DVD compilation of three werewolf-themed episodes from various Scooby-Doo series; Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Werewolf, Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo: Where's the Werewolf, and A Pup Named Scooby-Doo: The Were-Doo of Doo Manor.

A documentary film depicting five intimate portraits of migrants who fled their country of origin to seek refuge in France and find a space of freedom where they can fully experience their sexuality and their sexual identity: Giovanna, woman transgender of Colombian origin, Roman, Russian transgender man, Cate, Ugandan lesbian mother, Yi Chen, young Chinese gay man…

自9·11以来,人类社会在堕落和灭亡的道路上高歌猛进。2013年,莫斯科、伦敦、上海、东京等国际大都会接连发生等级超越9·11的恐怖袭击事件,世界局势危在旦夕。圣火在东京一隅的少年岛村乔(宫野真守 饰),其真实身份是编号为009的人造人,他诞生的初衷便是保护世界和平。如今消除了往昔记忆的他再也无法独善其身,经过一系列的波折,终于和当年的伙伴们001伊凡·维斯基(玉川砂记子 配音)、002杰特·林格(小野大辅 配音)、003法兰索娃·阿尔达努(斋藤千和 配音)、004艾柏特·海因利希(大川透 配音)、005索罗门·索尼亚(丹泽晃之 配音)、006张张胡(增冈太郎 配音)、007葛雷特·布林顿(吉野裕行 配音)会面。拥有超人一般能力的他们,面临前所未有的挑战…… 本片根据漫画家石之森章太郎的原作改编。


邪恶势力卷土重来,威胁着一所女子学校的游泳队。将校长变成青蛙怪物后,他们开始进行自己的扭曲训练和惩罚。但凯科·卡门 (Kekko Kamen) 也回来纠正错误,并再次将 MGF 打发走,或者她可以吗,他们看起来比以前更强大、更聪明,现在是凯科·卡门 (Kekko Kamen) 成败的时刻。

A new member has joined Eli and the Shane Gang! Junjie, once the protector of the Eastern Caverns, is a master of the slugslinging art of Slug Fu! But even with the power of five slingers, the Shane Gang find themselves in over their heads as they race across The 99 Caverns in search of the Legendary Elemental Slugs. The five Elementals are ancient slugs of great power, and the forbearers of all slugs found in SlugTerra today. In the wrong hands, they could bring Slugterra to the brink of destruction. So when an evil alliance starts hunting down the Elementals, Eli and his friends — old and new — take off in pursuit of the greatest threat their world has ever faced!

Five old men and a kid are travelling in a train's cabin without purpose. They travel because it's free and they don't have another place to stay. From their conversations we learn the tragedies of their lives. Also the hidden interlockings of their faith will out slowly.

从小,方托马斯(让•马莱 Jean Marais 饰)就爱搞恶作剧。不过,死对头瑞夫警长(路易•德•菲耐斯 Louis de Funès 饰)一直希望抓他归案。为了给后者一个下马威,方托马斯绑架了科学家马尔尚。记者方尔多和未婚妻艾莱娜报道了此事。罗马科学大会即将召开,为了防止方托马斯前来捣乱,瑞夫警长率领手下开始了声势浩大的搜捕行动。在列车上,方托马斯依靠出众的易容术,不但躲过了这些追查自己的耳目,而且还戏弄了瑞夫警长。科学大会如期召开,记者方多尔认为方托马斯这次前来是为勒菲夫教授而来,因为后者跟马尔尚可以共同完成秘密武器的研制,于是方多尔也扮作勒菲夫,引诱方托马斯上钩,但没成想,他们都中了方托马斯的计中计……本片根据法国作家皮埃尔•苏维德和马塞尔•阿兰的小说改编,为方托马斯“三部曲”中的第二部。本片是喜剧大师路易•德•菲耐斯继《虎口脱险》的又一力作。

Accel Booster 于外传《假面骑士W RETURNS 假面骑士Accel》登场,Accel的黄色形态。剧中,照井龙左小腿因Commander Dopant的攻击而受重伤的Accel得到葛木葵抛来的强化.

Naai Sekar, who decides to make money by kidnapping dogs, learns about his pet dog which was taken away from their family during his childhood. Can he rescue his dog, which is considered as a lucky charm?


寇特为军方科学家之子,其父在军中利用特殊药剂将死人复活。某日寇特女友茱莉车祸身亡,为了让女友复活,遂利用其父的特殊技术将茱莉还魂,却不知此一技术并无法使死人真正复活,只能使死人具活动能力,成为吃人僵尸……尽管茱莉头脑清醒,尚有思想,可无法克制自己吃人的欲望,无奈之下寇特将她交给军方,不料他发现军方科学家对这些”活死人”进行残酷的人身实验,于心不忍,终将茱莉又解救出来。 二人逃跑时不小心打破了装有可以使僵尸复活气体的容器,致使僵尸全部复活,寇特不幸被怪物咬伤,得知自己也将会变成僵尸,寇特和茱莉一起走进火中,在烈火中得到永生。

少校Ronan Jackson是以色列国防军的战斗机飞行员,美国参议员的儿子,在飞越叙利亚领空时被击落。杰克逊奇迹般地在坠机事故中幸存下来后,被一群真主党民兵俘虏。一个扣人心弦的强有力的故事充满了沉重的打击行动,贾黑德:返回的Law跟随一队海军陆战队员,由Dave Flores中士率领,他们冒着生命危险希望拯救一个他们从未见过的盟友。


A tale of terror. Cathy Reed has been institutionalized most of her life because of Schizophrenia, as a child her parents thought she was possessed by demons and had her exercised by priests. Medical science saw different. Now decades later Cathy is freed, relocated to her own flat and given a chance to be independent. Once alone things are not what they all seem and when her nightmares turn real she questions her state of mind before she is left to face her demons.

重返 Nuke 'Em High 班级跟随一对年轻夫妇对抗学校合唱团。 不幸的是,欢乐合唱团已经变异成一个叫做 The Cretins 的帮派。 当其他学生开始发生突变时,我们夫妇必须解开谜团并拯救 Tromaville 高中。

Rowe McDonald is a headstrong missionary who has life after his mission all figured out. When a fatal car crash interrupts his plans, he is given sixty days to return to life and finish his work. Now he must choose whether to lead the life he planned, or reach beyond himself to change the lives of others. What will he do? Who will he touch? How will he prepare to leave it all behind?


New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?
