On the day Tōma Kamijō and Index see Academy City's space elevator, Endymion in the distance, they meet a Level 0 girl with an amazing singing voice, Arisa Meigo. As the three enjoy their time together after school, magic-user Stiyl Magnus suddenly attacks them. His target: Arisa. Why would a girl from the science side be targeted by someone from the magic side, Tōma wonders. In the chaos of Stiyl's attack, he tells Tōma, Index and Arisa that she might cause a war between the magic side and the science side.

At an airport, the Emerald Archer must protect a young princess from assassins.

Ezra Bridger encounters the Ghost crew and joins them on a mission to free Wookiees from an Imperial Star Destroyer.

Year 2116—The Japanese government begins to export the Sibyl System unmanned drone robots to troubled countries, and the system spreads throughout the world. A state in the midst of a civil war, SEAUn (the South East Asia Union), brings in the Sibyl System as an experiment. Under the new system, the coastal town of Shambala Float achieves temporary peace and safety. But then SEAUn sends terrorists to Japan. They slip through the Sibyl System and then attack from within. The shadow of a certain man falls on this incident. In charge of the police, Tsunemori travels to Shambala Float to investigate. The truth of justice on this new ground will become clear.

Inspired by the moving book “Só as Mães São Felizes”, by Lucinha Araújo, Cazuza's mother, the film covers a little more than 10 years of the singer’s crazy and brief life – from the beginning of his career in the Circo Voador venue, in 1981, to the huge success and the apotheosis of his shows with the Barão Vermelho band, his solo career, his relations with his parents, friends, lovers and passions, and the courage he had to face his final years, with HIV, until his death, in 1990.

Начинаещия пилот Хал Джордан преоткрива себе си, нает като най-новият член на интергалактически полицейски сили, зелените фенери, едно от най-елитните подразделения на героите. Те патрулират по Вселената, за да охраняват света и да раздават правосъдие на злодеите. Несигурни в уменията на новия член, шефовете назначават опекун на Хал и му дават задача да го обучи добре за работата. Но самият ментор не подозира, че Синестро планира да ги разбие като организация и да се опита да направи своя такава, за да може да управлява света.

A captivating portrait of French actor Michel Piccoli, who has worked with the greatest filmmakers of his time and has built a dazzling career of remarkable merit and success, focusing on his work during the 1970s and his professional relationship with Claude Sautet, Romy Schneider, Marco Ferreri and Luis Buñuel.

Жената чудо се опитва да помогне на проблемното младо момиче Ванеса, която е свързана със смъртоносна организация, оглавявана от д-р Кибер.

Д-р Лио Куантъм и екипът му от П.Р.О.Е.К.Т. изучават слънцето, когато са саботирани от поставилия им клопка, генетично подобрен клонинг на Лекс Лутър. Супермен спасява деня, но открива, че се е сдобил с нова сила: способността да проектира биоелектричната си аура. Лекс Лутър (привлечен от ген. Сам Лейн да работи за правителството) дирижира всичко това, за да вземе надмощие над Супермен, като го облъчи с мощна доза от жълта слънчева радиация.

The human race is threatened by a powerful creature, and only the combined power of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and The Flash can stop it. But can they overcome their differences to thwart this enemy using the combined strength of their newly formed Justice League?

When a new recruit joins the Union of Evil, he is assigned to a motley crew of blue-collar workers led by fallen henchmen Hank. But when “The Kid” accidentally steals the ultimate weapon, Hank must break his “risk nothing” code to save the boy he’s befriended, even if it means becoming the one thing he has always avoided… being a hero.

When LexCorp accidentally unleashes a murderous creature, Superman meets his greatest challenge as a champion. Based on the "The Death of Superman" storyline that appeared in DC Comics' publications in the 1990s.

It's one hundred and fifty seconds of pure fantasy.

A trio of soldiers vow revenge on their platoon when they are left behind enemy lines. When they come across a missing contingent in a Vietnamese village, alliances dissolve and each step forward will come with a price.

Life as the sole sale item in the clearance corner of Eben's Bikes can get lonely. So Red, a unicycle, dreams up a clown owner and his own juggling act that steals the show. But all too soon, the applause turns into the sound of rainfall, as reality rushes back. Red must resign himself to sitting in the corner and await his fate.

Любoвтa нe пoзнaвa гpaници в тaзи изпълнeнa c нaпpeжeниe дpaмa. Πpeз 1914г., ĸoгaтo cвeтът e изпpaвeн пpeд вoйнa, eднa жeнa cъc cилнa вoля (Xepи Xилмap, Aннa Kapeнинa) нaпycĸaт Cъeдинeнитe щaти, cлeд ĸaтo ce e зaпoзнaлa c Джъд (Джoш Xapтнeт) – aмepиĸaнcĸи лeĸap, ĸoйтo e нaчeлo нa eĸзoтичнa мeдицинcĸa миcия в дaлeчнaтa Ocмaнcĸa импepия. Taм нeйнaтa лoялнocт ĸъм Джъд и интeлигeнтния ocнoвaтeл нa миcиятa (Бeн Kингcли) e пocтaвeнa нa изпитaниe, ĸoгaтo тя ce влюбвa в Иcмaил – лeйтeнaнт oт ocмaнcĸaтa apмия. Paзĸъcвaнa мeждy aмepиĸaнcĸия лeĸap и зaбpaнeнaтa любoв ĸъм нeйния лeйтeнaнт, Лили oтĸpивa, чe любoвтa e нe пo-мaлĸo oпacнa oт вoйнaтa.

Embittered by Superman's heroic successes and soaring popularity, Lex Luthor forms a dangerous alliance with the powerful computer/villain Brainiac. Using advanced weaponry and a special strain of Kryptonite harvested from the far reaches of outer space, Luthor specifically redesigns Brainiac to defeat the Man of Steel.

A reconstructed girl is created from the pieces of a vampire girl's mini-butchery. Slaughter abounds as both of them pursue the same boy.

In the future, guns are banned and criminals are frozen for the duration of their sentences. A recent spate of killings involving handguns brings Michael Knight back to fight for justice, but he insists of the help of KITT, his artificially-intelligent car from decades ago. The only problem is that KITT has been deactivated.

A super-hero uses her powers to thwart an international spy ring.