Høsten 1941. 43 unge tyske sjøfolk om bord i den tyske ubåten U-96 legger ut i krigen mot England under ledelse av en krigserfaren kaptein på bare 30 år. I årene som kommer vil de både være blodtørstige jegere, som uten varsel kan gjøre det av med tusener av sjøfolk - men også et redselslagent bytte, fanget i en kiste av stål dypt under havets overflate. Ingen film har noensinne fanget krigens spenning og redsel med en slik styrke. Ubåten er nominert til ikke mindre enn seks Oscar, blant annet 'Beste film', og i denne versjonen kan man nyte det tekniske og fortellermessige mesterverket som den er.

In candid conversations with actor Jonah Hill, leading psychiatrist Phil Stutz explores his early life experiences and unique, visual model of therapy.

Werner Herzog's documentary film about the "Grizzly Man" Timothy Treadwell and what the thirteen summers in a National Park in Alaska were like in one man's attempt to protect the grizzly bears. The film is full of unique images and a look into the spirit of a man who sacrificed himself for nature.

In suburban Buenos Aires, thirty unemployed ceramics workers walk into their idle factory, roll out sleeping mats and refuse to leave. All they want is to re-start the silent machines. But this simple act - the take - has the power to turn the globalization debate on its head. Armed only with slingshots and an abiding faith in shop-floor democracy, the workers face off against the bosses, bankers and a whole system that sees their beloved factories as nothing more than scrap metal for sale.

An aging, booze-addled father takes a trip from Montana to Nebraska with his estranged son in order to claim what he believes to be a million-dollar sweepstakes prize.

Etter å ha ledet et bankran som gikk galt, må en mann få sin mentalt tilbakestående lillebror ut av fengselet samtidig som han må unngå å bli tatt selv.

Investigative journalist, Jeremy Scahill is pulled into an unexpected journey as he chases down the hidden truth behind America's expanding covert wars, and examines how the US government has responded to international terrorist threats in ways that seem to go against the established laws of the land.

Hver gang du bruker Internett til å bestille en flybillett eller oppdatere programvare setter du en liten hake i en boks som et tegn på at du går med på tjenesteyterens betingelser. Selv om dette er noe de fleste av oss gjør på en ukentlig eller månedlig basis, er det ytterst få av oss som noensinne har lest disse avtalene. I den tankevekkende dokumentarfilmen TERMS AND CONDITIONS MAY APPLY møter vi en rekke kloke mennesker som har lest disse avtalene, og som er svært bekymret over at vi som samfunn tar såpass lett på det å frasi oss retten til vårt eget privatliv.

Sutter Keely er en selvopptatt festløve som elsker jobben sin i en klesbutikk. Sutter lever i nuet og har ikke noen fremtidsplaner, men alt forandres når kjæresten dumper ham. Sutter drikker seg full og våkner på en gressmatte hvor han får øye på den pliktoppfyllende jenta Aimee. Til tross for at de er så ulike dras de mot hverandre på en spesiell måte.

A nine-year-old boy’s preening obsession with straightening his hair elicits a tidal wave of homophobic panic in his hard-working mother, in this tender but clear-eyed coming-of-age tale.

British soldiers guarding the Kajaki Dam set out to rescue a three-man team after one of them loses a leg to a landmine.

An aging cop is assigned the ordinary task of escorting a fast-talking witness from police custody to a courthouse, but they find themselves running the gauntlet as other forces try to prevent them from getting there.

Shot at a sold-out show in London's famed Brixton Academy, Steel Panther brings back the '80s in full force with a blistering set of their greatest hits. This DVD also includes a hysterical behind the scenes documentary; total running time is over two hours. The British Invasion tracklisting: 'Eyes Of A Panther' 'Eatin' Ain't Cheatin' 'Fat Girl' Hair Solo 'Party All Day' 'Hell's On Fire' 'Stripper Girl' Guitar Solo 'Asian Hooker' 'Turn Out The Lights' 'Girl From Oklahoma' 'We Want Pussy' 'Community Property' 'The Shocker' 'Death To All But Metal'

Forrådt av sin egen art har den beryktede Riddick blitt etterlatt for å dø på en tilsynelatende øde planet. Men det går ikke lang tid før han kjemper for livet mot utenomjordiske skapninger som er mer dødelige enn de menneskelige truslene han tidligere har møtt. Hans eneste måte å komme seg av planeten er å tilkalle dusørjegere som ønsker å cashe inn pengene som er lovet for hodet hans. Altfor sent forstår de at Riddick bruker dem som brikker i sitt eget spill om hevn. Hans overliggende plan er nemlig å returnere til sin hjemplanet Furya og å redde den fra ødeleggelse.

The story of Steve Jobs' ascension from college dropout into one of the most revered creative entrepreneurs of the 20th century.

Shy, sensitive April is the class virgin, torn between an illicit flirtation with her soccer coach Mr. B and an unrequited crush on sweet stoner Teddy. Emily, meanwhile, offers sexual favors to every boy to cross her path — including both Teddy and his best friend Fred, a live wire without filters or boundaries. As one high school party bleeds into the next — and April and Teddy struggle to admit their mutual affection — Fred's escalating recklessness starts to spiral into chaos.

A documentary based on the honor, courage and commitment of Navy SEAL LT Michael P. Murphy, who gave his life for his men in 2005 and was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor in 2007.

A documentary about conspiracy theories takes a horrific turn after the filmmakers uncover an ancient and dangerous secret society.

A reclusive, blind photojournalist lives quietly in a New York penthouse with her boyfriend, until a smooth but sadistic criminal looking for a hidden fortune enters her life.

Nubi, a wealthy man with Communist ties, sets out to find his half-brother Gamal, who has been disowned for being gay, to let him inherit his father's fortune. In the process, Nubi is supposed to kill Gamal's stepmother Raifa, a suspected drug dealer, before she can kill his half-brother.