Iranilainen judoka Leila ja hänen valmentajansa Maryam osallistuvat judon maailmanmestaruuskisoihin tavoitteenaan tuoda kotiin Iranin ensimmäinen kultamitali. Kesken maailmanmestaruuskisojen Leilaa painostetaan keskeyttämään kisat, tai hänet leimataan maanpetturiksi. Oman ja perheensä vapauden uhalla Leila joutuu mahdottoman valinnan eteen; nöyrtymään ja keskeyttämään kisat, kuten hänen valmentajansa käskee, tai ottelemaan kultamitalin eteen.

Mystery Inc. is summoned to investigate occurrences in a haunted villa, where a black knight terrorizes anybody who tries to get close to treasure hidden by the former owner of the building.

A group of teenagers must face a zombie apocalypse, and help reestablish order.

The high-profile case of serial killer Ludovic Chevalier has just gone to trial, and Kelly-Anne is obsessed. When reality blurs with her morbid fantasies, she goes down a dark path to seek the final piece of the case’s puzzle.

A dysfunctional couple head to a remote lakeside cabin under the guise of reconnecting, but each has secret designs to kill the other. Before they can carry out their respective plans, unexpected visitors arrive and the couple is faced with a greater danger than anything they could have plotted.

Lola has two brothers: Benoit, who is getting married for the third time, and Pierre, who shows up late for the wedding. Excuses, reproaches, arguments, misunderstandings... beneath it all, they're just doing their best to live their own lives. Benoit is about to become a father, but he's not ready yet. Lola meets Zoher while she's still going through her divorce. Pierre's professional problems take a turn for the worse. Though everything in their lives seems to be pulling them apart, the three of them stick together - an inseparable trio.

A young man, plagued by the music in his head, has to come to terms with an uncertain future while balancing love, family and Brazilian culture in Newark, New Jersey.

In the year 2898 AD, around 6000 years after Kurukshetra war, Ashwatthama gears up for his final battle of redemption at the sign of hope in a dystopian world and Bhairava, a wisecracking and self-interested bounty hunter, tired of the perilous life becomes the hurdle in the process.

This movie chronicles Jack London's epic journey from San Francisco to the Klondike gold fields in 1898.

Lähitulevaisuudessa tekoäly hallitsee kaikkien elämää, ja ihmisen tunteet koetaan uhkana.

Follows the Díaz-Aguirre family, whose perfect universe turns upside down after the death of the patriarch, who in his will asks his wife to recover the 'Sardinete', his first fishing boat which is rusting in a Moroccan port.

Saatuaan autokyydin tuntemattomalta mieheltä Lisa herää putkessa. Hänen käsivarteensa on kiinnitetty rannekoru, jossa on lähtölaskenta. Hän ymmärtää nopeasti, että tuli polttaa vallatun osan 8 minuutin välein. Hänellä ei ole muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin ryömiä turvallisiin osiin selviytyäkseen. Tietääkseen miksi hän on siellä ja kuinka päästä ulos, joutuu Lisa kohtaamaan kuolleen tyttärensä muistot.

A truck driver has been forced to smuggle illicit cargo to save her brother from a deadly prison gang. With FBI operatives hot on her trail, Sally's conscience is challenged when the final package turns out to be a teenage girl.

A disgraced parole officer is indebted to a local gang leader and forced to pull off a series of dangerous drug heists within twelve hours in order to pay the $2 million dollars he owes, rescue his kidnapped pregnant wife, and settle a score with the city's corrupt police chief, who is working with the gang leader and double-crossed him years ago.

Perheensä kanssa lomaileva Pedro alkaa epäillä, että lomakohteessa tapahtuneet onnettomuudet ovat osa katalaa suunnitelmaa.

Two people, a man and a woman, wake up naked and with their abdomens attached to each other.

Rileyn on taisteltava aikaa vastaan sairastuttuaan maailman kuolettavimpaan ja kamalimpaan virukseen ensimmäisessä Contracted-elokuvassa - virus alkaa hänen kehoaan, joten hänen on pidettävä se sisässään ja estettävä sen leviäminen. Tutkiessaan sairauden alkuperää Riley kohtaa skeptisen etsivän, joka epäilee hänen tarinaansa. Kuvioon astuu mukaan myös itse BJ, josta virus lähti aluilleen ja joka saattaa pelastaa ihmiskunnan tuholta.

After Antoine was fired from his job, he became a stay-at-home dad taking care of his four children, while his wife Isabelle restarts her career as a lawyer. For Antoine, the family's upcoming ski vacation is a godsend: he can finally take a break from parenthood and enjoy a luxury ski resort! But just as they are about to step on the train, Isabelle is called back to work for an emergency and Antoine has to deal, on his own, with his four mischievous kids going wild on the slopes and in the fancy hotel, as the trip turns into total chaos…

Newcomer Evan joins a group of teens on a getaway in Joshua Tree. While exchanging ghost stories around the campfire, Evan reads aloud a mysterious chant from an internet site. From that moment, someone--or something--is among them.

A man is imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. When his wife is murdered and his son kidnapped and taken to Mexico, he devises an elaborate and dangerous plan to rescue his son and avenge the murder.