Iconic imageries and moments of strange magic in California.

People is a film shot behind closed doors in a workshop/house on the outskirts of Paris and features a dozen characters. It is based on an interweaving of scenes of moaning and sex. The house is the characters' common space, but the question of ownership is distended, they don't all inhabit it in the same way. As the sequences progress, we don't find the same characters but the same interdependent relationships. Through the alternation between lament and sexuality, physical and verbal communication are put on the same level. The film then deconstructs, through its repetitive structure, our relational myths.

Minato is a university student and has a fear of germs. She isn't interested in looking pretty. She lives with her stepbrother Toru, who is her stepbrother from her mother's remarriage. Meanwhile, Toru is handsome and a player with the ladies. He doesn't resist women who come on to him and he doesn't stop women from leaving him either. Minato is uncomfortable with Toru and his ways with women. They are the same age and attend the same university. They have an agreement, where Toru will not approach Minato within 2 meters when they are outside. One day, due to her friend’s request, Minato puts on make-up and wears her friend’s high school uniform. While she is out walking in public, she happens to meet Toru. She unexpectedly lies to him about her identity and tells him that she is a high school student. Toru falls in love with her at first sight.

A dynamic young entrepreneur finds herself locked in a hotel room with the corpse of her dead lover. She hires a prestigious lawyer to defend her and they work together to figure out what actually happened.

კლერის კლიფი „შუშის ჭერს“ ,უხილავ ხელოვნურად შექმნილ ბარიერს, დაამსხვრევს და რევოლუციურად გარდაქმნის სამუშაო სივრცეს კერამიკის საწარმოში 1920იანი წლების ინგლისში.

Stanley manages his boxer brother Lion but when a devastating loss in the ring leaves the pair in debt, an opportunity to recoup the cash leads to a series of misadventures that threaten to break the bond between them.

A shy and insecure delivery driver arrives on the scene of a robbery-gone-wrong and picks up two bags of cash and hides them in his truck. He is interrogated by two tough police detectives and manages to evade suspicion but he is warned that whoever owns the money will be looking for it. Only the help of a prostitute and a former biker recently released from jail might get him out of trouble.

Emmi would like to cancel her subscription to "Like" magazine via e-mail. But due to a typo, her messages land in Leo Leike’s inbox. When Emmi repeatedly sends mails to the wrong address, Leo decides to inform her of her mistake. This marks the beginning of an extraordinary e-mail exchange, which can only be held between two strangers. Treading the fine line between complete strangeness and noncommittal intimacy, the two are soon sharing their innermost secrets and longings – until they need to face the unavoidable question: Will their feelings, sent and received virtually, survive the test of a real-life encounter? And what will happen if they do?

King, a trafficked lion cub, escapes from the airport and takes refuge with Inès and Alex, who then have the crazy idea of getting him back to Africa. Anything can happen when Max their kooky grandfather, decides to join the adventure.

ედმონდ როსტანის პიესის ,,სირანო დე ბერჟერაკი" მოტივებზე დაფუძნებული დრამატული მიუზიკლი, სულისშემძვრელი სასიყვარულო სამკუთხედის შესახებ. სირანო დე ბერჟერაკი – ადამიანია, რომელიც წინ უსწრებს დროს – ერთნაირად ოსტატურია კამათში და ფარიკაობაში. მაგრამ მთავარი გმირი დარწმუნებულია, რომ მისი გარეგნობა მას ერთგული მეგობრის, ბრწყინვალე როქსანას სიყვარულის უღირსად აქცევს, რის შედეგადაც სირანო არ რისკავს მისთვის თავისი გრძნობების გამჟღავნებას, ამასობაში კი როქსანას ერთი ნახვით შეუყვარდება კრისტიანი…

On her first assignment aboard Air Force One, a rookie Secret Service agent faces the ultimate test when terrorists hijack the plane, intent on derailing a pivotal energy deal. With the President's life on the line and a global crisis at stake, her bravery and skills are pushed to the limit in a relentless battle that could change the course of history.

Following the aftermath of a horrific accident, a woman is voluntarily subjected to artificial intelligence for rehabilitation.

In 1893, heavily pregnant Molly Johnson and her children struggle in isolation to survive the harsh Australian landscape after her husband left to go droving sheep in the high country. One day, she finds a shackled Aboriginal fugitive named Yakada wounded on her property. As an unlikely bond begins to form between them he reveals secrets about her true identity. Realizing Molly’s husband is actually missing, new town lawman Nate Clintoff starts being suspicious and sends his constable to investigate.

The residents of an isolated town look to revive their home's identity when a group of foreigners unexpectedly arrive, bringing culture shock with them.

Springtime in the French vineyards of Champagne. Patrick has gathered his oldest friends for his bachelor party. The trouble is, everyone hates his future wife. This could thus become one hellish weekend in gourmet paradise.

მონადირეების ჯგუფი უკაცრიელ კუნძულზე ადამიანებზე სანადიროდ მიდის, თუმცა მოულოდნელად თავად ჯგუფის წევრები გახდებიან ნადირობის ობიექტი. ყოფილი პოლიციელი ჯეიმს მელოუნი, უვადო სასჯელს იხდის იმ დანაშაულისთვის, რომელიც მას არ ჩაუდენია. მას თავისუფლების მოპოვების შანსი ეძლევა, თუ გადარჩება სასიკვდილო თამაშში, რომელშიც მონადირეების ჯგუფი ფულს იხდის, შორეულ კუნძულზე სხვა ადამიანებზე ნადირობისგან სიამოვნების მისაღებად. მელოუნი წესებს ემორჩილება, და კუნძულზე ხაფანგების შექმნით თუ მონადირეების წინააღმდეგ ფსიქოლოგიური ომის წამოწყებით ნამდვილ კოშმარს უწყობს მათ.

A hardened mechanic must stay awake and maintain an interstellar ark fleeing the dying planet Earth with a few thousand lucky souls on board... the last of humanity. Unfortunately, humans are not the only passengers. A shapeshifting alien creature has taken residence, its only goal is to kill as many people as possible. The crew must think quickly to stop this menace before it destroys mankind.