Young priest Father Sebastián is assigned to a parish in San Jeronimo el Alto, where he is not welcomed by the community, particularly the resident priest Father Damián. The newcomer gradually earns the trust of the people through humor, but firmly captures their hearts by saving the town fiesta by fighting a bull when the hired torero failed to show. Father Sebastián counsels the townspeople, lecturing them on their duties in a modern society. He used the collection plate to redistribute the town's wealth more evenly.

Zaručeni par raduje se dugom i sretnom zajedničkom životu, no zbog neočekivane dijagnoze smrtne bolesti njihova budućnost odjednom postane neizvjesna.

A losing coach with an underdog football team faces their giants of fear and failure on and off the field to surprising results.

A chance encounter with a stranger changes the life of a college gymnast.

Sent into a drunken tailspin when his entire unit is killed by a gang of thrill-seeking punks, disgraced Hong Kong police inspector Wing needs help from his new rookie partner, with a troubled past of his own, to climb out of the bottle and track down the gang and its ruthless leader.

After an accidental drug overdose, a talented teenage DJ goes to live with his estranged father in a small Army town, where he gets to the bottom of his own pain and learns empathy for others.

Based on the comic book by the creator of Ghost in the Shell, a young female soldier Deunan and her cyborg partner Briareos survive through the post World War 3 apocalyptic New York in search of human's future hope, the legendary city of Olympus.

Beatrix Potter je neudana 30-godišnjakinja u vremenu u kojem je primarni zadatak žene dobro se udati i znati gdje joj je mjesto. Nitko – pogotovo ne Beatrixina obitelj – ne može razumjeti zašto bi ona radije crtala i pisala pričice o životinjama.

A grieving doctor is being contacted by his late wife through his patient's near death experiences.

Jennifer i Vince, stranci, nađu se u škripcu s novcem i odluče prirediti lažne zaruke i vjenčanje samo za darove

Lady Guenevere (Julia Ormond) zajedno sa svojom svitom kreće na put k svom budućem mužu i savezniku Kralju Arthuru (Sean Connery). Princ Malagant (Ben Cross), smrtni neprijatelj Kralja Arthura, očajnički želi vlasništvo nad njenom zemljom tako da pod svaku cijenu želi spriječiti taj brak. Lutajući vitez Lancelot (Richard Gere) stat će u obranu Lady Guenevere i izbaviti je iz ruku opasnih odmetnika. Kada mu ona zauzvrat ponudi nagradu, jedino što on poželi je njezin poljubac. Lancelot postaje Prvi vitez kralja Arthura, a nakon još jedne Malagantove otmice ponovno spašava sada već Kraljicu Guenevere koja više ne može kriti svoje osjećaje prema njemu. Spremni su izigrati prijateljstvo i povjerenje Kralja Arthura te prihvatiti kaznu, možda i smrt, ali jedno bez drugoga više ne mogu.

Biografska priča o životu Linde Lovelace, glumice čiji je život u potpunosti obilježila uloga u kultnom porno filmu Duboko grlo. Film prikazuje surovost porno industrije i Lindine sukobe s nasilnim suprugom, sve dok napokon nije uspjela kontrolu nad životom staviti u svoje ruke. Snimljen je u suradnji s ostavštinom Linde Lovelace.

Kada nemilosrdni gangster i njegovi poslušnici otmu lijepu plavušu, njezin suprug, bivši marinac, zakune se da će ih pronaći i osloboditi svoju suprugu.

Colin, an ambitious young American businessman, has a deal with a potential client, a rich Arab sheikh who is a passionate pigeon fancier. The sheikh has tried several times to buy a champion pigeon, but the owner continues to stubbornly refuse his offer. In an attempt to gain the trust of the Sheikh, Colin offers him a deal: if he manages to convince the owner to sell the champion pigeon, the sheikh will agree to do business with Colin's company. But when Colin meets Jos, the grumpy owner of the pigeon, and Isabella, his granddaughter, he realizes that this mission will not be as easy as he had hoped.

After she and her husband lose their jobs, a former Texas homecoming queen inadvertently finds herself in the middle of a prostitution ring after she unknowingly accepts a position at a massage parlor.

A college campus is plagued by a vicious serial killer murdering students in ways that correspond to various urban legends.

North Carolina mountains at the end of the 1920s – George and Serena Pemberton, love-struck newly-weds, begin to build a timber empire. Serena soon proves herself to be equal to any man: overseeing loggers, hunting rattle-snakes, even saving a man’s life in the wilderness. With power and influence now in their hands, the Pembertons refuse to let anyone stand in the way of their inflated love and ambitions. However, once Serena discovers George’s hidden past and faces an unchangeable fate of her own, the Pemberton’s passionate marriage begins to unravel leading toward a dramatic reckoning.

Fueled by cheap whiskey, greed and hatred, Willie Soke teams up with his angry little sidekick, Marcus, to knock off a Chicago charity on Christmas Eve. Along for the ride is chubby and cheery Thurman Merman, a 250-pound ray of sunshine who brings out Willie's sliver of humanity. Issues arise when the pair are joined by Willie's horror story of a mother, who raises the bar for the gang's ambitions, while somehow lowering the standards of criminal behavior.

John Gotti rises to the top of the New York underworld to become the boss of the Gambino crime family. His life takes a tumultuous turn as he faces tragedy, multiple trials and a prison sentence.

Biker Cary Ford vratio se u rodni grad kako bi se sastao sa svojom djevojkom Shane i pobrinuo se za neki nezavršeni posao. Kad je prije dva mjeseca napustio grad, Ford je imao nekoliko bicikala koji su pripadali Henryju, bezobzirnom trgovcu drogom i vođi bajkerske bande „The Hellions“. Sada Henry stisne Ford u pokušaju da povrati bicikle, koji u svojim spremnicima imaju nešto malo vrijednije od benzina.