The film tells the story of Dávid, an eighteen-year-old negligent teen. After eight years of being apart, Dávid and his mother move back from Vojvodina to Hungary to live with Dávid’s father. We slowly discover Dávid’s secret operation: he illegally transports refugees across the border for money, in order to fund his move abroad.

A poor little girl is invited into a luxury clothing store in the middle of the night.

In 1980 the black Falashas in Ethiopia are recognised as genuine Jews and are secretly carried to Israel. The day before the transport the son of a Jewish mother dies. In his place and with his name (Schlomo) she takes a Christian 9-year-old boy.

Prof. Henri Laborit uses the stories of the lives of three people to discuss behaviorist theories of survival, combat, rewards and punishment, and anxiety. René is a technical manager at a textile factory and must face the anxiety caused by corporate downsizing. Janine is a self-educated actress/stylist who learns that the wife of her lover is dying and must decide to let them reunite. Jean is a controversial career-climbing writer/politician at a crossroads in life.

Lisa i Julien są szczęśliwym małżeństwem. Są rodzicami małego Oscara i prowadzą spokojne życie. Pewnego dnia policja aresztuje Lisę pod zarzutem morderstwa. Mimo że kobieta jest niewinna, wszystkie dowody świadczą przeciwko niej. Zostaje skazana na dwadzieścia lat więzienia. Zdesperowany Julien jest w stanie przekroczyć granice prawa, aby uratować żonę.

Aleksiej, imigrant z Białorusi, przedostaje się do Francji. Dołącza do Legii Cudzoziemskiej i zostaje wysłany na misję do Delty Nigru. Tam jego ścieżka przecina się ze ścieżką młodego bojownika Jomo. Głośny debiut reżyserski Giacomo Abbruzzese, z hipnotycznym elektronicznym soundtrackiem Vitalica oraz magnetyczną rolą główną Franza Rogowskiego. Film był pokazywany na Berlinale, gdzie został uhonorowany Srebrnym Niedźwiedziem za zdjęcia.

Dubai-based criminal don Uday takes it upon himself to try and get his half-sister Sanjana married - in vain, as no one wants to be associated with a crime family. Uday's associate and best friend Majnu finds a well to do, nice young man, Rajiv, who lives with his maternal uncle and aunt - Dr. and Mrs. Ghunghroo. Through extortion he compels the Ghunghroos to accept this matrimonial alliance. With no escape from this predicament, the wedding is planned, with hilarious consequences.

Denis struggles to raise his boisterous daughters Janine and Mercredi on his own while holding down two jobs. Everything goes sour when Denis forgets Mercredi one too many times at the school gates. Séverine, a cheerful social worker, is appointed to scrutinize the family’s daily lives.

A reporter notices an old man in a border town who may be an important Greek politician who disappeared mysteriously years ago.

On October 9th, 1963, at 10:39 pm, 260 million cubic meters of rock fell down from Mount Toc to the artificial lake formed by the Vajont dam, the higher dam in the world. The landslide formed a 250-meters wave and 50 million cubic meters of water completely destroied all the below towns, killing more than 2000 people. Planned by engineer Semenza, Vajont dam (263 meters) had to carry the electricity in all the houses of the country. Tina Merlin, a journalist from 'L'Unitá', tried for years to denounce the danger to build a dam near the Mount Toc and expecially to denounce all the omissions by the corrupted politicians and workers in charge of the dam construction. They preferred to trust in old geologist Dal Piaz instead to hear engineer Semenza young son's alarming analysis. No one seemed to understand the high danger until that October fatal night.

Malutka wioska położona wśród gór i lasów. Pięcioro dzieci ze szkoły podstawowej mają tam spędzić wakacyjny obóz. Dzieci na początku cieszą się beztroskimi dniami wśród dziewiczej przyrody, daleko od opieki dorosłych. Ale ich życie drastycznie się zmienia, gdy spotykają coś co przypomina psa, który wygląda na rannego. Stworzenie - znane jako Pochi - okazuje się być kosmitą, który trafił na Ziemię by wykonać ważną misję.

Anna, a young Czech doctor, gets held up at US immigration after a humanitarian trip to Uganda, the day her boyfriend wants to propose to her.

A family moves into their new home, only to discover it's haunted.

Viola Price, matka cierpiąca na przewlekłą astmę, z determinacją stara się naprawić relacje w rodzinie, zanim jej stan zdrowia znacznie się pogorszy.

Antoine (Manu Payet) całkowicie poświęca się karierze w przemyśle muzycznym. Z tego powodu zapomina o życiu prywatnym i swojej żonie, Alice (Audrey Lamy), której przed dziesięciu laty przysięgał miłość, wierność i posłuszeństwo. Pewnego dnia kobieta traci cierpliwość i wyrzuca męża z domu, jednocześnie żądając rozwodu. Co gorsza, każe mu przez dwa tygodnie zajmować się ich córkami. Z początku przerażony Antoine stopniowo zaczyna doceniać chwile spędzone z najbliższymi.

The film is divided into four episodes that blends sex and comedy.

Viral video star Miranda Sings and her real-world alter ego Colleen Ballinger share the stage in a special packed with music, comedy and "magichinry."

Alex and Laetitia appear to make the perfect couple. But, as much as he loves his gorgeous fun-loving sweetheart, Alex isn’t yet ready for her to move in with him. Laetitia has other ideas. She has already packed her bags and lets Alex know that she will be taking up residence in his apartment within a few hours. For Alex, this is his worst nightmare come true. In desperation, he persuades his best friend to simulate an attack of depression so that he can move in with him...

Over the course of centuries the early colonies have evolved into giant empires, battling for supremacy. In the last 57 years, the death toll has risen to the billions. Rick Walker, former fighter pilot turned disillusioned freelance flyer is hired to transport a mysterious woman to the site of a secret peace negotiation. Cynthia Perkins claims to be a special ambassador who was called upon in secrecy to bring the stalling negotiations back on track. On their way, Walker and Perkins are ambushed by a group of attack fighters and are forced to crash land on a remote planet called Nydenion. Their way to the peace negotiations becomes a fight against time and an enemy that seems to come from the ranks of their own military, an enemy that Walker knows all too well.