Llewelyn Moss pronađe kamionet okružen mrtvacima, a u njemu se nalaze velika količina heroina i 2 milijuna dolara. Moss uzme novac i pokreće lavinu nasilja koju zakon ne može zaustaviti.

Trevor, an insomniac lathe operator, experiences unusual occurrences at work and home. A strange man follows him everywhere, but no one else seems to notice him.

Inspiriran bajkom Snježna kraljica H. C. Andersena, Disney vas odvodi u avanturu Snježnim kraljevstvom uz neustrašivu optimisticu Annu koja, uz pomoć gorštaka Kristoffera i nespretnog snjegovića Olafa prkosi ledenim opasnostima dok traga za sestrom Elsom čije su ledene magične moći ovile kraljevstvo u vječnu zimu. Uz mistična bića, neočekivane prevrate i prijateljstva Disney donosi još jednu poslasticu za cijelu obitelj.

After experiencing a traumatic misfortune, Jasmine French, a wealthy woman from New York, moves to San Francisco to live with her foster sister Ginger and the firm purpose of getting a new life, but she will be haunted by anxiety and memories of the past.

America is in the depths of the Great Depression. Families drift apart when faraway jobs beckon. A courageous young girl confronts overwhelming odds when she embarks on a cross-country search for her father. During her odyssey, she forms a close bond with two diverse traveling companions: a magnificent, protective wolf, and a hardened drifter.

Sutter, a popular party animal, unexpectedly meets the introverted Aimee after waking up on a stranger's lawn. As Sutter deals with the problems in his life and Aimee plans for her future beyond school, an unexpected romance blossoms between them.

Osbourne Cox (John Malkovich) operativac je CIA-a kojem definitivno ne cvjetaju ruže. Harry Pfarrer (George Clooney) egocentrični je policajac koji redovito vara svoju ženu, jedna od njegovih ljubavnica je i Katie Cox (Tilda Swinton). Osbournovi problemi kulminiraju kada dobije otkaz iz agencije zbog čega on odluči razotkriti brojne dobro čuvane tajne iz branše. No kada taj dokument dospije u krive ruke i to one Harryjeve ljubavnice Linde (Frances McDormand) i njenog kolege Chada (Brad Pitt) koji će vruću robu ponuditi Rusima, život im će se dodatno zakomplicirati.

Claudio is a construction worker living in the outskirts of Rome. He's happily married and his wife is pregnant with their third child. However, a dramatic event comes to upset this simple and happy life.

Sve što kradljivac dragulja Miles Logan (Martin Lawrence) želi jest kraljevski život i odmor u Meksiku. No brbljavi Logan jedva preživi kada njegov plan o pljački dijamanta vrijednog 20 milijuna pođe po zlu. Nakon što ga prevari pohlepni član skupine, Miles bježi u obližnju zgradu koja je u izgradnji ne znajući da je riječ o novoj policijskoj postaji te ondje skrije dijamant prije nego što ga policija uhvati. Dvije godine poslije izađe iz zatvora i kao detektiv Malone pretražuje zgradu u nadi da će naći svoj dragulj. No kada uhvati bjegunca, njegov nadređeni mu dodijeli partnera, novaka Carlsona. Stvari se dodatno zakompliciraju kada mu se javi bivši partner Tulley koji želi svoj dio kolača.

The gruesome Nazi Zombies are back to finish their mission, but our hero is not willing to die. He is gathering his own army to give them a final fight.

Based on true events, 16 year-old Jamie falls in with his mother's new boyfriend and his crowd of self-appointed neighborhood watchmen, a relationship that leads to a spree of torture and murder.

Life for a single mom in Los Angeles takes an unexpected turn when she allows three young guys to move in with her.

Already deep into a second Cold War, Britain’s Ministry of Defense seeks a game-changing weapon. Programmer Vincent McCarthy unwittingly provides an answer in The Machine, a super-strong human cyborg. When a programming bug causes the prototype to decimate his lab, McCarthy takes his obsessive efforts underground, far away from inquisitive eyes.

With a new iPhone, an apartment near the Grove, and a comfortable bank account left to her by her beloved late husband, Marnie Minervini has happily relocated from New Jersey to Los Angeles to be near her daughter Lori, a successful (but still single) screenwriter, and smother her with motherly love. But when the dozens of texts, unexpected visits, and conversations dominated by unsolicited advice force Lori to draw strict personal boundaries, Marnie finds ways to channel her eternal optimism and forceful generosity to change the lives of others - as well as her own - and find a new purpose in life.

Radnja je smještena u kriminalno podzemlje Los Angelesa u kojem lutke i ljudi žive zajedno, ali lutke se smatraju građanima drugog reda. Posrnuli bivši policajac i poročni privatni detektiv, Phil Phillips (lutka), odlučan je u otkrivanju serijskog ubojice koji je ubio njegovog brata a sada ubija zvijezde nekad popularna serije. Kako bi riješio slučaj, udružuje se s detektivom Edwards, svojom bivšom partnericom koju ne podnosi.

A quirky couple spends their three-year dating anniversary looking back at their relationship and contemplating whether they should break up.

Young writer Sam has a crush on Birdie, the cute and quirky barista at his local coffee shop. When his conventional attempts to woo her crash and burn, he takes his efforts online, creating an Internet profile embellished with all of the details that would make him Birdie’s dream guy. When the harebrained scheme is a surprise success and Birdie falls for his exaggerated alter ego, Sam must keep up the act or lose his dream girl forever.

Otto Wall is just a little unlucky in life, and unbeknownst to him, in love. When his wife suddenly asks for a divorce, he bounces between a search for answers, desperate attempts to stay connected to his daughter, and his fateful reentry into the dating pool.

The Lunar Base Ark explores ore and unexpectedly is hit by a meteor shower and has severe damages. Colonel Gerard Brauchman sends the crewwoman Ava Cameron to repair a wing that is full of CO2. Dr. Lance Krauss warns that the gas may cause paranoia and hallucinations. Ava brings a sample of the meteor for analysis and Dr. Krauss finds that there are spores attached to the meteor. Ava accidentally cuts her finger in a sample but she hides the cut from the doctor. Soon Ava gets pregnant and delivers an alien offspring. However, neither Col. Brauchman nor Dr. Kraus believes in her words and they believe that Ava is delusional. He offspring bites the crewman Bruce Johns and the crew discovers that Bruce has been cloned by the alien. Soon they find how dangerous the clone is.