One of the most acclaimed movies to come out of China last year, Feng Shui harnesses the talents of underrated actress Yan Bingyan to deliver this family drama about a woman desperate to ascend to the middle class and willing to pay any price. Powerful and emotionally tense, this is a portrait of the hidden side of the great Chinese success story.

Two university students gain insight into life and love as they get to know each other during a road trip across Europe.

סרט מלא השראה על פי סיפורו של אוסקר ווילד בעל אותו שם, הענק האנוכי הוא משל עכשווי על שני נערים מתבגרים שהסתבכו בעולם של גניבת נחושת.

2 צעירים מספרים להוריהם שהם מתכננים להתחתן. לא בעתיד, אלא כמה שיותר מוקדם..

Using every known means of transportation, several savants from the Geographic Society undertake a journey through the Alps to the Sun which finishes under the sea.

The story of a family and a love affair told through the journey of a young woman called Suzanne.

No other band in rock'n'roll history has rivaled The Stooges' combination of heavy primal throb, spiked psychedelia, blues-a-billy grind, complete with succinct angst-ridden lyrics, and a snarling, preening leopard of a frontman who somehow embodies Nijinsky, Bruce Lee, Harpo Marx, and Arthur Rimbaud all rolled into one. There is no precedent for The Stooges, while those inspired by them are now legion. The film will present the context of their emergence musically, culturally, politically, historically, and relate their adventures and misadventures while charting their inspirations and the reasons behind their initial commercial challenges, as well as their long-lasting legacy.

Franck and Simon are both good cops. They work as partners. But their lives take a tailspin when Simon, driving drunk, causes a tragic car wreck. A few years later, out of the police, he is forced to take matters into his own hands when his family is in danger.

During a sunny Sicilian summer Tanino has a sweet and tender story with Sally, a young American tourist. But when summer is over, Sally flies back to the States forgetting Tanino and her camera. He instead cannot forget the girl and he decides to go to the States with the excuse of bringing back her the camera and to see the dreamland of any Sicilian. Tanino will discover that dreams don't always match with reality...

A mysterious cab passenger taken hostage must convince the hijackers that he is not the con man they set out to kill.

סרט קומי על ארבעה בוגרי קולג' טריים הנבהלים לנוכח הצורך להתחיל להתמודד עם החיים האמיתיים. אבל הם נאלצים לבסוף להתבגר בכל זאת.

Amazonia is an adventure in 3D inside the largest rainforest on the planet: the Amazon rainforest. Chestnut is a Capuchin monkey domesticated who survives a plane crash and finds himself alone in the dense forest. The monkey needs to learn to live in freedom, in a new world where animals of all kinds: Jaguars, alligators, snakes, tapirs, hawks. Gradually, Brown learns to live in the forest, making new friends, especially the monkey Gaia, their fellow species.

שנים חלפו מאז הנרי, קתרין, טריסטן ומגדלנה הפכו להיות משפחה . חיי היומיום חזרו אבל כאוס עומד לפרוץ.

ארבע חברות המתפרנסות מזנות במרוקו מתמודדות עם הסכנות ועם הסטיגמות הנלוות למקצוע.

Adapted from the BBC2 serial The Six Wives of Henry VIII. 1547, King Henry VIII's life has taken a turn for the worse and he is forced to look back over his life and the many loves which had brought him his three children, only one of which was the desired male heir to secure the Tudor dynasty.

By a strange twist of fate, dutiful Hong Kong policeman Dan saves the life of the leader of a violent gang of armed robbers. When they commit another crime, Dan is determined to put an end to their activities. He works with the leader, whom the gang had betrayed, to engineer a plan to wreak havoc within the gang and let the gangsters kill one another. But it becomes increasingly obvious to Dan and to his colleagues that Dan is suffering from a severe mental disorder, and Dan finds that instead of upholding the law as a righteous police officer, he has now become a fugitive wanted for murder.

פלה בן ה-12 ננשך על ידי נמלה והוא מתפתח לגיבור על. הוא נעזר בוויליאם חנון שקורא הרבה קומקיס. פלה יוצר את זהותו סודית כגיבור "אנטבוי".

After the death of the abbot of a small convent the two monks who are left discover among the papers of the passed away abbot letters from the mother of one of them indicating that he is the natural son of a landowner in Extremadura. In order to claim the legacy of his friend the monk who has lived outside the convent for some time plans their voyage to the property of his father picking up on their way his daughter and lover. Once in Extremadura things look a little different to what the plans say.

שפחת הרימן עוברת לדרום אמריקה לאחר ששרה, אם המשפחה, יורשת את המפעל שהקים אביה המנוח. במהרה מוצאת עצמה המשפחה נרדפת על ידי רוחות של ילדים קטנים המסתתרות בבית החדש שלהם. התופעה המפחידה חושפת בפניהם את ההיסטוריה המדממת והאכזרית של המקום והחלק שמילא בה המפעל המשפחתי.

החתול העצלן ביותר בעולם מנצל פרצה בגדר ומצליח להתנתק מעולם הקומיקס שבו הוא חי ונושם ולעבור אל העולם האמיתי שבו חוקי הפיזיקה פועלים עליו בלי משחקים. גרפילד מגלה שיש לו אויבים בדמות מי שרוצה לבטל את פעילותו המצויירת ולהחליף אותו במשהו חדש. אנימציית תלת מימד שלוקחת את גרפילד לכיוונים של אקשן וגם לרגעים עצובים באמת. מישהו רוצה לזניה?