Trys išradingi universiteto parapsichologai, neturintys gerai apmokamo darbo, suburia specialų būrį, kuriam reikės ieškoti,persekioti ir gaudyti žalius vaiduoklius, baisias šmėklas ir paranormalių reiškinių valdovus.

The starship Enterprise and its crew is pulled back into action when old nemesis, Khan, steals a top secret device called Project Genesis.

Cantinflas enjoys the bullfight show, and wants to crash in every of these spectacles. Also, there's a professional bullfighter, Manolete, who is identical to Cantinflas. Manolete has to give a bullfight show in a village, but Cantinflas arrives first as a stowaway in a train, and he'll be mistake by the real bullfighter. Cantinflas will give us a demonstration of courage.

Giovanni currently lives a dreary life of near non-stop work. At school, his peers ridicule him incessantly, and his employer at work is distant and cold. As his isolation from society becomes unbearable, he suddenly finds himself on a train heading far away from his miserable home. Accompanied by Campanella, an acquaintance from school, Giovanni embarks on a journey that will define the rest of his life.

When a huge alien probe enters the galaxy and begins to vaporize earths oceans, Kirk and his crew must travel back in time in order to bring back whales and save the planet.

A young boy in a peaceful seaside town gets more than he bargained for when he takes home a mysterious egg. When it hatches, out comes a baby turtle that grows into a new version of Gamera. But will it become powerful enough in time to defeat the rampaging monster Zedus?

After years of war, the Federation and the Klingon empire find themselves on the brink of a peace summit when a Klingon ship is nearly destroyed by an apparent attack from the Enterprise. Both worlds brace for what may be their deadliest encounter.

The well-known explorer and hunter Captain Spaulding has just returned from Africa, and is being welcomed home with a lavish party at the estate of influential society matron Mrs. Rittenhouse when a valuable painting goes missing. The intrepid Captain Spaulding attempts to solve the crime with the help of his silly secretary Horatio Jamison, while sparring with the anarchic Signor Emanuel Ravelli and his nutty sidekick The Professor.

Unable to deal with her parents, Jeannie Tyne runs away from home. Larry and Lynn Tyne search for her, and in the process meet other people whose children ran away. With their children gone, the parents are now free to rediscover/enjoy life.

After the death of his wife, wealthy retiree Justin Playfair creates a fantasy world for himself in which he is the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes, even dressing like the character. Out of concern for Justin's money more than his health, his brother Blevins puts him under the care of psychiatrist Dr. Mildred Watson. As Dr. Watson grows fond of Justin, she begins to play along with his theories, eventually becoming an assistant in his investigations.

Kai pastebimas didžiulės galios ateivių erdvėlaivis, artėjantis prie Žemės, admirolas Jamesas T. Kirkas, norėdamas jį sulaikyti, vėl vadovauja pertvarkytam „USS Enterprise“.

Kapitonas Žanas Lukas Pikardas ir jo erdvėlaivio įgula susigrumia su nauju šiurpinančiu priešu, kuris visų nuostabai turi ryšių su Pikardu! Po smagių Raikerioir Trojosvestuvių Pikardas sulaukia dar vienos džiugios žinios: romulanai nori taikos, o kapitonas žada tapti federacijos pasiuntiniu. Tačiau „Enterprise” priartėjus prie romulanų imperijos, jie išvysta laukiantį priešą, slepiantį demonišką sunaikinimo planą ir neįtikimą paslaptį, kuri Pikardui bus milžiniškas iššūkis.

A detective is hired to protect the life of a singer, who has recently inherited a department store, from the store's crooked manager.

A man and woman meet and try to have a romantic affair, despite their personal problems and the interference of their disapproving friends.

Failed actress Alex Sternbergen wakes up hungover one morning in an apartment she does not recognize, unable to remember the previous evening -- and with a dead body in bed next to her. As she tries to piece together the events of the night, Alex cannot totally rely on friends or her estranged husband, Joaquin, for assistance. Only a single ally, loner ex-policeman Turner Kendall, can help her escape her predicament and find the true killer.

A renegade Vulcan with a startling secret hijacks the U.S.S. Enterprise in order to find a mythical planet.

In the not too distant future, where by far the most precious commodity in the galaxy is water. The last surviving water planet was somehow removed to the unreachable centre of the galaxy at the end of the galactic trade wars. The galaxy is ruled by an evil emperor presiding over a trade oligarchy that controls all mining and sale of ice from asteroids and comets.

An elite hitman returns to erase his past only to find that somebody has messed with his future.