Hedwig sa narodila ako chlapec. Pre lásku sa podujala na zmenu pohlavia, operácia sa však neskončila úspechom a jej telo zostalo kdesi na pomedzí medzi mužským a ženským. Odhodlaná bojovať o lepší život sa stáva frontmankou rockovej kapely a v kultovom filmovom muzikáli neváha vyspievať fanúšikom svoj životný príbeh.
With his signature pitch-black sense of humor, Ricky Gervais takes the stage at the London Palladium in this provocative stand-up comedy special.
While a sixteen year old girl is possessed by an evil spirit, her mother tries to find help, but everything goes wrong with horrible consequences.
Dvojica úspešných tenoristov a spevákov sa romanticky zapletie s dvoma sestrami - speváčkami. A tak sa na Vianoce ocitnú vo Vermonte bez snehu a vyťahujú svojho veliteľa zo slepej uličky.
Chico is a young piano player with big dreams. Rita is a beautiful singer with an extraordinary voice. Music and romantic desire unites them, but their journey - in the tradition of the Latin ballad, the bolero - brings heartache and torment.
In 1951, a young Vietnamese girl arrives at a Saigon household as their new servant.
Live action feature based on the Mexican comic about the exploits of a witch living in the outskirts of 'Bondojia', when a ruthless small time politician tries to steal their land in order to build a luxurious condo.
A small but growing Texas town, filled with strange and musical characters, celebrates its sesquicentennial and converge on a local parade and talent show.
In 1959, an alien experiment crashes to earth and infects a fraternity member. They freeze the body, but in the modern day, two geeks pledging a fraternity accidentally thaw the corpse, which proceeds to infect the campus with parasites that transform their hosts into killer zombies.
Recently divorced career woman Alex Greville begins a romantic relationship with glamorous mod artist Bob Elkin, fully aware that he's also intimately involved with middle-aged doctor Daniel Hirsh. For both Alex and Daniel, the younger man represents a break with their repressive pasts, and though both know that Bob is seeing both of them, neither is willing to let go of the youth and vitality he brings to their otherwise stable lives.
Heathcliff, ktorého adoptuje statkár na severe Anglicka, vyrastá spolu s jeho dcérou Cathy... Tragický príbeh veľkej a nenaplnenej lásky, zrady, nenávisti a túžby po pomste, nakrútený podľa románu Emily Brontëovej. Tvorcovia filmu sa snažili o maximálnu vernosť literárnej predlohe a evokáciu atmosféry viktoriánskeho Anglicka prostredníctvom pozorne rekonštruovaných reálií.
Uznávaný newyorský advokát Henry Turner má dobrú prácu, peniaze, krásnu manželku, rozľahlý byt a neveľmi citlivé svedomie. Nečakaná tragédia však všetko zmení. Henry ako zázrakom prežije streľbu v obchode, ale jeho poškodený mozog sa zotavuje len veľmi pomaly. Napokon sa mu vďaka rehabilitačnej starostlivosti podarí opustiť brány sanatória. Stane sa však z neho celkom iný človek a strata pamäti mu umožní skúmať svoju doterajšiu existenciu ako život niekoho iného, s ktorým často nesúhlasí. Kým jeho snobské okolie prijíma jeho zmenu ťažko, pre ženu a dcéru je „nový“ Henry oveľa prijateľnejší.
Život Roberta Bermudeza, špecialistu na trestné právo, sa náhle obráti hore nohami. Pojme totiž podozrenie, že sa Gonzalo, ktorý býval jedným z jeho najlepších študentov, dopustil brutálnej vraždy priamo pred právnickou fakultou. Aby odhalil pravdu, pustí sa do vyšetrovania na vlastnú päsť, ktoré však čoskoro prerastie v posadnutosť, vďaka ktorej je nevyhnutne vťahovaný do temných zákutí. Pravda už je na dosah ruky, ale za akú cenu?
His high school teacher issues an ultimatum: turn in a science project or flunk. So Mike Harlan scavenges a military base's junk pile for a suitable gizmo. He finds one... and unwittingly unleashes the awesome power and energy of the unknown. Twisted dimensions. Time warps. A fantastic realm where the past, present, and future collide in a whirling vortex of startling adventure and superlative special effects.
When one of them breaks a leg, five friends snowboarding in the Norwegian mountains take shelter in an abandoned ski lodge and soon realize they’re not alone.
Refined actress Lauren Ames finally has a chance to study with the great theatre professor Stanislav Korzenowski. Sandy Brozinsky, a brash, loud actress, decides through happenstance to also study with Korzenowski. The two women end up dating the same man (who turns out to be a double agent) and follow him across the country to force him to choose between them.
In the far future, a savage trained only to kill finds a way into the community of bored immortals that alone preserves humanity's achievements.
Blind, but deadly! Awesome action! A blind boxer must fend for himself against crooked promoters.
Ro-Man, an alien robot who greatly resembles a gorilla in a diving helmet, is sent to earth to destroy all human life. Ro-Man falls in love with one of the last six remaining humans, and struggles to understand how his programming can instruct him to kill her while his heart demands that he can't.
A pregnant woman and her husband discover they are half-brother and half-sister, thanks to his father and her mother.