Istinita priča o Henryju Hillu, napola irskom, napola sicilijanskom klincu iz Brooklyna kojeg gangsteri iz kvarta usvajaju u ranoj dobi i penje se u redove mafijaške obitelji pod vodstvom Jimmyja Conwaya.

Leonardo DiCaprio je Dom Cobb, muškarac koji posjeduje mogućnost manipuliranja snovima. Zahvaljujući ovoj fantastičnoj sposobnosti Cobb je postao iznimno tražen od strane moćnih korporacija koji koriste njegove jedinstvene vještine kako bi nadmudrili konkurenciju i domogli se vrijednih informacija. Ipak, njegov najnoviji zadatak je drugačiji od bilo čega što je prije radio. Film je dobitnik 142 nagrade od kojih je potrebno istaknuti četiri nagrade Oscar i to za najbolje specijalne efekte, najbolji zvuk, najbolju montažu zvuka, najbolju kameru te pregršt drugih nagrada i nominacija. Christopher Nolan ovaj je scenarij pisao 7 godina, a film je dobio izvanredne ocjene kritičara.

At an elite, old-fashioned boarding school in New England, a passionate English teacher inspires his students to rebel against convention and seize the potential of every day, courting the disdain of the stern headmaster.

Agnès Varda eloquently captures Paris in the sixties with this real-time portrait of a singer set adrift in the city as she awaits test results of a biopsy. A chronicle of the minutes of one woman’s life, Cléo from 5 to 7 is a spirited mix of vivid vérité and melodrama, featuring a score by Michel Legrand and cameos by Jean-Luc Godard and Anna Karina.

An arrogant, high-powered attorney takes on the case of a poor altar boy found running away from the scene of the grisly murder of the bishop who has taken him in. The case gets a lot more complex when the accused reveals that there may or may not have been a third person in the room.

Američki iseljenik Mickey Pearson (Matthew McConaughey) je u Londonu izgradio visoko profitabilno carstvo marihuane. Kad se pročuje vijest da se zauvijek želi maknuti iz tog posla, pokreće se niz zavjera, urota , podmićivanja i ucjenjivanja u pokušaju da se zauzme njegova pozicija. Ostatak zvjezdane glumačke ekipe čine Charlie Hunnam, Henry Golding, Michelle Dockery, Jeremy Strong, Eddie Marsan, Colin Farrell i Hugh Grant

Priča prati misterioznog H, zaštitara opakog pogleda koji radi za tvrtku koja prevozi novac u Los Angelesu i koji je odgovoran za prijevoz milijuna dolara po gradu. Tijekom pljačke vozila za koje su bili zaduženi, njegovi kolege ostaju iznenađeni preciznošću i vještinama koje će H pokazati i pitaju se tko je on zapravo i odakle je došao.

Claudia and Anna join Anna's lover, Sandro, on a boat trip to a remote volcanic island. When Anna goes missing, a search is launched. In the meantime, Sandro and Claudia become involved in a romance despite Anna's disappearance, though the relationship suffers from guilt and tension.

Priča o ekspediciji konkvistadora Gonzala Pizarra koji je 1560. i 1561. godine predvodio odred ljudi u peruansku prašumu privučen pričama o izgubljenom gradu. Kada se Pizarro počne pribojavati da je njegova ekspedicija nepromišljena, on odabere manju skupinu ljudi koji će tjedan dana istraživati rijeku dalje uzvodno. Ako ništa ne pronađu, kaže on, odustat će od cijelog pothvata. Ovu manju grupu predvode plemić Don Pedro de Ursua i njegov zamjenik Lope de Aguirre. Putujući na splavi rijekom, istraživače opsjedaju neprijateljski nastrojeni urođenici, bolest, glad i opasne vode. Izluđen pohlepom i izbezumljen od moći, Aguirre preuzme vođenje pothvata uništavajući svakoga tko mu se suprotstavi.

When Seth Brundle makes a huge scientific and technological breakthrough in teleportation, he decides to test it on himself. Unbeknownst to him, a common housefly manages to get inside the device and the two become one.

Nancy Thompson, primijeti da ona, kao i nekoliko njenih prijatelja, sve češće ima zastrašujuće noćne more u kojima je lovi nepoznati muškarac naoružan rukavicom na kojoj se nalaze oštri noževi. Kada se počnu pojavljivati prve žrtve Nancy shvati da nepoznati ubojica postaje sve moćniji, stoga ga odluči izvući iz snova kako bi ga konačno zaustavila.

Two brothers—Chul-ho, an accountant with a toothache and a pregnant wife, and Yong-ho, an unemployed ex-soldier wounded in battle—navigate life in post-war Korea.

A woman’s face disappearing behind, and emerging from, a pair of hands. Flashing lights. An empty building full of dark hallways. Designs drawn in the air with light and long-exposure cinematography.

In his squalid apartment, a man tries to squash with his shoe an insect of some kind that is moving around the room.

Inventor Goro Ibuki creates a humanoid robot named Jet Jaguar. It is soon seized by an undersea race of people called the Seatopians. Using Jet Jaguar as a guide, the Seatopians send Megalon as vengeance for the nuclear tests that have devastated their society.

The Freeling family move in with Diane's mother in an effort to escape the trauma and aftermath of Carol Anne's abduction by the Beast. But the Beast is not to be put off so easily and appears in a ghostly apparition as the Reverend Kane, a religeous zealot responsible for the deaths of his many followers. His goal is simple - he wants the angelic Carol Anne.

Nueng is driving one night with his wife, Dao, when their car hits a child who ends in a coma. In order to pay for the medical fees, he goes to a pawnshop, but whatever goods that he has are of little value. However, the owner of the pawnshop proposes to give him 1 million if he pawns his soul.

This film shows a German student escaping across the Berlin Border and being shot to death, while on the soundtrack, various platitudes about dying for freedom can be heard.

A ditsy reporter enlists the help of a sleazy private eye to solve a series of gory killings of female strippers at a Chicago nightclub.