Friends Aldo, Giovanni, and Giacomo travel from north to south for Giacomo's wedding, carrying a precious item: the father of the bride, a tyrannical rich man who is both their boss and father-in-law (also Aldo and Giovanni married his daughters), has entrusted them with a wooden leg, the work of a famous artist.

A fading music hall comedian tries to help a despondent ballet dancer learn to walk and to again feel confident about life.

Į miestelį, kuriame kovoja dvi grupuotės, atvyksta nepažįstamasis. Jis pasiryžęs įvesti savo tvarką ir nenusileisti niekam.

Jauna gražuolė nepatenkinta savo vedybomis, tad po atostogų nusprendžia skirtis. Bet, grįžusi į gimtąjį Paryžių, sužino, kad jos vyras žuvo keistomis aplinkybėmis. Šnipai, painios intrigos, grožis bei nuostabi muzika (nominuota "Oskarui") ir visada nostalgiškas senojo Holivudo spindesys. Visa tai puikiai dera klasikinėje detektyvinėje komedijoje "Šarada" su kino legendomis Audrey Hepburn ir Cary Grant'u.

Tampering with life and death, Henry Frankenstein pieces together salvaged body parts to bring a human monster to life; the mad scientist's dreams are shattered by his creation's violent rage as the monster awakens to a world in which he is unwelcome.

Two troubled men face their terrible destinies and events of their past as they join together on a mission to find the Holy Grail and thus to save themselves.

After a bleak childhood, Jane Eyre goes out into the world to become a governess. As she lives happily in her new position at Thornfield Hall, she meet the dark, cold, and abrupt master of the house, Mr. Rochester. Jane and her employer grow close in friendship and she soon finds herself falling in love with him. Happiness seems to have found Jane at last, but could Mr. Rochester's terrible secret be about to destroy it forever?

Shin-ae moves to her recently late husband’s hometown. Despite her efforts to settle in this unfamiliar and too-normal place, she finds that she can’t fit in. After a sudden tragedy, Shin-ae turns to Christianity to relieve her pain, but when even this is not permitted, she wages a war against God.

When a young boy makes a wish at a carnival machine to be big—he wakes up the following morning to find that it has been granted and his body has grown older overnight. But he is still the same 13-year-old boy inside. Now he must learn how to cope with the unfamiliar world of grown-ups including getting a job and having his first romantic encounter with a woman.

In the first episode, Quirino tries to conquer co-worker Gabriella. In the second episode, Prof. Beozi ends up in a raid of the police in a local for homosexuals when trying to avoid a scandal. In the third episode, Guglielmo passes all tests in order to become reader of the television news brilliantly, although the commission works with all subtleness's to exclude him.

Septyniolikmetė Ry Doli (Jennifer Lawrence) susiruošia ieškoti savo dingusio tėvo – garsaus vietinio metamfetamino gamintojo, užstačiusio šeimos namą. Jei merginai nepavyks jo surasti, ji ir jos šeima – sesuo Ešli, brolis Soni bei ligota motina – bus išmesti į Ozarko miškus. Stengdamasi sužinoti tėvo dingimo aplinkybes, Ry įsitraukia į giminaičių apgavysčių, išsisukinėjimų ir grasinimų liūną. Atkakli mergina rizikuodama gyvybe griauna paslaptingą tylos sieną. Galiausiai tiesa pradeda aiškėti...

When Manny Singer's wife dies, his young daughter Molly becomes mute and withdrawn. To help cope with looking after Molly, he hires sassy housekeeper Corrina Washington, who coaxes Molly out of her shell and shows father and daughter a whole new way of life. Manny and Corrina's friendship delights Molly and enrages the other townspeople.

The tragic story of world-renowned cellist Jacqueline du Pré, as told from the point of view of her sister, flautist Hilary du Pré-Finzi.

Atokiame Aliaskos miestelyje saulė nesirodo 30 dienų bei naktų. Per tą laiką blogis yra pasiruošęs užvaldyti miestelį, tačiau atsiranda drąsuolių, kurie yra pasiruošę mesti blogiui iššūkį.

A look at the life of Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, with a focus on the price she paid for power.

In Manhattan, a bike messenger picks up an envelope that attracts the interest of a dirty cop, who pursues the cyclist throughout the city.

The film is about a man (played by Jens Jørn Spottag) who is involved in a series of trouble and sinking deeper every time he tried to cover up the previous problem.

Po ilgos pertraukos sūnus nutaria aplankyti tėvą gyvenantį atokioje saloje, kad atkurtų santikį. Susitikimas nevyksta taip sklandžiai kaip norėtųsi.

Tokyo, Japan, 1989. Lucy Fly, a foreigner who works as a translator, begins a passionate relationship with Teiji, a mysterious man obsessed with photography.

Adaptuota iš „Marvel“ legendinio komiksų herojaus - žinomo kaip bebaimis žmogus. Advokatas Mattas Murdockas dėl radioaktyviųjų liekanų yra aklas, tačiau kiti jo keturi pojūčiai yra ypač aistringi. Dieną Murdockas atstovauja prispaustiesiems. Naktį tai „Daredevil“ - kaukėtas budrumas, einantis tamsiomis miesto gatvelėmis, negailestingas keršto teisingumui.