This comedy is about one average family. The father works as master in the factory and his son is studying on high school. One day father must start to visit the evening school. It's the same school as his son visiting. The lives both students are connecting together. The son must teach the math and physics his own father. The father getting to know, that the life of the students is not simple as he supposed.

A young man, whose only possession is a motorcycle, spends his time riding around the city looking for empty apartments. After finding one, he hangs out for a while, fixing himself something to eat, washing laundry or making small repairs in return. He always tries to leave before the owners get back but in one ostensibly empty mansion he meets the abused wife of a rich man and she escapes with him.

Three middle-aged go for a vacation into the mountains with their children. How will they cope with their youngsters every-day needs without their wives? The annual men's ride of three fathers becomes something like a kindergarten in the winter countryside due to the wives' vigorous intervention. It turns out that in certain situations, fathers make better moms than moms themselves, which is especially true when moms aren't in sight. Their parenting methods are very peculiar and cause a lot of confusion and hilarity...

Inspired by true events, this film takes place in Rwanda in the 1990s when more than a million Tutsis were killed in a genocide that went mostly unnoticed by the rest of the world. Hotel owner Paul Rusesabagina houses over a thousand refuges in his hotel in attempt to save their lives.

Once on vahvatunnelmainen musiikkidraama, jossa katusoittaja ja siirtolaistyttö rakastuvat. Sitä on ylistetty yhdeksi kaikkien aikojen parhaaksi musiikkielokuvaksi.

A nurse and her surgeon-lover are part of a resistance movement in 1940s Czechoslovakia. When they are discovered, her lover flees and she must find a place to hide. A patient whose life she saved, a man from a remote mountain village where time stopped 150 years ago, agrees to hide her as his wife.

Two students from the Czech Film Academy commission a leading advertising agency to organize a huge campaign for the opening of a new supermarket named Czech Dream. The supermarket however does not exist and is not meant to. The advertising campaign includes radio and television ads, posters, flyers with photos of fake Czech Dream products, a promotional song, an internet site, and ads in newspapers and magazines. Will people believe in it and show up for the grand opening?

In 1913 Beijing, three fierce women—disguised rebel Tsao Wan, jewel-seeking Sheung Hung, and opera heiress Pat Neil—embark on a daring quest filled with intrigue and betrayal, challenging societal norms amidst political turmoil and the vibrant world of Peking Opera.

300-luvun Aleksandria oli tiedon ja oppineisuuden keskus. Kaunis Hypatia on ratkaisemaisillaan aurinkokunnan arvoituksen kauan ennen Galileon tai Kopernikuksen aikoja, mutta hänen tutkimuksensa uhkaa kristikunnan tulevaisuutta ja eri uskontojen välistä haurasta rauhaa. Hypatian orja Davus kääntyy kristinuskoon lunastaakseen vapautensa, mutta rakkaus Hypatiaan voi tuhota hänen unelmansa.

A bumbling government agent recruits a trucker whose gambling knowledge can help crack an illegal Florida operation.

The principal of an elementary school calls a special parents meeting after it’s alleged that the seemingly empathetic and kindly-looking teacher Mrs. Drazděchová uses her students to manipulate their parents.

Rob Hall ja Scott Fischer johtavat maailman korkeimmalle vuorenhuipulle Mount Everestille kiipeäviä, toisiaan vastaan kilpailevia retkikuntia. Pelottomien kiipeilijöiden pyrkimykset saavat vaarallisen käänteen, kun yksi vuoriston historian voimakkaimmista lumimyrskyistä yllättää heidät. Ihmisen rajat ja fyysinen kestävyys joutuvat äärimmäiselle koetukselle tämän tositapahtumiin perustuvan hyytävän trillerin eeppisessä eloonjäämistaistelussa.

Yksinäinen soturi Eli kulkee halki maailmanlopun jälkeisen joutomaan, joka joskus oli Amerikka. Hän kulkee länteen harteillaan raskas tehtävä, jota hän ei täysin ymmärrä, mutta joka on saatettava loppuun. Hallussaan miehellä on kirja, jota hän suojelee henkensä kaupalla, sillä se on tulevaisuuden viimeinen toivo. Ainoastaan varkaista ja rosvoista koostuvan kaupungin armoton päällikkö Carnegie ymmärtää Elin kantaman kirjan rajattoman voiman ja aikoo saada sen itselleen hinnalla millä hyvänsä. Mikään ei voi kuitenkaan seistä Elin tiellä estää häntä toteuttamasta kohtaloaan ja tuomasta apua nujerretulle ihmiskunnalle.

Artist Bedřich Mára (Bolek Polivka) is unable to find much secure work due to his public antagonism toward the ruling Communist Party. He has a wife and two children. Life begins to change when art historian Alois Fábera (Jiři Pecha) begins working on a piece about Bedřich, leading to a job offer from a Party official. Things are looking up, until the wrong people hear portions of the historian's writing.

Simon on sulkeutunut ja arka nuori mies, joka elää elämäänsä yhtenä pienenä ja harmaana yksilönä muiden joukossa. Hänet ohitetaan töissä, hänen äidilleen hän on pettymys, ja hänen ihastustaan ei voisi vähempää kiinnostaa. Eikä Simonilla ole mitään keinoa muuttaa itseään tai olosuhteitaan. Ankean tasapainon keikauttaa kumolleen James, uusi työntekijä, joka hurmaa jokaisen. Hän on Simonin kaksoisolento kaikessa paitsi käytöksessä -hänellä on karismaa, itseluottamusta ja viehätysvoimaa. Ja James alkaa hiljalleen vallata Simonin elämää...

A celebrity journalist and renowned womanizer starts to rethink his life choices after he falls for a mysterious model who leads a double life.

Rick Riordanin suosittuun nuortenromaaniin perustuva elokuva jatkaa Percy Jacksonin (Logan Lerman) seikkailuja. Percy Jackson ja Hirviöidenmeri on jatkoa vuonna 2010 valmistuneelle Percy Jackson ja Salamavaras -elokuvalle. Newyorkilaista Percy Jacksonia pidetään koulussa surkeana oppilaana. Todellisuudessa Percy on merenjumala Poseidonin poika, mikä selvisi hänelle edellisessä elokuvassa. Tällä kertaa urhoollinen ja nokkela Percy yrittää pelastaa Puoliveristen kesäleirin antiikin hirviöiden kynsistä. Pelastamiseen tarvitaan taikaesine, joka on ollut kadoksissa satoja vuosia. Eikä ihme, sillä löytääkseen taikaesineen täytyy ensin ylittää Hirviöidenmeri. Se sama, jonka halki historian sankarit Odysseuksesta alkaen ovat joutuneet purjehtimaan.

The congenial Vojta is bashful and his family is batty. His short-tempered father, who once failed to swim the English Channel, wants him to be a competing swimmer and his loving mother, a former child ice revue star, sees a talented pianist in her son. But Vojta has completely different priorities - most of all his red-haired classmate Ela, an enchanting synchronized swimmer who is leaving for Paris in November. If Vojta doesn't do something radical, and fast, Ela will disappear behind the Iron Curtain forever. The year is 1989.

A son obsessed with solving the murky death of his father arranges a rafting expedition down the same treacherous river where the tragedy took place.

Since his wife's death, Arthur, a peculiar and severe surgeon, cloisters his teen daughter Lucille inside a strange mansion. Desperate, Lucille tries to commit suicide and ends up with her face completely burned and bandaged. Arthur, with the assistance of his aunt, prepares a weird skin graft in order to give back Lucille a face, a face that resembles his beloved and deceased wife. To take care of her, the father then hires Joan, an attractive nurse with a somber past. Lucille and Joan start a forbidden and passionate love affair.