Ahnus ja klassiline diskrimineerimine ohustavad vastloodud häid suhteid jõuka Parki pere ja vaese Kimi pere vahel. Kimide poeg kutsutakse eraõpetajana Parkide juurde koduõpetajaks. Ja ta oskab kogu oma pere nende juurde tööle smugeldada aga ilma et Parkid teaksid et nad on sugulased.

Tulevik, valitsused ja majandus kogu maailmas on kokku varisenud, toitu napib, NASAt ei ole enam - süüdistada saab vaid 20. sajandit. Salapärane rebend aegruumis avaneb ning NASA - või mis iganes sellest järele on jäänud - ülesandeks saab uurida ja pakkuda inimkonnale uut lootust.

Dr. Emmett Brown(Christopher Lloyd) leiutab autost ajamasina, millega ta saaks reisida tulevikku, kuid ööl, mil ta seda imepärast leiutist katsetab lastakse Dr. Brown maha, temaga kaasas olnud 17-aastane Marty McFly(Michael J. Fox) põgeneb ajamasinaga Emmetti tapjate eest ja satub aastasse 1955, kus ta segab kogemata ära tema vanemate esmakordse kokkusaamise ning juhtub ka selline keeruline asi, et Marty ema armub temasse. Nüüd on ajalugu sassi löödud ning tal tuleb abistada George McFly'd(Crispin Glover), et ta saaks kokku Lorraine Bainesiga(Lea Thompson), sest muidu ei sünni Marty't. Muidugi pole asi lihtne ning ega tagasi 80-ndatesse tagasi pöörduda, sest ajamasina tööks on vaja väga võimast jõudu ja Marty peab abipalvega pöörduma noore Dr. Emmett Browni poole. Marty ülesanded pole kerged, sest kaalul on tema enda elu.

Draama, mis räägib perekonnast, ahnusest, võimust ja naftast. Loo keskmes on mees nimega Daniel Plainview, kellest saab võimas naftamagnaat. Mehe majandusliku edukuse taga ei peitu aga õnn. Aina kasvav rikkus ja võim seab ohtu armastuse, lootuse, usu, ambitsioonid ning isa ja poja suhted.

Peter Parker is unmasked and no longer able to separate his normal life from the high-stakes of being a super-hero. When he asks for help from Doctor Strange the stakes become even more dangerous, forcing him to discover what it truly means to be Spider-Man.

Film põhineb Alasdair Gray 1992. aasta romaanil. Lugu keskendub Bella Baxterile, noorele naisele Viktoriaanlikus Londonis, kes ärkab ellu tänu geniaalsele ja ebatavalisele teadlasele Dr. Godwin Baxterile. Bella on näljane maailma tarkuste järele ning ta otsustab koos libekeelse ja dekadentliku advokaadi Duncan Wedderburniga seikluslikule rännakule minna. Bella seisab oma ajastu eelarvamuste vastu ning võitleb võrdsuse ja vabaduse eest

In his second year of fighting crime, Batman uncovers corruption in Gotham City that connects to his own family while facing a serial killer known as the Riddler.

While working underground to fix a water main, Brooklyn plumbers—and brothers—Mario and Luigi are transported down a mysterious pipe and wander into a magical new world. But when the brothers are separated, Mario embarks on an epic quest to find Luigi.

Madrigali pere elab Colombia mägedesse peidetud maagilises paigas nimega Encanto. Kõiki selle pere lapsi on õnnistatud ainulaadsete annetega üliiinimlikust jõust kuni tervendamisvõimeni. Ainus, kellele pole sellist kinki osaks saanud, on pere pesamuna Mirabel. Kuid kui ta avastab, et Encantot ümbritsev maagia on ohus, otsustab Mirabel, et tema, ainus tavaline Madrigal, võib olla oma erakordse perekonna ainsaks lootuseks.

"Avatar" on lugu endisest mereväelasest Jake Sully'st, kes sai vigastada lahingus ja on halvatud vööst allpool. Ta otsustab osaleda Avatari programmis, mis peaks andma talle tagasi terve keha. Ta reisib Pandorasse, külluslikku vihmametsa, mis on täidetud uskumatute eluvormidega - mõned ilusad, mõned hirmutavad. Pandora on koduks ka Na'videle, humanoididele, keda inimesed peavad primitiivseks, aga tegelikult on nad evolustiooniliselt palju rohkem arenenud kui inimesed. Üle kolme meetri pikad, sabadega ja läikiva sinise nahaga, elavad Na'vid harmooniliselt oma maailmas. Kui aga inimesed hakkavad Pandorat kahjustama, et leida väärtuslikke mineraale, ohustab see Na'vide elu, ja nad on sunnitud näitama oma sõjalisi võimeid.

Ethan Hunt and his IMF team embark on their most dangerous mission yet: To track down a terrifying new weapon that threatens all of humanity before it falls into the wrong hands. With control of the future and the world's fate at stake and dark forces from Ethan's past closing in, a deadly race around the globe begins. Confronted by a mysterious, all-powerful enemy, Ethan must consider that nothing can matter more than his mission—not even the lives of those he cares about most.

A family is forced to live in silence while hiding from creatures that hunt by sound.

Between the events of 'Saw' and 'Saw II', a sick and desperate John Kramer travels to Mexico for a risky and experimental medical procedure in hopes of a miracle cure for his cancer, only to discover the entire operation is a scam to defraud the most vulnerable. Armed with a newfound purpose, the infamous serial killer returns to his work, turning the tables on the con artists in his signature visceral way through devious, deranged, and ingenious traps.

A young couple travels to a remote island to eat at an exclusive restaurant where the chef has prepared a lavish menu, with some shocking surprises.

Queen Ramonda, Shuri, M’Baku, Okoye and the Dora Milaje fight to protect their nation from intervening world powers in the wake of King T’Challa’s death. As the Wakandans strive to embrace their next chapter, the heroes must band together with the help of War Dog Nakia and Everett Ross and forge a new path for the kingdom of Wakanda.

Over many missions and against impossible odds, Dom Toretto and his family have outsmarted, out-nerved and outdriven every foe in their path. Now, they confront the most lethal opponent they've ever faced: A terrifying threat emerging from the shadows of the past who's fueled by blood revenge, and who is determined to shatter this family and destroy everything—and everyone—that Dom loves, forever.

When Van Helsing's mysterious invention, the "Monsterfication Ray," goes haywire, Drac and his monster pals are all transformed into humans, and Johnny becomes a monster. In their new mismatched bodies, Drac and Johnny must team up and race across the globe to find a cure before it's too late, and before they drive each other crazy.

Barbiemaal elamine tähendab, et oled täiuslikus kohas täiuslik olevus. Kui sul just täielikku eksistentsi kriisi pole. Või kui oled Ken.

A young single mother of four living in a small Texas town. Arrested during a drug raid and accused of a crime she didn't commit, Dee goes against the wishes of her mother, Alma, and rejects the plea-bargain that would free her from jail, but brand her as a felon for life. As word begins to spread that similar incidents are occurring in poor communities all across the country, Dee realizes that there are more mothers out there like her, and decides to take a stand against powerful district attorney Calvin Beckett. Now, despite being well aware of District Attorney Beckett's fierce reputation, Dee enlists the aid of ACLU attorney David Cohen and former narcotics officer Sam Conroy in overcoming the seemingly insurmountable obstacles that, if not navigated with the greatest of caution, now threaten to destroy her life. With the custody of her children on the line, one brave mother wages a valiant battle to strike at the very heart of the corrupt Texas justice system.

An in-depth look at the artist Dwayne "Lil Wayne" Carter Jr, proclaimed by many as the "greatest rapper alive" With comprehensive and personal interviews with Lil Wayne, this film will also feature insight from those that know him best. The world will finally get to know the history surrounding one of the most prolific artists of this generation.