14-year-old Eun-hee moves through life like a hummingbird searching for a taste of sweetness wherever she may find it. Ignored by her parents and abused by her brother, she finds her escape by roaming the neighborhood with her best friend, going on adventures, and exploring young love.

Seven-year-old Adrian is growing up in the underground drug scene of Salzburg, usually famous for culture and classical music. His mother Helga is torn between her drug addiction and her love for her son. Despite this, Adrian has a happy childhood, the best of all worlds. But it is tested to the limit when the authorities and child welfare services find out about Helga's addiction.

Banko plėšikui Džekui pavyksta pabėgti iš kalėjimo. Kartu su draugeliu jis bando padaryti dar vieną nusikaltimą, tačiau jų planus sutrukdo žavi policininkė.Džekas priverstas ją pasiimti įkaite. Neįtikėtina, tačiau tarp policininkės ir plėšiko įsiplieskia meilė.

A once-celebrated kid detective, now 31, continues to solve the same trivial mysteries between hangovers and bouts of self-pity. Until a naive client brings him his first 'adult' case, to find out who brutally murdered her boyfriend.

Rojus Mileris yra patriotas iki kaulų smegenų, nepriekaištingai atliekantis savo vadovybės užduotis sulaikant įtartinus asmenis. Tačiau vieną dieną viskas pasikeičia. Ieškant Sadamo Huseino režimo valdomų masinio naikinimo ginklų, Rojui kyla klausimų, kurių jis, kaip teisybę mylintis karys, negali palikti neatsakytų. Pamažu Rojus prisikasa iki pačios didžiulio sąmokslo šerdies. Sąmokslo, kuriame nėra ne tik masinio naikinimo ginklų, bet nėra ir patriotizmo, pasiaukojimo, „teisingos“ ar „neteisingos“ pusių. Tėra vien išskaičiavimas, šaltakraujiški interesai ir banali materialinė nauda.

Siužeto centre - namų šeimininkės Bridžitos istorija, kuri po savo vyro atleidimo iš darbo privalo įsidarbinti Federaliniame rezerviniame banke naktinėje pamainoje valytoje. Norėdama atiduoti savo skolas, Bridžita ir dar dvi jos kolegės nusprendžia apiplėšti banką.

XIX amžiaus viduryje anglų gamtininkas Charlesas Darwinas publikuoja savo tyrimą „Rūšių kilmė“, galintį suabejoti Dievo egzistavimu. Revoliucinė evoliucijos teorija ne tik konfrontuoja mokslininką su visuomene, bet ir griauna santykius su pamaldžia žmona.

Mike Kendall, a disgraced ex-cop, is fighting a losing battle with the bottle. When he finds a woman left for dead at the side of a road, Kendall turns private eye to track down her killers, taking one last shot at redemption.

When a high school senior discovers her teacher is seducing her boyfriend, events turn deadly after the teacher tries to cover it up.

A secretary is found dead in a White House bathroom during an international crisis, and Detective Harlan Regis is in charge of the investigation. Despite resistance from the Secret Service, Regis partners with agent Nina Chance. As political tensions rise, they learn that the crime could be part of an elaborate cover-up. Framed as traitors, the pair, plus Regis' partner, break into the White House in order to expose the true culprit.

At an international school in Jakarta, a philosophy teacher challenges his class of twenty graduating seniors to choose which ten of them would take shelter underground and reboot the human race in the event of a nuclear apocalypse.

Niko ilgą laiką praleido Japonijoje ir Vietname, kur įvaldė rytų kovos meną. Dabar jis – Čikagos specialaus būrio policininkas. Gavęs žinių apie didelę narkotikų siuntą, Niko savarankiškai tikrina informaciją. Rezultatai pranoko lūkesčius. Į narkotikų prekybos tinklą įsipainioję korumpuoti slaptųjų tarnybų agentai padarys viską, kad tiesa neišaiškėtų. Niko ir jo šeimai iškilo mirtinas pavojus...

Bernie and Joan are two fiery flirters who are passionate about everything from hookups to breakups and each other. When he sets up his best friend, Danny, with her roommate, Debbie, the sparks soon fly as they try to navigate the relationship minefields from the bar to the bedroom and are eventually put to the test in the real world.

One morning, the body of a sailor is found lying on the beach, washed in by the tide.. With no witnesses or any sign of the dead man’s boat, Inspector Leo Caldas begins immersing himself in the town’s seafaring atmosphere as he endeavours to shed light on the crime. He finds himself among men and women who prefer not to reveal their suspicions to him. But a sudden discovery sets him off in an unexpected direction.

After her outlaw husband returns home shot with eight bullets and barely alive, Jane reluctantly reaches out to an ex-lover who she hasn't seen in over ten years to help her defend her farm when the time comes that her husband's gang eventually tracks him down to finish the job.

A hook-up between two young men - they make a connection, but it quickly becomes apparent they're looking for different things.

The landlubber Stig-Helmer and his Norwegian friend Ole get on a barge by mistake. They arrive at an archipelago and have to spend Midsummer among the fancy rich boat people, their yachts and summer houses.

Rattled by sudden unemployment, a Manhattan couple surveys alternative living options, ultimately deciding to experiment with living on a rural commune where free love rules.

Russ Richards is a TV weatherman and local celebrity on the verge of losing his shirt. Desperate to escape financial ruin, he schemes with Crystal the TV station's lotto ball girl to rig the state lottery drawing. The numbers come up right, but everything else goes wrong as the plan starts to unravel and the game turns rough.

In the not too distant future a secret government re-animation chemo-virus gets released into conservative Sartre, Nebraska and lands in an underground strip club. As the virus begins to spread, turning the strippers into "Super Zombie Strippers" the girls struggle with whether or not to conform to the new "fad" even if it means there's no turning back.