Stingo, a young writer, moves to Brooklyn in 1947 to begin work on his first novel. As he becomes friendly with Sophie and her lover Nathan, he learns that she is a Holocaust survivor. Flashbacks reveal her harrowing story, from pre-war prosperity to Auschwitz. In the present, Sophie and Nathan's relationship increasingly unravels as Stingo grows closer to Sophie and Nathan's fragile mental state becomes ever more apparent.

The story of Lyudmila Pavlichenko, the most successful female sniper in history.

Historien om Bobby Sands, IRA-medlemmet som ledet sultestreiken i 1981, hvor republikanske fanger prøvde å vinne politisk status. Det dramatiserer hendelsene i Maze-fengselet i de seks ukene før Sands død.

Ismael and Julie, in the hope of sparking their stalled relationship, enter a playful yet emotionally laced threesome with Alice. When tragedy strikes, these young Parisians are forced to deal with the fragility of life and love. For Ismael, this means negotiating through the advances of Julie's sister and a young college student – one of which may offer him redemption.

Nothing is as it seems in this riveting World War 2 thriller as a wary soldier goes to investigate a mysterious German monarch at his secluded mansion, leading him into a web of deceit and a dangerous love affair with a local Jewish woman.

Basert på den bestselgende boken «Tørke» av Jane Harper. Etterforskeren Aaron Falk vender tilbake til sin tørkerammede hjemby etter å ha vært fraværende i over 20 år for å delta i begravelsen til sin barndomsvenn, Luke, som angivelig skal ha drept sin egen kone og barn for så å begå selvmord. Når Falk nølende sier ja til å etterforske saken så river han også opp i gamle sår, og blir konfrontert med en gammel og smertefull sak - 17-år gamle Ellie Deacons død. Falk fatter mistanke om at de to sakene kan ha en sammenheng, selv om det er flere tiår mellom dem. I kampen om å bevise Luke sin uskyld, i tillegg til sin egen, blir Falk møtt av det tørkerammede samfunnets sinne og deres fordommer mot ham. En liten by med store løgner. «The Dry» er en spennende thriller om de uløste gåtene og hemmelighetene et samfunn kan holde på i mange, mange år, men som til slutt må komme til overflaten…

I 1904 ble Oslo rammet av et jordskjelv med styrke 5,4 på Richters skala. Skjelvet førte til betydelige ødeleggelser. Men heldigvis, ingen menneskeliv gikk tapt. Hva vil skje dersom et langt større jordskjelv treffer hovedstaden? Tre år er gått siden tsunamibølgen traff Geiranger. Idun og barna har nå flyttet til Oslo for å få avstand til den vonde opplevelsen. Kristian Ekjord bor alene i Geiranger. Ulykken har ikke sluppet taket og en traumatisert Kristian sliter med skyldfølelse etter det som skjedde. Så begynner underlige ting å skje i Norges hovedstad. Uforklarlige oversvømmelser, strømstans og ulykker rammer byen. Geologiske undersøkelser viser at ”Oslo-graben” igjen har begynt å røre på seg.

Told from the woman's perspective, the story of a couple trying to reclaim the life and love they once knew and pick up the pieces of a past that may be too far gone.

Told from the man's perspective, the story of a couple trying to reclaim the life and love they once knew and pick up the pieces of a past that may be too far gone.

An American girl, sent to the English countryside to stay with relatives, finds love and purpose while fighting for her survival as war envelops the world around her.

Estranged twins Maggie and Milo coincidentally cheat death on the same day, prompting them to reunite and confront the reasons their lives went so wrong. As the twins' reunion reinvigorates them, they realize the key to fixing their lives may just lie in repairing their relationship.

When their father passes away, four grown, world-weary siblings return to their childhood home and are requested -- with an admonition -- to stay there together for a week, along with their free-speaking mother and a collection of spouses, exes and might-have-beens. As the brothers and sisters re-examine their shared history and the status of each tattered relationship among those who know and love them best, they reconnect in hysterically funny and emotionally significant ways.

Mary Surratt is the lone female charged as a co-conspirator in the assassination trial of Abraham Lincoln. As the whole nation turns against her, she is forced to rely on her reluctant lawyer to uncover the truth and save her life.

An awkward office drone becomes increasingly unhinged after a charismatic and confident look-alike takes a job at his workplace and seduces the woman he desires.

A brilliant boy discovers he can manipulate time using an enchanted family heirloom, then teaming up with his siblings to go back to the eve of their parents’ separation in hopes of changing the outcome. As their schemes become more elaborate, the siblings will learn about family bonds and what they can and can’t control.

1962. A con artist, his wife, and a dangerous stranger are caught up in the murder of a private detective and are forced to try and escape Athens.

Twenty years after the modern world's most notorious child murder, the legacy of the crime and its impact are explored.

Set in 1974, an authentic and uplifting tale of two friends whose horizons are opened up by the discovery of black American soul music.

Five young Amish girls accused of being Satan's children must fight for their lives when their devout community elders insist they be "cleansed" before turning 18.

One weekend, after years without seeing each other, several friends, over whom hangs the shadow of a murky episode of the past, meet in a house in the mountains. During the first night, a strange incident takes place that leaves them isolated.