Leonardo is a blind teenager dealing with an overprotective mother while trying to live a more independent life. To the disappointment of his best friend, Giovana, he plans to go on an exchange program abroad. When Gabriel, a new student in town, arrives at their classroom, new feelings blossom in Leonardo making him question his plans.

Actor Lester Blaine has all but landed the lead in Myra Hudson's new play when Myra vetoes him because, to her, he doesn't look like a romantic leading man. On a train from New York to San Francisco, Blaine sets out to prove Myra wrong...by romancing her. Is he sincere, or does he have a dark ulterior motive?

11-ročný Howie (Chandler Canterbury) a 12-ročná Grace (Annalise Basso) sa stanú outsidermi, keď ich rovesníci vylúčia zo svojho kolektívu v letnom tábore. Obe deti sa čoskoro stanú obeťami zlomyseľného vtipu, keď ich zanechajú nahých na ostrove uprostred jazera. Než aby sa osamotené a bezmocné deti vrátili späť do tábora a čelili tak ďalšiemu šikanovaniu a poníženiu, rozhodnú sa spoločne utiecť. Pri svojom dobrodružnom putovaní prestanú vnímať realitu tak pesimisticky a beznádejne, premýšľajú o svojej budúcnosti a vzniká medzi nimi vzájomné puto, ktoré im pomáha prekonať nepriazeň osudu a spoznať samých seba.

Snímek Muži, ženy a děti sleduje příběh skupiny středoškoláků a jejich rodičů, kteří se snaží zorientovat v tom, jak internet zasahuje do jejich vztahů, způsobu komunikace, sebepojetí i milostného života. Film se zaměřuje na sociální fenomény dneška, jako jsou videoherní kultura, anorexie, nevěra, honba za slávou a šíření nezákonného obsahu na internetu. Všechny postavy i jejich vztahy procházejí různými zkouškami a divákům se tak předestírá pestrá škála možností a cest, kterými se lidé ubírají. Ať už jsou jejich životní volby tragické či plné naděje, je zřejmé, že nikdo není imunní vůči této obrovské společenské změně, která k nám přichází prostřednictvím telefonu, tabletu nebo počítače.

It's 1992. Martin is 17 and he films his daily life with his Hi8 camera. He films anything and everything—his room, the world around him... But never his father, the thought doesn't occur to him. One day he meets Dominique. He's 23 and works as a student monitor at Martin's high school.

In the wake of her mother's tragic death, French teenager Junie transfers to a different high school. Though Junie lives mostly inside her own head, her beauty and stoicism win her the attention of the entire male student population. Junie begins dating the gentle Otto Cleves, but finds herself intensely drawn to her youthful Italian language teacher, Nemours. When Nemours begins to reciprocate, serious complications ensue.

Malý Theo Carter sa nedokáže vyrovnať s tým, že sa s rodinou presťahovali do iného mesta a jeho pracovne vyťažený otec nemá na neho a jeho brata Nicka veľa času. Theo si veľmi želá mať psa. Jeho otec Michael pochopí Theove pocity, keď spoločne uvidia v kine dojemný film Red Dog o legendárnom austrálskom túlavom psovi. Večer sa otec synovi prizná, že pes, podľa ktorého film nakrútili, bol kedysi jeho, a porozpráva mu svoj príbeh.

Cousin Ben hosts a screening of Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom to the troops.

In 1980 young George O'Dowd baffles his parents with his love of frocks and make-up and moves into a squat with kindred spirit Peter, who dresses as Marilyn Monroe and calls himself Marilyn. They make a splash at Steve Strange's trendy Blitz Club where George gets a job in the cloakroom but George is unlucky in his relationships with men until he meets wannabe musician Kirk. Through Kirk George meets the handsome drummer Jon Moss, on whom he develops a crush, but sacked by the Blitz and spurned by Kirk, George turns to Sex Pistols' manager Malcolm McLaren to further his music career. George's spell with McLaren's group Bow Wow Wow is short but fan Mikey North is impressed and asks George to sing in a group he is forming, where George again meets Jon. They will have an affair and the group will become the very successful Culture Club. Four years later, however, hounded by the tabloid press amid stories of his drug addiction, an unhappy George turns to Jon for advice on his future.

Život Roberta Bermudeza, špecialistu na trestné právo, sa náhle obráti hore nohami. Pojme totiž podozrenie, že sa Gonzalo, ktorý býval jedným z jeho najlepších študentov, dopustil brutálnej vraždy priamo pred právnickou fakultou. Aby odhalil pravdu, pustí sa do vyšetrovania na vlastnú päsť, ktoré však čoskoro prerastie v posadnutosť, vďaka ktorej je nevyhnutne vťahovaný do temných zákutí. Pravda už je na dosah ruky, ale za akú cenu?

Teenagers Rose and Bennett were in love, and then a car crash claimed Bennett's life. He left behind a grieving mother, father and younger brother, and Rose was left all alone. She has no family to turn to for support, so when she finds out she's pregnant, she winds up at the Brewer's door. She needs their help, and although they can't quite admit it, they each need her so they can begin to heal.

Two brilliant research scientists have invented a device capable of recording and playing back sensory experiences only to have devastating results when one of them records their own death.

A veteran soldier returns from his completed tour of duty in Iraq, only to find his life turned upside down when he is arbitrarily ordered to return to field duty by the Army.

Drsní dôchodcovia Frank Vega a Bernie Pope sa opäť vracajú na scénu, aby zachraňovali svet. Tentoraz sa v Louisane pokúsia vypátrať unesenú priateľku a nakopať do zadku južanských zloduchov. Tretia časť filmovej série Bad Ass. Ostrí chlapci v dôchodkom veku Frank Vega a Bernie Pope prichádzajú do Louisiany na svadbu svojej kamarátky Carmen Gutierrezovej. Čo spočiatku vyzerá ako pohodová dovolenka na juhu, sa čoskoro zmení na chaos a násilie. A sú to práve Frank a Bernie, čo musia učiniť spravodlivosti zadosť. V nakopávaní zadkov južanských zloduchov, ktorí uniesli Carmen a žiadajú výkupné od jej otca, im tentoraz bude pomáhať aj ďalší svieži kamarát z domova dôchodcov, Earl.

In 1955, young photographer Dennis Stock develops a close bond with actor James Dean while shooting pictures of the rising Hollywood star.

Príbeh štyroch chlapcov zo sirotinca, narodených v decembri. Pri príležitosti ich narodenín podniknú výlet k moru. Mladý pár, nachádzajúci sa na pobreží, prejaví záujem o jedného z nich. Priateľstvo nerozlučných kamarátov je zrazu podrobené ťažkej skúške. Ktorý z nich bude vybraný a nájde si svoju novú rodinu?

An unidentified man posts a live feed on social media showing that he has kidnapped two strangers and intends to kill one before the day is out. His intention is to hold a capital 'trial' online. As the authorities recognize what's happening, it becomes apparent that the online public is going to act as judge and jury.

Jesse, a small-time criminal, high-tails it to Los Angeles to rendezvous with a French exchange student. Stealing a car and accidentally killing a highway patrolman, he becomes the most wanted fugitive in L.A.

The story about the relationship between a manic depressive man, Mr Jones, and the female doctor who takes more than a professional interest in his treatment.

Two quarreling teachers vie for the same woman. In the same time the two will have to accompany a class on a trip in Spain.