Stylish film of the British progressive rock band Pink Floyd in 1971 performing a concert with no audience, in the ancient Roman Amphitheater in the ruins of Pompeii, Italy. There are four editions of the film: the original 1972 version with the concert only (60 min.), a longer 1974 theatrical version (85 min.) featuring the concert interspersed with interviews and footage of Pink Floyd in the studio working on their next album, Dark Side of the Moon, the 2003 Director's Cut which added CGI effects to the 1974 version, then finally the 2016 Blu-ray version which re-arranged the song order of the 2003 version.

A young man released from prison visits the widow of the man he killed drunk-driving and becomes infatuated with his cerebral palsy-stricken daughter.

An extensive interview with legendary director Andrei Tarkovsky conducted by Donatello Baglivo.

Dong-chul and Ji-soo are a happily married couple. One day, Dong-chul comes home to find his house in disarray and his wife missing.

Set during the early part of his reign, Ivan faces betrayal from the aristocracy and even his closest friends as he seeks to unite the Russian people. Sergei Eisenstein's final film, this is the first part of a three-part biopic of Tsar Ivan IV of Russia, which was never completed due to the producer's dissatisfaction with Eisenstein's attempts to use forbidden experimental filming techniques and excessive cost overruns. The second part was completed but not released for a decade after Eisenstein's death and a change of heart in the USSR government toward his work; the third part was only in its earliest stage of filming when shooting was stopped altogether.

18th century Austria. Villages surrounded by deep forests. A woman is sentenced to death after killing a baby. Agnes is marrying her loved one and candidly prepares herself for a spouse life. Soon after, her head and heart start to feel heavy. Day after day, she is increasingly trapped in a murky and lonely path leading to evil thoughts. Maybe not just thoughts…

Príbeh sa odohráva v roku 208 v Číne behom vlády dynastie Han. I keď Číne vládol jeden císár - Han Xiandi, krajina bola rozdelená do mnohých proti sebe bojujúcich štátov. Na západe mal vládu v rukách ambiciózny premiér Cao Cao, ktorý používal cisára ako svoju bábku, východ ovládal cisárov strýko Liu Bei. Cieľom Cao Caa bolo zničiť všetky kráľovstvá a prehlásiť seba za jediného vládcu zjednotenej Číny. Jeho protivník Liu Bei sa snažil získať na svoju stranu kráľovstvo Wu, ležiace na juhu zeme, ktorému vládol Sun Quan. Liu Bei k nemu vyslal svojho vojenského poradcu Zhuge Lianga, ktorý sa tu zoznámil s miestnym vicekrálom Zhou Yu, s ktorým sa veľmi spriatelil.

Ouyang Feng is a heartbroken and cynical man who spends his days in the desert, connecting expert swordsmen with those seeking revenge and willing to pay for it. Throughout five seasons in exile, Ouyang spins tales of his clients' unrequited loves and unusual acts of bravery.

While Yeung Kam Wing is trying to remove all connections between the mob and him, his actions are being carefully observed by Lau Kin Ming, who bears a personal grudge against him.

After being rejected from the police college, a mannerly man travels to Bangkok where he and an energetic distant relative must solve a murder case.

Two pairs of siblings are destined for each other, but fate throws countless obstacles in the path. When the young Emperor and his sister contrive to leave the palace, they meet the loves of their lives in the town of Meilong.

Počas pádu dynastie Čchin sa vojnou zničená krajina rúti do záhuby. Musí čeliť nájazdom a povstaleckým armádam. Na oboch frontoch proti sebe pozdvihnú meče dvaja nerozluční priatelia ako vodcovia súperiacich armád. Jeden chce spravodlivosť a druhý chce moc. Dokonca plánuje vraždu svojho druha. Zvíťazí túžba po dobre, alebo zvíťazí násilie? A kto zvíťazí v boji o korunu?

Kalábria, 50. roky 20. storočia. Ženy v dedine Africo stále zomierajú pri pôrode, lebo v blízkosti nie je žiaden lekár. Do ich obce nevedie žiadna cesta a nie je tam ani elektrina. Keďže od štátu pomoc čakať nemôžu, rozhodnú sa obyvatelia, že si cestu postavia sami. Niekedy v tom čase prichádza do obce mladá učiteľka zo severu Talianska, aby deti naučila spisovnú taliančinu. Nová cesta i nová učiteľka však ohrozujú autorita Dona Tota, ktorý údoliu vládne železnu rukou. Film bol nakrútený podľa knihy rodáka z Africa Pietra Criaca.

Na začiatku dynastie Ming vytvoril cisár na svojom dvore nepreniknuteľnú sieť, aby si upevnil moc a zabezpečil trón pre svojich potomkov. Pod prísnym režimom vycvičil pouličné siroty na tajných strážcov, ktorí mohli obchádzať súdnictvo a dodržiavať vlastné zákony za bránami dvora. Nazývali sa Jin-I-Wei, Brokátoví strážcovia. Strážcovia Jin-Ii sú však len pešiakmi vo vojensko-politickej hre. Keď ich misie zlyhajú, často sa skončia bezútešne. Ich vodca bol falošne obvinený a vyhlásený za zradcu. Vie, že pred smrťou niet úniku, ale považuje za svoju povinnosť získať späť cisársku pečať, ktorá sa dostala do nesprávnych rúk.

Salzburg, Nemecko, 2000. Staršia česká herečka Lída Baarová rozpráva novinárovi búrlivý príbeh svojho vzostupu k sláve v Berlíne 30. rokov a vášnivý vzťah so zlovestným Josephom Goebbelsom, ministrom propagandy Tretej ríše.

Yip is attractive but for some strange reason, no man has ever been interested in her. Yip meets Lai, a famous feng shui expert and she thinks that Lai can change her luck. But Duen, also a famous feng shui expert continually cast all kinds of spells on Yip. A fierce battle of feng shui and horoscope techniques ensues. Will Lai and Yip live happily afterwards?

This film was directed by Gao Qunshu and is about the International Military Tribunal for the Far East after Japan's surrender in World War II. The movie presents the trial from the point of view of the Chinese judge Mei Ju-ao. The director and his crew spent more than a year doing research to finish the script, which is based on historical data. It cost 18 million yuan (2.25 million U.S. dollars). This film hired actors from 11 countries, including mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan and other places, including actors such as Kenneth Tsang and Damian Lau. They recreated court scenes from the trial in Chinese, English and Japanese. It was shown in cinemas and around 100 universities across mainland China to mark the 75th anniversary of the start of Japan's invasion of China.

An espionage thriller set in the 1950s and adapted from the novel "Year Suan/Plot Against" by May Jia. Tony Leung Chiu Wai plays a blind man who works for a piano tuner. He is recruited for a spy mission because of his exceptional hearing.

A story about a cyborg who is programmed to kill a scientist who holds the fate of mankind in his hands.

A Rock and Roll Road Movie Comedy set in Wales