Brooklynin naapuruston ystävällinen Spider-Man sinkotuu yhdessä Gwen Stacyn kanssa halki multiversumin, missä hän ohtaa olemassaoloaan suojelevat Hämähäkki-ihmiset. Mutta kun sankarit riitelevät kuinka käsitellä tätä uutta uhkaa, joutuu Miles vastakkain muita Hämähäkkejä vastaan ja hänen on määriteltävä uudelleen, mitä sankarina oleminen tarkoittaa, jotta hän voi pelastaa ihmiset, joita hän rakastaa eniten.

The story of Jody, a misguided, 20-year-old African-American who is really just a baby boy finally forced-kicking and screaming to face the commitments of real life. Streetwise and jobless, he has not only fathered two children by two different women-Yvette and Peanut but still lives with his own mother. He can't seem to strike a balance or find direction in his chaotic life.

A former professional dancer volunteers to teach dance in the New York public school system and, while his background first clashes with his students' tastes, together they create a completely new style of dance. Based on the story of ballroom dancer, Pierre Dulane.

Chronicles the rise and fall of legendary blues singer Billie Holiday. Her late childhood, stint as a prostitute, early tours, marriages and drug addiction are featured.

Huippumenestykseksi kohonneen komedian keskushenkilö on kasinolaulajana työskentelevä Deloris, joka päätyy rikoksen silminnäkijänä poliisin todistajansuojeluohjelmaan. Deloris piilotetaan luostariin, jonka perinteet joutuvat koetukselle rämäpäisen tulokkaan myötä.

Uskollinen vaimo odottaa turhaan miehensä muuttuvan. Taloussotkuja ja saamattomuutta vielä kestää, mutta uskottomuus on jo liikaa ja petetty vaimo laittaa suhteen poikki. Kaikki ei kuitenkaan mene aina niin kuin on ajatellut...

Mallitoimiston agentti löytää Anna Poliatovan ja nostaa tämän nopeasti muotimaailman supermalliksi. Annan silmiinpistävän kauneuden alla pilee salaisuus, hän on todellisuudessa KGB:n kouluttama huippuvaarallinen salamurhaaja. KGB onnistui pakottamalla ja uhkailulla rekrytoimaan Annan viideksi vuodeksi palvelukseen. Nyt tuo sopimus on loppumassa ja Anna saa tietää ettei KGB aio nuodattaa sitä. Kun CIA:n asiamies ottaa Annaan yhteyttä ja ehdottaa tälle työskentelyä kaksoisagenttina, hän kehittää vaarallisen suunnitelman, jolla saisi elämänsä takaisin. Panoksena on kuitenkin hänän oma henkensä.

A single mother living in inner city Chicago, Brenda has been struggling for years to make ends meet and keep her three kids off the street. When she's laid off with no warning, she starts losing hope for the first time - until a letter arrives announcing the death of a father she's never met. Desperate for any kind of help, Brenda takes her family to Georgia for the funeral, but nothing could have prepared her for the Browns, her father's fun-loving, crass Southern clan. In a small-town world full of long afternoons and country fairs, Brenda struggles to get to know the family she never knew existed... and finds a brand new romance that just might change her life.

Judith has known her husband Brice since they were children, but now their marriage is growing stale. Having just completed her graduate work in psychotherapy, she's eager to begin a career as a marriage counselor. She takes an internship at a matchmaking firm for millionaires and meets Harley, a charismatic billionaire investor who makes no effort to hide his attraction to Judith. Although quite resistant at first, eventually Judith succumbs to his charms, placing her marriage in jeopardy and forever altering the course of her life.

Gabriella muuttaa toiseen kaupunkiin opiskelemaan. Vanhassa koulussa on tanssiaiset ja Gabriella on luvannut Troy Boltonille tulevansa niihin, mutta ei pääse tulemaan. Koulussa on myös näytelmä, jonka päätähdet ovat Gabriella Montez ja Troy Bolton, mutta tietenkin Sharpay sotkeutuu asiaan.

Lattioita kuuratessaan Sam haaveilee opiskelusta kuuluisassa Princetonissa, josta hän uskoo löytävänsä myös unelmaprinssin. Prinssi saattaa kuitenkin jo olla löytynyt ? nimittäin Samin nettiystävä, jota hän ei ole koskaan tavannut. Kun he viimein tapaavat koulun Halloween-juhlissa, osoittautuu, että nettiystävä on koko koulun viilein tyyppi, eikä Sam kuulu sisäpiiriin. Onko Samilla mitään mahdollisuuksia?

Eight married college friends plus one other non-friend (all of whom have achieved middle to upper class economic status) go to Colorado for their annual week-long reunion, but the mood shifts when one couple's infidelity comes to light. As secrets are revealed, each couple begins to question their own relationship.

To get revenge on her ex-boyfriend, an influencer attempts to transform an unpopular classmate into prom king.

Kenya McQueen, a corporate lawyer, finds love in the most unexpected place when she agrees to go on a blind date with Brian Kelly, a sexy and free-spirited landscaper.

For all his life, wealthy businessman Wesley Deeds has done what's expected of him and has settled into a predictable routine. His scripted life begins to change, however, when he meets Lindsey Wakefield, a struggling single mother who works as a night janitor for his corporation and has just been evicted. He offers to help Lindsey get back on her feet and, though he's already engaged, romantic sparks begin to fly. Suddenly, he finds himself torn between what is expected of him and what he really wants.

Earl Pilcher Jr. runs an equipment rental outfit in Arkansas, lives with his wife and kids and parents, and rarely takes off his gimme cap. His mother dies, leaving a letter explaining he's not her natural son, but the son of a Black woman who died in childbirth; plus, he has a half brother Ray, in Chicago, she wants him to visit. Earl makes the trip, initially receiving a cold welcome from Ray and Ray's son, Virgil. His birth mother's sister, Aunt T., an aged and blind matriarch, takes Earl in tow and insists that the family open up to him.

Roger Jackson (Tony Grant) made sacrifices so his wife, Judith (Tamar Davis), could set up practice as a marriage counselor. Now the most disastrous relationship of Judith's career could be the one she shares with her husband! Master playwright Tyler Perry crafts an unforgettable tale of laughter, loss, and love.

After serving five years in prison, wild child Tanya looks to her buttoned-up, by-the-book sister Danica to help her get back on her feet. The feisty ex-con becomes suspicious and concerned when Danica tells her that she's in a long-distance, online relationship with a mysterious man she's never seen. As the polar opposites start to collide, Tanya soon discovers that her sibling's picture-perfect life may not be what it seems.

Five carnival workers are kidnapped and held hostage in an abandoned, Hell-like compound where they are forced to participate in a violent game, the goal of which is to survive twelve hours against a gang of sadistic clowns.

A group of young journalists investigate a cult said to practice human sacrifice, but their ambitious ways may lead them to becoming the cult's next victims.