui: nepaprastai ambicingas buvęs nusikaltėlis, karštakošis ir agresyvus mušeika. Grįžęs iš Vietnamo karo, jis ateina pas Džojų ir pareiškia, kad nuo šiol jis nori pradėti naują gyvenimą, kuriame nebus vietos nusikaltimams. Džojaus žmona Maria netiki Frenko patikinimais ir vertina juos gan skeptiškai. Tačiau Frenkas laikosi pažado ir bando sustyguoti gyvenimą su savo mergina Dorote, nes netrukus jie taps tėvais ...

Laborie is a high-flying officer in the French special forces. Her mission is to escort Abedin Nexhep, a godfather of the Albanian mafia. Charged with heading a wide-reaching prostitution network, this formidable criminal is due to stand trial before a European court. During the transfer, killers hired by Nexhep set up an ambush to free their boss but Laborie and her men manage to escape...

Tom Ripley - cool, urbane, wealthy, and murderous - lives in a villa in the Veneto with Luisa, his harpsichord-playing girlfriend. A former business associate from Berlin's underworld pays a call asking Ripley's help in killing a rival. Ripley - ever a student of human nature - initiates a game to turn a mild and innocent local picture framer into a hit man. The artisan, Jonathan Trevanny, who's dying of cancer, has a wife, young son, and little to leave them. If Ripley draws Jonathan into the game, can Ripley maintain control? Does it stop at one killing? What if Ripley develops a conscience?

Frankie McGuire, one of the IRA's deadliest assassins, draws an American family into the crossfire of terrorism. But when he is sent to the U.S. to buy weapons, Frankie is housed with the family of Tom O'Meara, a New York cop who knows nothing about Frankie's real identity. Their surprising friendship, and Tom's growing suspicions, forces Frankie to choose between the promise of peace or a lifetime of murder.

Brad is about to hook up with the girl of his dreams, but runs into a problem, no condom. So Brad sets out into the night to find one, running into many obstacles along the way, while not knowing his best friend, Leah is in love with him.

Randy Bodek works as a pizza delivery boy at Señor Pizza to make a few extra bucks. Some customers are special, though: When the order is for a pizza with extra anchovies, it means the female customers are looking for some loving. But, as Randy soon learns, life as a professional gigolo can get pretty complicated.

Nusikaltėlių pasaulyje sklando gandai apie paslaptingą, beprotiškai brangų ir mistinį pistoletą, kurį visi vadina "Meksikiečiu". Niekas tiksliai nežino, iš kur atsirado šis pavadinimas, bet paslapčia įtaria, kad ginklo reikia ieškoti kaimyninėje Meksikoje. Tik nežinia, kas ką aplenks, kas ką apgaus – kuris pirmasis paims jį į rankas. Žinoma, tai jaudina ir gerai žinomą nusikaltėlį Džerį Velbachą. Antikvarinių meno kūrinių kolekcionierius bei patyręs vagišius puikiai suvokia šio ginklo vertę.

A successful "house tuner" in New York City, who calibrates the sound in people's homes in order to adjust their moods, meets a client with a problem he can't solve.

Mike Locken is one of the principal members of a group of freelance spies. A significant portion of their work is for the CIA, and while on a case for them one of his friends turns on him and shoots him in the elbow and knee. His assignment, to protect someone, goes down in flames. He is nearly crippled, but with braces is able to again become mobile. For revenge as much as anything else, Mike goes after his ex-friend.

An engaged interior designer sees two small girls on the subway train that die there. He sees them again in his apartment. A woman he meets can also see them. He talks to her about his forgotten childhood.

In the troubled city of Edison, a young journalist, his jaded editor, and an honest investigator from the district attorney's office join forces to gather evidence against corrupt members of an elite police unit.

An ancient genie is released from a lamp when thieves ransack an old woman's house. They are killed and the lamp is moved to a museum to be studied. The curator's daughter is soon possessed by the genie and invites her friends to spend the night at the museum, along with some uninvited guests...

Farid, a young 26-year-old Frenchman, must travel to Algeria to save his father's house. While discovering this country in which he had never before set foot, he succumbs to the charms of a host of astonishing characters whose humour and simplicity affect him deeply. Amongst these is his cousin, a bright and lively young man who has the dream of one day going to France...