A group of strangers trapped in a farmhouse find themselves fending off a horde of recently dead, flesh-eating ghouls.

The Planet Express crew return from cancellation, only to be robbed blind by hideous "sprunging" scam artists. Things go from bad to worse when the scammers hack Bender, start traveling through time, and take Earth over entirely! Will the crew be able to save the day, or will Bender's larcenous tendencies and their general incompetence doom them all?

Virus je večino ljudi spremenil v krvoločne zombije, ki lovijo redke preživele. V boju z nesmrtniki študent Columbus združi moči z brezkompromisnim Tallahasseejem, ki je pravi umetnik pobijanja zombijev. Na njunem pohodu se jima pridružita premeteni sestri, ki želita naivna moška sprva opehariti, toda če želijo preživeti, morajo združiti moči in najti nove inovativne in zabavne načine iztrebljanja množice podivjanih spak.

Nad Veliko Britanijo se razdivja nevaren virus, ki uide iz laboratorija za raziskavo primatov, v katerega so vdrli borci za pravice živali. Prenaša se s kapljo krvi, poguben pa je v nekaj sekundah, saj okužene za vedno pahne v stanje morilskega besa. V 28 dneh je država na kolenih in peščica preživeli začne reševati prihodnost, a se ne zaveda, da virus ni edina stvar, ki jih ogroža.

A television reporter and cameraman follow emergency workers into a dark apartment building and are quickly locked inside with something terrifying.

Remak o klasiki grozljivk Georgea A. Romera. Nerazložljiva kuga je zmanjšala prebivalstvo planeta in mrtve spremenila v grozne zombije, ki nenehno iščejo človeško meso in kri, da bi preživeli. V Wisconsinu raznolika skupina ljudi, ki so se izognili kugi, poskuša rešiti življenje tako, da se zateče v nakupovalni center, kjer se morajo naučiti ne le zaščititi se pred horde zombijev, ampak tudi živeti skupaj.

Sheffield, England. Gaz, a jobless steelworker in need of quick cash persuades his mates to bare it all in a one-night-only strip show.

V bližnji prihodnosti sonce prične ugašati, zato ljudje ustvarijo posebno vesoljsko plovilo, ki bi z detonacijo močne bombe omogočila preživetje na Zemlji. Na dolgi poti se mora posadka spopadati z osamljenostjo in strahom, skrivnosten signal s plovila, ki je poletelo pred njimi, a ni opravilo svoje naloge, pa njihovo popotovanje spremeni v bitko za življenje in smrt. V neskončni praznini vesolja njihovo usodo in prihodnost vsega človeštva krojijo težke moralne odločitve.

A punk rock band becomes trapped in a secluded venue after finding a scene of violence. For what they saw, the band themselves become targets of violence from a gang of white power skinheads, who want to eliminate all evidence of the crime.

Two doctors find their graveyard shift inundated with townspeople ravaged by sores. Among the wounded is Cherry Darling, a dancer whose leg was ripped from her body. As the invalids quickly become enraged aggressors, Cherry and her ex-boyfriend El Wray lead a team of accidental warriors into the night.

In the future, a strange fungus has changed nearly everyone into thoughtless, flesh-eating monsters. When a scientist and a teacher find a girl who seems to be immune to the fungus, they all begin a journey to save humanity.

After a zombie becomes involved with the girlfriend of one of his victims, their romance sets in motion a sequence of events that might transform the entire lifeless world.

This is the story of an isolated Alaskan town that is plunged into darkness for a month each year when the sun sinks below the horizon. As the last rays of light fade, the town is attacked by a bloodthirsty gang of vampires bent on an uninterrupted orgy of destruction. Only the small town's husband-and-wife Sheriff team stand between the survivors and certain destruction.

Zagrizena samska moška na hišnem pragu najdeta dojenčka, novorojeno hčer tretjega stanovalca. Brez izkušenj pri negi otrok se trojica loti odgovorne skrbi zanjo – posledice pa so nepopisno zabavne. Vzemite tri postavne hollywoodske zvezdnike (Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg, Ted Danson) in prisrčno dojenčico, pa dobite eno najbolj zabavnih komedij vseh časov. Trem čednim samskim moškim z Manhattna se življenje zmenkov in osvajalskih podvigov nepovratno spremeni, ko se na njihovem hišnem pragu pojavi nov član – v umazanih plenicah in opremljen z dudo. Prisrčrna dojenčica je vse prej kot prinašalka sreče, a slednjič prevladajo očetovski nagoni nerodne trojice in kmalu postane njihova ljubljenka. Z nepričakovanimi zasuki in neskončno zabavnimi pripetljaji prinaša komedija očarljivo zabavo za vsakogar.

Chrissie and her friends set out on a road trip for a final fling before one is shipped off to Vietnam. Along the way, bikers harass the foursome and cause an accident that throws Chrissie from the vehicle. The lawman who arrives on the scene kills one of the bikers and brings Chrissie's friends to the Hewitt homestead, where young Leatherface is learning the tools of terror.

Eight medical students on a ski trip to Norway discover that Hitler's horrors live on when they come face to face with a battalion of zombie Nazi soldiers intent on devouring anyone unfortunate enough to wander into the remote mountains where they were once sent to die.

Mojster apokaliptičnih filmov Dan neodvisnosti in Dan po jutrišnjem je novo uničenje človeštva našel v starodavnem majevskem koledarju, po katerem nas konec sveta čaka leta 2012. Tem napovedim ne verjame niti pisec znanstvene fantastike Jackson, toda ko napoči usodni dan, se odvije niz nepopisnih katastrof, ki vse kraje na Zemlji spremenijo v peklensko pogubo. Da bi rešil sebe in družino, skuša Jackson na vse načine ubežati grozljivim silam sodnega dne, toda spektakularno in popolno uničenje se zdi neizbežno.

Three generations of the rowdy Cutler family live as outlaws in some of Britain's richest countryside – hunting hares, ram-raiding stately homes, and taunting the police. Struggling to retain a way of life fast becoming extinct, Chad Cutler ends up caught between his father's archaic principles and trying to do right by his kids, whilst the full force of the law is finally catching up with him.

Katherine Morrissey, a former Christian missionary, lost her faith after the tragic deaths of her family. Now she applies her expertise to debunking religious phenomena. When a series of biblical plagues overrun a small town, Katherine arrives to prove that a supernatural force is not behind the occurrences, but soon finds that science cannot explain what is happening. Instead, she must regain her faith to combat the evil that waits in a Louisiana swamp.

A group of National Guard trainees on a routine mission find themselves up against cannibalistic mutants in the New Mexico desert.