Po povratku iz Drugoga svjetskog rata, Michael Corleone ima dvije stvari na umu: želi se odmoriti od ratnih strahota i nipošto ne želi ući u obiteljski posao, što, naravno, nije po volji njegovom ocu, mafijaškom donu Vitu Corleoneu. Don Vito je dobar i obziran prema onima koji ga poštuju, ali nasilan i nemilosrdan kada se nešto ispriječi blagostanju njegove obitelji. Smatrajući kako se stari kodeksi časti trebaju nastaviti poštovati i slijediti kao najbolje upute uspješnog poslovanja, don Vito se sukobljava s rivalima koji planiraju započeti unosan posao raspačavanja droge.

Drugi dio najslavnije mafijaške sage svih vremena paralelno pripovijeda dvije radnje, u dva različita prostorno-vremenska sklopa. Jedna se odvija 1958. godine, kada Don Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) nastavlja voditi obiteljsko carstvo, koje želi proširiti kako na nova polja ljudskog djelovanja, tako i na druge lokacije, uključujući Las Vegas, Hollywood i Kubu. Uz razne poslovno-političke probleme, Michael mora rješavati i situaciju unutar obitelji, pogotovo kod svoje sestre Connie (Talia Shire), koja se vrlo brzo nakon razvoda planira ponovno vjenčati, za čovjeka koji se Michaelu nimalo ne dopada.

Dok se građanski rat zakuhtava između Unije i Konfederacije, trojica muškaraca – tihi samotnjak, nemilosrdni plaćeni ubojica i meksički bandit – pročešljavaju američki Jugozapad u potrazi za ukradenim zlatom u vrijednosti $200 000.

Istinita priča o Henryju Hillu, napola irskom, napola sicilijanskom klincu iz Brooklyna kojeg gangsteri iz kvarta usvajaju u ranoj dobi i penje se u redove mafijaške obitelji pod vodstvom Jimmyja Conwaya.

U bezimenom gradu, dva detektiva pokušavaju pronaći sadističkog serijskog ubojicu, koji svoje žrtve bira na temelju sedam smrtnih grijeha. David Mills je detektiv novak, pun nade ali naivan, a njegov partner je William Somerset. Zajedno, oni prolaze svaki ubojičin korak, svjedočeći hororu kojeg iza sebe ostavlja, ubijajući svoje žrtve. A sve to vodi k stravičnoj sudbini koju nitko neće moći predvidjeti.

After a fateful encounter in the summer of 1966, the lives of two brothers from a middle-class Roman family take different directions, intersecting with some of the most significant events of postwar Italian history in the following decades.

Vijest da je u svom raskošnom dvorcu Xanadu na Floridi umro glasoviti tajkun Charles Foster Kane izuzetno uzburka američku javnost i medije. Doznavši da je pokojnik umro osamljen te da su mu posljednje riječi bile "ružin pupoljak", gospodin Rawlston, urednik jednih njujorških novina, na mjesto događaja smjesta pošalje skupinu svojih novinara sa zadatkom da doznaju što više pikantnih detalja o Kaneovu životu. Među njima je i Jerry Thompson, reporter koji odluči razgovarati s najbližim prijateljima i suradnicima čovjeka kojeg neki mediji posmrtno proglašavaju komunistom pa i fašistom. Thompson odluči razgovarati s Kaneovim menadžerom Bernsteinom, drugom suprugom Susan Alexander, s Kaneovim skrbnikom i bankarom Walterom Parksom Thatcherom, s najboljim prijateljem i kolegom Jedediahom Lelandom te postupno slaže sliku o pokojniku. A Kane je bio sve samo ne jednostavan čovjek...

Skupina nezadovoljnih mladih Škota okreću se heroinu u pokušaju da izbjegnu banalnu svakodnevicu. Tad počinju patiti od posljedica i otkriju da nema jednostavnih rješenja za iskonsku samoću i životnu bol.

The film is about an unemployed banker, Henri Verdoux, and his sociopathic methods of attaining income. While being both loyal and competent in his work, Verdoux has been laid-off. To make money for his wife and child, he marries wealthy widows and then murders them. His crime spree eventually works against him when two particular widows break his normal routine.

A renowned New York playwright is enticed to California to write for the movies and discovers the hellish truth of Hollywood.

Francesco Totti retraces his entire life while watching it on the silver screen together with the audience. Images and emotions flow among key moments of his career, scenes from his personal life and memories he has never shared before.

Lady Bird McPherson, a strong willed, deeply opinionated, artistic 17 year old comes of age in Sacramento. Her relationship with her mother and her upbringing are questioned and tested as she plans to head off to college.

The relationships between a veteran marshal, his bride-to-be, a rookie and his fiancée are severely tested when the young carabiniere is temporarily sent to a distant town.

Jacques Tati plays a French postman adamant to prove he can be just as fast as American postmen at delivering mail.

November 14, 1951, the left bank of the Po river a few hundred meters from the Padua-Bologna railway bridge breaks. The tide invades the Polesine's lands in a few minutes, one of the poorest regions in Italy at the time. Thousands people, men, women and children flee while the water remains stagnant for months between the houses and the countryside. Today, 70 years later, the children of that time remember those months immortalized by the films perfectly preserved in the Istituto Luce's archives.

Tajanstvena svemirska letjelica snima ruske i američke svemirske kapsule i dovodi dvije supersile na rub rata. James Bond istražuje slučaj u Japanu i suočava se sa svojim neprijateljem Blofeldom.

In an accident the young mechanic Marco Coccia meets Cristiana. The two fall in love with one another. Cristiana confesses only later that she is a genuine princess. For Marco it is not a problem, but for Cristiana's parents it is a very big problem. The two must separate. When one evening Cristiana calls Marco and lets him know about her forthcoming wedding, Marco with the car races toward Paris and has an accident...

A multi-layered, touching comedy about a group of friends whose relationships - in the face of life adversities - are exposed to more than one test. Filip risks his face and career for the whim of a crazy collector of Jadźka buttons. The sedate professor refuses his friend's indecent request, but he secretly kidnaps himself in a virtually reckless way. Meanwhile, a close-knit group of friends go to the mountains every year. There they discover a mystery that will change their lives forever. What will they choose? Loyalty or money? Friendship or love? Truth or lie? Own or other luck? Every choice for the heroes of the comedy "Just friendship" means trouble. Who will help them? We know: friends. Because friendship, like no other investment, always pays off.

In the Po Valley during the 19th century, a rich girl engaged to a well-to-do farmer ends up penniless and is forced to work for her fiancé’s relatives. Peasant unrest, carried to extremes by both workers and landowners, leads to violence and tragedy.

Story of a small boy is forced to move out of Prague during World War 2 to a small village of Slavonice where he meets the rest of his family. He needs to make new friends and get used to a new life which is immensely different from what this city boy was used to.