
  火箭浣熊偷走了大祭司阿耶莎的能量电池,包括星爵、卡魔拉、德拉克斯在内的一行人遭到了后者派出的舰队的袭击。一个神秘人物乘坐着飞船救下了银河护卫队的众人,而驾驶着飞船的不是别人,竟然正是星爵的亲生父亲伊戈。 在伊戈的带领下,星爵、卡魔拉和德拉克斯来到了由伊戈一手制造的星球上,而剩下的成员们则着手修复损坏的飞船。那边厢,阿耶莎委托勇度抓住星爵替自己报仇,而卡魔拉亦渐渐发现了伊戈和善面目下隐藏的巨大阴谋。

自9·11以来,人类社会在堕落和灭亡的道路上高歌猛进。2013年,莫斯科、伦敦、上海、东京等国际大都会接连发生等级超越9·11的恐怖袭击事件,世界局势危在旦夕。圣火在东京一隅的少年岛村乔(宫野真守 饰),其真实身份是编号为009的人造人,他诞生的初衷便是保护世界和平。如今消除了往昔记忆的他再也无法独善其身,经过一系列的波折,终于和当年的伙伴们001伊凡·维斯基(玉川砂记子 配音)、002杰特·林格(小野大辅 配音)、003法兰索娃·阿尔达努(斋藤千和 配音)、004艾柏特·海因利希(大川透 配音)、005索罗门·索尼亚(丹泽晃之 配音)、006张张胡(增冈太郎 配音)、007葛雷特·布林顿(吉野裕行 配音)会面。拥有超人一般能力的他们,面临前所未有的挑战…… 本片根据漫画家石之森章太郎的原作改编。

The film goes behind the scenes of the 1999 sci-fi movie The Matrix.

  这是一个发生在夏季的故事,Tinker Bell 与其他的仙子都来到陆地忙著夏季的工作,这其中也包括跟 Tinker Bell 一直长期不合的 Vidia 。Tinker Bell 和 Vidia 争执不休,不料此时却发生了意外,Tinker Bell 居然被一位人类小女孩 Lizzy 给捉走了!眼看仙子世界存在的事实即将被人类发现,Vidia 只好回到营地找其他人来帮忙,无奈夏日雷雨已经到来,望著磅礡大雨大家都心急如焚,却还是一心想把 Tinker Bell 快点救出来,於是她们不顾雷雨的危险,展开一场抢救精灵大作战!   本片是《奇妙仙子》系列的第三部作品,同样是以直接发行影音产品的方式推出。

《罪恶之城2》由三个独立的故事组成,其中一个来自来自弗兰克·米勒的漫画《红颜祸水》(A Dame to Kill For),另外两个则是弗兰克·米勒为电影新创的故事。《红颜祸水》(A Dame to Kill For)——这是米勒sin city系列漫画(共7部)中的一部。“续集主要来自《红颜祸水》,”米勒说,“这部漫画也是由一系列短篇组成的,包括《另一个周六夜》和另外两个故事。其中一个涉及到第一部电影中杰西卡·阿尔芭饰演的角色Nancy Callahan;这个角色是为了让几个故事能够结合在一起,并和第一部电影联系起来。” 《红颜祸水》的主要故事讲的是主人公Dwight McCarthy(第一部中由克里夫·欧文饰演),一位生活严谨,避免麻烦的摄影师,遇到了他过去生活中无法对其说“不”的那个女人,她因为遭受丈夫的虐待,面临着危险而向Dwight求助。Dwight应该相信她么?

A grandfather who holds bitter memories of the war. A mother who lives in sorry. A best friend who lives with painful members. A woman who aspires to be a ballerina. A story of family and friends who carry with painful memories in their peaceful daily lives.

The Kettles leave their ultra-modern home and return to the country looking for uranium. Ma and Tom's mother-in-law, Mrs. Parker, fight over whether their grandchild will be raised "hygiencially."

The crew have now set off to finish what as left over from Jackass 2.0, and in this version they have Wee Man use a 'pee' gun on themselves, having a mini motor bike fracas in the grocery mall, a sperm test, a portly crew member disguised as King Kong, as well as include three episodes of their hilarious adventures in India.

《进击的巨人 2:世界终结》剧情接续上集,描述因高大外牆遭到超大型巨人破坏,前往执行修复作战的艾连一行人,陷入被残酷巨人无情袭击的险境。幸赖有「人类最强男子」之称的调查兵团队长敷岛将他们从危机中解救出来,艾连却为救出巨人口中的阿尔敏,反被巨人吞噬。就在众人绝望之际,艾连突然变身谜样的巨人,开始反击其他巨人。究竟艾连为何能变身?米卡莎又为何神秘出现?巨人从何而来?人类又为何而战?人类最终的逆击即将展开,连串惊人的谜团,也将首度揭晓!


A cop on suspension is framed for murder when he noses in on a murder investigation.

Teenage sisters Charli and Lola are on the verge of an experience beyond their wildest dreams! Pack your bags and jet off to Rome as the girls start their summer internship working for the legendary Derek Hanson - the totally cool international tycoon whose empire reaches from airlines to cutting-edge fashion. Amid the fabulous sights of this exciting city, the girls do their best to impress their boss, while still finding time to design their own line of very hip clothing, meet some very cute guys and turn their summer abroad into one awesome adventure they - and you - will never forget!

人迹罕至的森林中,四个乘舟沿河漂流的年轻人被一名畸形的食人猎手袭击,食人狂用弓箭和陷阱将他们猎杀殆尽,只有一名名叫爱丽丝(Janet Montgomery 饰)的姑娘侥幸逃脱。几乎与此同时,西弗吉尼亚州的葛夫顿监狱中,狱警尼特(Tom Frederic 饰)和搭档接到了一项任务:将墨西哥裔犯人查韦斯(Tamer Hassan 饰)等人转移到另一所监狱。为了防止查韦斯的同伙于路劫车,监狱安排卧底乔装成犯人与查韦斯同行,然而意外还是发生了,囚车在荒凉的山路上被食人狂驾驶的车子撞下悬崖……囚犯们夺走枪支反客为主,尼特因为熟悉地形而担任向导,大难不死的爱丽丝出现在这支混合囚犯与狱警的队伍前面,她带来了食人狂的信息,夜色深锁的密林中,疯狂而又漫长的一夜刚刚才开始……

Happily ever after has a bumpy start for a young couple in a magical land when the husband is sent off to battle by a jealous prince.



A young man visiting Hollywood on family business gets into trouble when he sees a bank robbery in progress, and thinks it is a movie scene.

"The image is universal; the country of origin is Israel, confirming that its young are not different from others elsewhere. The atmosphere is cool, modern, Western; the decor utilitarian, the style avant-garde. Nothing detracts from the soft abandon of the scene. This film is banned in Israel. And who said that Israel cannot make sex films? Yet the contrasting myths of Israel as an idealistic society given to righteous self-improvement or a militarist-orthodox state bent on self-aggrandizement are so strong that this work comes as a surprise. Its manifold copulations, sophisticated stance, avant-garde modernity, and political thrusts stamp it as the testimony of a new generation. One sequence: "A vision of the Virgin Mary waiting for the Holy Ghost to do his thing, as Avidan's voice sings a tearful Yiddish refrain and Joseph the Carpenter bangs on the door, before going to take his vengeance by building a cross."" — Amos Vogel